

This is the biggest ISP in Pakistan and a subsidiary to Pakistan Telecommunications Co, similar to what TCI is for Iran. Although I don't know if this entity is related to PakNet, PkNic administers the shared registry for PK domains. Their website is located at ( Australia IP)

All subnets in this range are assigned to GemNet. However, some subnets are assigned routes to certain entities which I indicate below:

Subnets 128-136 (GemNet Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 128: 1,14,15,17,23,31,32,35,37-40,42-44,46-48,51-53,55-60,65,71-77,86-120,122-127,135,136,205-207,210,212-215,226,245,249
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 129 & 130.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 131: 1,6,8,9,10,14,16,18-23,25,28-30,35,39,40,43,46,47,49-52,55-58,60,61,63,64,66,70,71,74-76,78-80,82,86,88,90-93,95,97,99
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 132: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 133: 1,3,5,6,46,61,101,105,119,130,155,198,202,203,206,208,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 134: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 135: 1,18,19,21,22
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 136: 1,57,65,68,71,75,89,92,94,100,103,106,111,113,115,117,119,121,122,164,201,215

Subnets 137 & 138 (GemNet Education Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 137: 206
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 138.

Subnet 139 (GemNet Net-2000 Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 140 (ITI Lahore DanCom Gujrranwala Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 141 (GemNet Education Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,6-8,10,12,142,148,156-158,164,166-168,243

Subnet 142 (ITI Karachi CIS link for Caltex Oil):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 253

Subnet 143 (ITI Rawalpindi Netzone Peshawar Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-9,12,24,76,80,86,90,95,96,99,101,109,112,115,116,118,138,143,147,149,158,163,167,172,175,178,183,186,192,194,196,199,202,203,210,215,216,227,229,232,233,236,238

Subnet 144 (ITI Rawalpindi SAMW Karachi Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 145 (ITI Rawapindi Dancom Karachi Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3-7,13,55,58,59,6,70,150,156,176,201,206,210-212

Subnet 146 (ITI Karachi GemNet Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,10,22

Subnets 147 & 148 (ITI Karachi WebNet Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 147 & 148.

Subnet 149 (ITI Karachi Pakistan Navy Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,10,98,127,209-212,216-218,222,223,248-254.

Subnet 150 (ITI Karachi NED Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,9,233,253,254

Subnet 151 (GenNet Internet Services):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,6,12,31,32,34,39-41,43,47-51,55-57,59-61,63,69,70,72-81,83,87,120,121,123-125,127-129,136,137,143

Subnet 152 (ITI Karachi SZABIST Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,10,22,27,39,54,55,59,73,85,91,108,114,122,166,167,179,180,203,206,207,209,220,234,236,238,241,245,247,249,250,252

Subnet 153 (ITI Karachi Gemnet Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,8,9,11,13,15,18,20,21,23,28,29,145

Subnets 154 & 155 (Gujranwala Online):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 154: 1,2,4-8,11,140,141,144,146,148,150,152-155,157,159-164,166-168,170-172,174,175,177-179,184,185,187,190,192,193,196-198,203,208,210,212,213,218,222,223,227,228,230,232,234-236,238,239,241,245,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 155: 3,141,149,160,167,184,200,205,211,213,220,229,245,249,251

Subnets 156-159 (GemNet Education Center):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 156-159.

Subnets 48-63 are all assigned to Habib Rafiq International DSL Operations in Lahore Pakistan. They are an ISP.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 48: 65,68,73,77,78,81,82,85,89,90,98,129,133,135,138,141,145,147,148,154,155,160,170,172-174,180,182,188,189,196,199,200,206-208,221,223,226,231,232,234-236,240,241,252,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 49: 1,21,121,122,129,132,133,135,145,146,153,156,162-164,185-188,201,202,241
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 50: 1,2,4,9-16,19,22-24,26,28-30,33,35-38,46,50,52,53,65,68,69,72,76-78,81,82,85,86,89,90,93,94,130,132,136,144,149,153,157-159,162-164,166,168,169,172,174,176,179,181,186,190,192,195-197,200,203,205,207,208,210,212,213,215,217-220,224,225,231-233,239,240,248,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 51: 17,18,22,33,35,41,45,46,49-61,81,83,101,102,114,169,189,201,203,209,215,217,222
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 52: 1,5-9,11,17,27-29,42,45,49,55,57,73,74,90,91,97,104,106,109,112,114,116,117,121,128,141,149,154,168-170,181,189,190,193,197,200-203,205-207,209,210,214,215,217,218,233,234,246,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 53: 1,5,6,49,51,53,54,57-59,97,101,102,113-116,129,130,132,133,154,156,177,179,182,186,192,194,197,200-203,205,206,209-211,215,216,219,220,223,224
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 54.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 55: 9-11,14,17-19,41,89,153,154,158,185,186,233,235
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 56: 1,225,226
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 57: 49-51,57,60,69,134,145,146,149
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 58: 1,3,5,6,8-11,13,14,17,33,41,,43,44,49,52,53,63,68,69,71,88-92,97,100,102,103,108,110,113,116,117,119,128,141,146,148,149,154,160-162,165,168,169,178-180,182,203-206,209,210,220,222,227,232,235,236,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 59: 1,3,4,7,29,30,41,42,65-68,77,78,89-91,101,114,153,157,201,202,205,206,209-212,217,221,222,249,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 60: 1,2,17,18,25,29,41-46,50-52,54,62,73,74,81,82,89,105,107,113,121,157,158,169,170,177,183,217,225
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 61: 49,57,59,65-70,73,85,86,121,129,130,136,150,152,161,189,208,209,211,225,249,250,253

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 62: 1,4-10,12-24,26,28,29,31,33,35,36,40-42,47-50,52,53,61,78-80,84,86,87,89,93-96,100,102,103,105,107-109,113,115,116,119,121-123,126,128,129,132,135,171,172,178,182,183,188,195,196,199,214,218,230,231,236,238,239,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 63: 1,4-10,14,18,20,24,26,29-35,37,40-42,45,47,48,81,83,86,87,90,94,97,100-102,109,110,175,179,182

Subnet 80-95 are all assigned to KASB Technology Services ISP.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 80: 13,24,30,33,36,38,50-52,63,65,66,80,99,100,113,114,116,117,245
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 81: 8
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 82: 20,22-24,28,31,68,71,98,99
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 83-85.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 86: 2,15,18,21,37
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 87 & 88.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 89: 17
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 90: 1,2,4,6,7,15
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 91.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 92: 1,15-17,19,22-25,31,33,39
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 93-95.

Subnets 144-159 are all assigned to MaskCom ISP.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 144: 16,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 145: 1,9,12,16,29,35,36,40,42,45,48,51,52,56,59,60,62,63,65,69,70,241
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 146: 1,6,14,24,26,27,32,37,46,52,63,67,79,86,95,102,109,111,114,121,122,124,128,131,136,140-142,144,150,151,154,162,164,165,168-170,175,180,186,241,243,244,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 147: 1,5,6,12,14,15,17,21,24-29,33,34,38-40,42,43,45,49,50,53,54,73,74,114,149,152,153,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 148: 32,33,39
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 149: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 150: 1-4,7,10,11,15,25-27
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 151-153.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 154: 1,2
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 155-159.

Subnets 128-142 (Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 128: 1,4,9,10,28-31,125,153,160-163,166,181,191,193,203-205,221,232-236
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 129: 25-27,33-35,37,42,45,46,65-67,73,75,77,78,80,82,87,88,90,91,97,112,116,121,123,127,139,141,142,152-163,165,168-223,232-245,247-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 130: 16-23,48-74,79,81,90,93,94,97,98,105,107,109,110,120,121,123,124,127-129,131-133,135-139,160,161,163,167-169,171-185,191-211,216-223,228-231,236-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 131: 4-23,28-57,59-89,91-95,104-131,138,144-161,163-177,179-215,220-235,248-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 132: 40-43,45-47,57,72-74,79,89-92,136-143,145,147,152-155,159-182,184-192,216,253,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 133: 177-183,192-194,196,199,216,217,222,223,225,226,231,241,244-246,250-252,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 134: 8-71,76-87,92-99,108-111,120,121,123-135,140-155,157,160,161,163-167,169,170,172-175,180-191,196-213,215-219,224-237,239-251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 135: 1-3,7-10,14,18,19,21-25,27-30,32,39,41-47,57,153,200,244,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 136: 27,29,51,61,65-73,75,82,86,90,97,112-119,121,125,127,136-138,140,141,143,152-156,159,161,193
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 137: 135,136
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 138: 1,4,7,8,9,120,124-127,140,153,160,163,166,191,201,202,226-228,233,234,239
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 139: 1-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 140: 1,15,64-68,70-72,74-78,80-82,90-92,94,95,97,105,137,138,140,141,209-212,216-219,221,22
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 141: 1-4,6,8,9,11,12,17,20,21,26,33-35,41,43-45,50,55,65,66,68,69,73,81,88,89,90,99,104,112-114,119,120,123,127,145-148,150-152,154,157,158,162,164-169,173,174,176,177,186,188,191,195-199,201-204,208,210-212,215,217,218,224-227,229,230,241,242,248,249,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 142: 96,97,107,111-113,115,117,119,122,125,127,133,138,141,172,213,236,238,246,250,253

Subnet 143 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to BCS; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Pakistan Telecommunications Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Punjab Univ Old Campus in Lahore):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,11,12,14,29,33,34,78,108,113-118,120,121,125-129,159-162,167,176,177,185,191

Subnet 144 (Punjab Univ Old Campus in Lahore):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1

Subnet 145 (Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,5,8,9,136,137,139,143,145-149,156-158,193,195,198,201,202,208-210,217,218,224-226,230,231

Subnet 146 (Hosts 0-143 are assigned to NagPakistan F-65 Defense Chowk???; hosts 144-255 are assigned to Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5-8,10,15-18,20-26,29-34,37-42,45-50,53-58,61-66,69-71,88,89,90,93-98,101-103,112,114,119-122,125-127,136-138,141-143,161,162,165,166,168-171,173-175,184,185,189-195,199,200,202,207-211,213-218,220-223,236-245,247-254

Subnets 147-149 (Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 147: 32-63,68-73,75-107,136-171,176-191,193-203,231
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 148: 1,4,6,8,160,165-171,175,180,185,186,189-191,201,202,204-206,208,210,211,220,222-225,230
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 149: 1-254.

Subnet 150 (Ufone, a cellular co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 254

Subnet 151 (Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64-67,71,72,76,77,79-83,87-89,92,95-97,100,103,108-112,114-123,129,130,137,150,179,189

Subnet 152 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to TouchStone; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 158,162,164-167,177-179,181,185,193,195-198,200,201,208-210,212,225,226,230,236,237,239,246,249-254

Subnet 153 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Net-21; hosts 64-79 are assigned to DGCC; hosts 80-87 are assigned to CircleOne; hosts 88-95 are assigned to GM Computer Zero Point; hosts 96-127 are assigned to GMNSS Main Operation Center PTCL Complex; hosts 128-159 are assigned to NSSPTCL Main Operation Center PTCL Complex; hosts 160-191 are assigned to NDC; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Pakistan Telecommunications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,7,11,13-17,31-35,40,47-51,53,63,80-82,87,89,90-92,94,97,128,129,159,197,198,200,205-209,214-216,222,223,225,232-234,237,239,241,242

Subnet 154 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to WiseComm; hosts 8-15 are assigned to CitiTel; hosts 16-31 are assigned to GMITI TF Complex; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Pakistan Telelcommunications; hosts 64-127 are assigned to LMKR; hosts 128-255 are assigned to MicroNet):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,75,81,91,95,109,110,112,118-120

Subnet 155 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to NDC; hosts 8-255 are assigned to Pakistan Telecommunications):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 8-13,15-17,20,23,36-39,44-47,56-103,108-145,147-149,151,156-161,163-165,167,172,173,175,184-193,195-203,210,212-215,220-254

Subnet 156 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to TouchStone; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Fusion Telecom; hosts 128-191 are assigned to MicroNet; hosts 192-255 are assigned to TouchStone): Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64,65,95,193,249,250

Subnet 157 (MicroNet): Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 158 & 159 (Pakistan Telecommunications):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 158: 1-3,5,25,26,40,42,44,45,47,65,73-75,81,83,86,97-99,112,115,117,119,249-252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 159: 1-15,28-31,40-51,56-59,64-67,72-75,84-87,104,105,107-111,148-151,156-171,212-214,216-235

Subnets 32-47 are assigned to Crestar International ISP. Subnets 45 & 46 might be affiliated with Hamdard Univ in Karachi.

Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 32-36.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 37: 2,3,5,7,9,14
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 38-43.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 44: 1,4-6,8,20,51,155,156,159,189
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 45: 201-203,233,234,246,247,252,254
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 46:
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 47: 1-4,6,7,10,13,143

Subnets 64-79 are all assigned to SatTech (Private) ISP.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 64: 1-4,6,7,9-11,14,18,20,24,25,28,32,33,41,43,47-50,52,62-81,83,84,86,87,89,91,93,95-97,111-113,115,121,124-128,130
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 65: 7,26,32,33,67,70,111,126,133,167,173,196,203,207,219,228,232
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 66: 77,90,94,98
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 67: 5,7,22,23,27,34-36,40,41,46,47,49,50,53,57,60,62,63,73,88,104,139,158,170,171,184,202,212,220,242
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 68: 1-11,17-19,21,73,74,85,86,131,135,144,158,178,188,197,200,203,207,210,226,230,237,242,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 69: 64,65,71,73-75,81,83,129,130,217,219,221
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 70-78.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 79: 1,21,24,34,43,45,52,60,71,75,78,86,92,101,107,116,129,138,144,148,172,193,215,226

Subnets 224-255 are all assigned to Apollo Telecom.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 224: 2,10,102-108,110,193,198
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 225 & 226.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 227: 1,5,7,10,11,101,200
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 228-231.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 232: 1,4,5,12,97,98,105-107
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 233: 1-9,11,164
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 234: 192,194,200,232-235,250,252-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 235: 21,25,27,29,31,57,64,76,78,89,91,95,106,111,113-115,118-120,123,126,132,150,151,157,160,162,167,171-173,175-177,179,181,184,186,188,189,202,209,216
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 236.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 237: 88-90,95-107,128,129,131-133,137,147,148,150
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 238: 2,3,5,7,8,10,12,13,43,54,68,74,77,88,99,110,197,199
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 239: 1,2,5,9,34,37,49,52,59,73,82,83
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 240: 1,3,5,8,9,11,13,20,27,31-35,39,44,50,56,57,59,63,241,242,249
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 241.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 242: 1,2,10
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 243: 2,4,8,11,13,16,18,22-24,30,31,33,34,37,38,47,48,52,55,56,59,65,66,70-72,74,76,78,92,95,97,99,100,106,109,112,113,119,122,125,126,131,132,134
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 244: 1,9,96,97,101,103-106,111
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 245: 7,11,31,46,52,56,65,68,72,74,75,82,87,96,98-100,104,111,120,141,147,159,161,165,178,187,188,198,203,212,224,228,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 246: 9,43,48,53,60,74,96,98,115,126,134,154,161,163-165,174,183,188,189,191,193,194,213,217,224,227,230,232,233,243,244,246,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 247: 1,52,55,56,77,78,90,91,96,101-103,152
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 248: 50,55,80,83,85,94,96,103,108,114
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 249: 1,5-10,17,30,206,225,227
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 250: 49,53,57,60,64,65,69,71,81,82,86,88,89,100,102,104,106,193-196,198,200,202,210,233,234,237,244-253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 251: 1,2,5,6,22,23,36,40,43,50,70,73,74,89,97,107,110-112,117,119,129,136,143,144,147,153,156,161,172,193-196,198,203,205,206,209,210,212,218,220,224,226,228,229
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 252: 2,3,9,11,13,15,17-20,22,25,27-31,34,36-44,46-50,52-55,57,60,62,66-68,70,71,73,75,82,83,85-88,91,92,94,98,100,104,106,109,110,115,119,121,125,128,130,131,133,135-138,141-146,148,151-153,155-159,162-164,166,169,171,172,175-177,180-183,186-189,192,194,195,200,205-207,209,212,220-222,225,226,229,231,233,235,236,238,239,242-245,248,251,253,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 253: 6-8,10-14,18,21-23,25,28,29,34,40-42,45,47,53,59,60,63,68,70-73,75,76,80,81,83,85,87,88,91,96,101-104,106,108-110,112,113,116,119-121,123,124,136-138,140,148,150,153,155,158,159,163,165-167,169,170,173,176,177,191,193,198,202,205-207,210,211,215,220,222-225,228,233-235,237,239,242,246,249-252,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 254: 4,11,12,14,30,34,35,95,125,136,153,174,200,201,235,246
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 255: 1-4,7-9,12,14,20,23-25,30,35,37,38,43,45,70,79,95,117,143,146,151,153,160,174,175,177,186,187,189,201-203,210

Subnets 160-175 are all assigned to Habib Rafiq International ISP/DSL Operator. However subnet 168 is listed as Habib Rafiq International Pvt. LTD routed on Flag Link Karachi.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 160: 6,12,14,31,35,39,41,46,50,51,54,69,79,89,91,118,123,129,130,132-134,139,147,148,151,153,156,166-168,173,176,181,182,185,188,190,225,226,233,236,237,238,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 161: 95-97,129,145,161,162,194-199,210,211,213,216,218-220,222,223,249,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 162: 33,57,59,73,74,77,85,86,97,113,129,139,141,145,148,150-154,158,187,189,241,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 163: 1,5,12,33
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 164.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 165: 129,135,145,146,149-151,154,155,158,160,164,165,167,169,181,182,184,185,190,192,196,209,220,225,226,228
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 166: 14,16,18,22,25,26,35,42,43,51,55,56,62,63,65,68,73,87,90,100,105,115,121,124,163,164,167,171,173,174,178,180,182,186,188-193,195-197,200,203,205,210,211,213,219,222,230,233,239,244-248,251-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 167: 1,104-108,111,112,114,115,125,126,128-132,135,136,140,142,146,149,151,153,157,161,163-166,172,173,175,176,178-181,184-186,190,192-196,200-202,204,207,209,212-214,216,221,227,230,236,239,242,245,246,248,249,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 168: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 169: 21,40,44,54,57,59,61,66,76,89,94,97,112,128,133,135,143,172,175,184,192,194,210,217,222,226,229,231
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 170 & 171.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 172: 1,3,4,7-10,12-14,20,27,30,33,35,37,39,40,42,44,46,47,49,52,57,61,64,69,71,73,75,76,79-81,84,86,90,91,95,102,104,108,110,115,117,118,120,121,124,126,129-131,133,135,137,138,141,143-145,151,156,163,167,168,173,175,179-182,184,191,192,201,202,204,206-208,211,216,219,224,227,231,235,237,240,242,245,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 173: 1,4,10,12-14
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 174: 1,4,5,8,9,14,20,21,23-25,27,28,30,31,34,35,40,41,45,46,48,50,81,84-88,90-92,94-98,114,119,122,134,139,249,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 175: 1,4-6,8,9,14,20-28,30,32,33,35,37,41-45,47,49,81,88,93,101-105,110,115,117,122,124,125,128-130

Subnets 128 & 129 (ExcelNet Cyber House ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 128: 1,4,5,7,8,11,13-15
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 129: 1,8,13-15,25

Subnet 130 (DanComm Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 131 (Pakistan Telecommunications Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 132-135 (ExcelNet):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 132.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 133: 65,66,70,96,97,111,113,114,128-130,132,164,168,171,172,179,187
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 134.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 135: 1,2,4-7,19,60,85,135,136,194,197,214,215,228,231,236,249

Subnet 136 (MBL Future Connect):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 137 (Pakistan Telecommunications Future Connect):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,11-14,19,20,23,27,28,32,40,44-46,48,55,59-61,65-70,81,105,109,110,121,160,161,167,177,178,194,196,204,209,210,221,222,225,226,241,242,249,250,253,254

Subnets 138 & 139 (Pakistan Telecommunications):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 138 & 139.

Subnet 140 (ExcelNet):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 141 & 142 (Lahore WorldTel Mecca Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 141 & 142

Subnets 143-145 (Karachi WorldTel Mecca Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 143.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 144: 1-7
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 145: 2,37,46,51,57,64,67,72,73,78,80,81,86,89,92,94,96,98,114,116,123,127,129,135,149,153,155,159,161,166,168,172,174,176,179-181,189,198,201,202,204

Subnets 146-148 (ExcelNet):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 146: 1,17,19,29,31,36,38,53,55,59,61,66,70,71,77,79,80,87,90,97,101,102,104-106,108,110,114,115,117,120,122,126,128,135,138,139,143,148-150,152,156,159,160,167,171,179,186,188,189,199,205,206,209-211,213,218,219,224,225,236,245,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 147: 2,5,6,8,10-12,14,18,24,25,33,35-37,40,43,45,50,56,58-60,63-65,70,72,79,81,87,88,91,93,99,100,102,107,110,114,117,124,127,128,133,144-147,151,152,157,158,160,162,164,165,167-171,178,182,189-192,194,196-198,200,205,209,213,217,219,222,238,239,246,247,251,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 148: 1,33,47

Subnet 149 (Lahore POL Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,8,10,15,33,34,39

Subnet 150 (ExcelNet):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 151 (Pakistan Telecommunications Future Connect):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 152 (Pakistan Telecommunications):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 153 (Dancom Route):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 154 & 155 (MBL/Pakistan Telecommunications Future Connect):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 154: 1-7,9,11,63,112-115,127,183,204,231,237,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 155: 6-8,16,18,19,21,23,26,28,32,33,38,39,51,57,60,76,77,85,89,90,92,96,99,102,109,114,115,117,122,124-126,131,132,136,138,139,141,147,148,151,159,161,165,171,178,186,188,190,197,205,207,210,212,214,216,218,219,226,230,232,234,237,239,240,242,245,247,249-254

Subnet 156-158 (ExcelNet):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 156.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 157: 1,4,25,56,59,63,66,89,102,113,128,129
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 158.

Subnet 159 (Lahore POL Route):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 159: 1-3,5,7-9,12,14-16,22-24,30-32,38,39,48,51,53-56,59,62-65,94,126-130,134,191,200,206-209,211,214,215,225,231,254

Subnets 192-239 appear to be all assigned to WorldCall.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 192: 1,2,4,6-8,10-17,19,20,22,24,37-39,42-46,49,51,53,54,61,62,65,72,80,81,83,113,121,124
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 193: 33,44,65,77,80,81,95,99,102,103,107,108,111,115,119,120,123,129,131-133,139,140,148-151,159,166,169,170,191,192,195,205,206,210,212,214,217,222,228,230,231,233,236,238,241,245,248,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 194: 1,6,8,23,24,27,32,35,38,43,48,54,57,64,65,69,84,87,88,101,105,108,116,118,127,139,145,146,152,158,160,163,165,178,182,184,187,199,213,215,217,219,222,226,235,236,243,245
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 195: 18,23,24,26,28,47,58,63,65,72,76,77,86,87,92,99,107,111,114,116,121,122,143,168,185,200,212,220,232
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 196: 1,5,9,10,12,15,27,28,30,37-39,41,52,57,62,79,87,101,103,107,116,117,119,120,125,128,134,147,148,152,160,164,168,169,178,179,182,185,188,191,194,195,199,204,207,217,219-221,247
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subet 197: 1,2,7,11,18,27,28,43,44,54,55,58,67,68,79,90,99,107,119,151,164,173,176,178,181,182,188,191,192,200,206,210,214,216,217,219,220,222-223,227,234,237,238,241,248,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 198: 1,17,23,36,37,42,51,60,62,65-68,78,82,87,98,103,111,116,118,123,129,131,134-136,139,148,154,156,158,173,176,177,185,194,196,198,206,216,217,219,231,235,236,241,246
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 199: 1,13,20,25,35,38,52,68,82,84,105,108,109,112,115,120,132,141,151,174,180,183,187,202,222,225,232,233,237,248
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 200: 1,2,5,8,21,23,27,28,31,40,44,89,110,111,118,125,129,131,132,154,160,168,174,196,201,209-212,221,243,250,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 201: 1,7,12,18,22,41,42,51,55,61,64,66,68,78,81,90,94,97,100,106,111,117,121,122,127,130,136,139,144-146,149,153,156,161,165,173,187,194,201,212,224-226,228,230,232,235,238,253,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 202: 1,9,18,25,27,34,39,40,44,46,53,59,63,70,73,77,83,89,91,92,94,109,120,123,129,134,138,139,147,150,152,154,159,167,173,176,180,187,189,206,211,222,223,227,228,233,238,241,242,245,248,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 203: 1,3,5,8,14,17,21,25-27,30,31,35,50,57,65,69,78,91,97,100,104,107,111,112,117,138,145
Ping Sweep shows 1,3,5-7,10,11,18-21,25,26,31-33,39,41,42,49,63-68,70,71,74-78,81,82,90,91,94-97,100,116,126-129,143,160-165,167-172,174,175,196,197,199,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 205: 3,8,22,26,49,57,63,64,74,83,99,107,110,114,123,130,145,149,150,164,166,167,170,183,186,198,199
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 206: 14,29,42,47,52,89,94,96,100,106,107,113,115,116,121,127,142,143,145,166,170,171,175,189,211,212,215,223,224,227,228,240,245,251,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 207: 4,8,10,17,19,27,34,40,53,54,61,64,69,71,72,90,107,109,120-122,124,133,138,145,162,170,171,181,203,223,246,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 208: 1,4,13,19,22,32,37,38,58,59,63,68,82,83,86,89,96,100,108,110,114,119,138,143,144,151,160,162,170,182,190,191,196,202,203,205,211,215,217,220,234,236,242,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 209: 1,5,10,34,44,56,67,74,79,81,86,92,96,97,104,110,113,120,141,148,160,162,169,172,178,179,187,188,194,206,207,225,229,247
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 210.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 211: 1,4,23,30,36,65,93,159,162,175,193,194,200,215,225,227,229,231,239,242
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 212: 37,48,137,146,166,191,200,203,247
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 213: 2,9,13,27,40,73,75,85,87,94,99,103,104,107,128,131,135,138-140,142,146,148,163,165,170,179,180,188,202,210,218,223,234,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 214: 50,199
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 215: 10,12,30,32,40,42,50,108,115,116,118,123,129,133,146,153,232,241,242,244,246
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 216: 55,69,70,72,88,91,92,109,119,124,130,170,174,202,206,213,219,229,235,237
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 217: 1,11,27,30,35,53,59,61,79,87,100,135,143,148,162,168,170,179,180,185,186,189,197,199,201,203,228,229,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 218: 1,12,40,44,46,55,57,65,72,77,83,103,104,123,128,145,148,157,164,191,200,202,213,248,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 219: 1,24,27,32,40,52,55,65,93,95,102,104,106,133,142,156,165,176,189,197,203,205-207,211,214,219,224,237,247,250,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 220: 1-4,13,16,21,36,37,41,49,56,72,80,92,109,116,123,129,132,134,135,137,139,140,159,161,167,175,180-182,190,200,201,205,208,215,223,227,245,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 221: 1,2,9,13,45,52,53,57,71-73,83,96,98,102,106,113,114,123,136,139,142,147,148,152,176,177,184,191,208,210,215,225,229,238,239,245
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 222: 1,2,5,8,25,36,48,55,72,73,87,89,96,101,119,122,127,128,134,135,142,147,149,157,164,169,173-175,179,181,194,203,207,220,226,235,247,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 223: 1,4,11,24,29,33,35,38,47,64,75,87,88,91,99,103,110,114,139,157,172,173,176,184,196,184,196,198,204,207,210,221,232
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 224: 1,10,19,23,27,38,43,48,78,88,97,104,109,120,124,125,158,163,164,171,173,174,176,190,198,203,220,228,230
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 225: 1,136-138,143,169,193-195,209,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 226: 1,3,8,15,20,27,48,49,96,108,115,116,139,147,159,168,170,171,174,175,184,191,195,200,237,242,244,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 227: 1,9,13,16,34,36,38,60,65,67,81-83,87,88,91,96,105,106,114,115,126,135,147,148,169,173,184,221,223,232,234,237,249,251,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 228: 1,5,29,48,55,61,69,76,111,112,117,122,124,143,144,159,160,166,174,185,186,192,200-203,213,224,241,243
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 229.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 230: 33-35,81-84,86,87,97,100
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 231: 10,14,32,43,79,86,88,101,111,115,116,118,119,143,,153,164,169,182,186,205,223,227
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 232: 1,13,14,19,20,28,48,70,84,97,111,141,155,158,159,165,179,187,203,207,208,213,222,224,227
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 233: 1,33,56,64,70,114,134,161,189,240
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 234: 1,10,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 235: 21,27,49,59,65,66,72,76,84,98,99,106,113,145,154,174,212,229
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 236: 1,4,7,11,16,31,34,36,46,54,69,79,84,87,94,96,143,167,170,220
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 237: 28,47,50,53,54,57,75,77,89,122,125,137,143,208,209,228
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 238: 1,3,47,48,62,70,72,86,91,93,102,106,144,147,149,155,156,161,166,170,177,180,186,193,201,206,208,216,217,227,230,237,246
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 239: 1,4,12,15,47,55,62,67,86,87,98,102,119,165,172,177,196,207,220,224,229,242,253

Subnets 252-255 are all assigned to AcSys Value Added Services Division.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 252: 6,39,136,151,195,230
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 253 & 254.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 255: 1,2,15,32-35,64-66,224,225,228,234,239

Subnets 252-255 are all assigned to the National Institute of Electronics Research and Development (Perdnetnie).

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 252: 2,4-9,49,63,113
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 253-255.

Subnets 0-9 (PakNet Islamabad Route):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 0: 3,4,7-13,16,17,29,30,34,37,61,62,65-68,70,72,74,76,78,81-84,89,91,100,101,103,105,106,117,187,210,230,248
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 1: 114,118,228,229,232-235,238,240,242,245-249,252,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 2: 33,65,135,150,152,159,162,176,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 3: 35,52,77,83,85,119
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 4: 1,4-6,11,19,43,47,56,58,59,61,65,69,83,88-90,98,116,129,134,139,143,152,157,165,193,202,211,219,220,235
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 5: 1,2,4-6,46,65,71,94,98,118,164,172,180,183,198
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 6: 2,4-6,11-13,64-67,89,95,97-99,102,103,107-109,113,118,129,143,161-163,172,174,177,178,180,182,183,192-195,207,210,225,226,230,232,236-238,240-242
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 7.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 8: 56,129,132,135
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 9: 6,8,10,11,17,18,21-23,27,32,49-51,54,55,102,105-109,112,113,116,119-123,125,126,129,136,141,143


Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 10-63.

Subnets 10-12 (PakNet Peshawar Route):
Subnets 13 & 14 (PakNet Lahore Route):
Subnet 15 (Paknet Gujranwala Route):
Subnet 16 (Paknet Sialkot Route):
Subnets 17-19 (Paknet Lahore Route):
Subnets 20 & 21 (Paknet Multan Route):
Subnets 22 & 23 (Paknet Faisalabad Route):
Subnets 24 & 25 (Paknet Karachi Route):
Subnets 26 & 27 (Paknet Islamabad Route):
Subnets 28-31 (Paknet Karachi Route):
Subnet 32 (Paknet Lahore Route):
Subnet 33 (Paknet Faisalabad Route):
Subnet 34 (Paknet Quetta Route):
Subnet 35 (Paknet Faisalabad Route):
Subnet 36 (Paknet Gujranwala Route):
Subnet 37 (Paknet Multan Route):
Subnet 38 (Paknet Hyderabad Route):
Subnet 39 (Paknet Rawalpindi Route):
Subnet 40 (Paknet Islamabad Route):
Subnet 41 (Paknet):
Subnet 42 (Paknet Lahore Route):
Subnet 43 (Paknet Bahawalpur Route):
Subnet 44 (Paknet SAWAT Route):
Subnet 45 (Paknet Mardan Route):
Subnet 46 (Paknet Faisalabad Route):
Subnet 47 (Paknet Rahim Yar Khan Route):
Subnet 48 (Paknet Hyderabad Route):
Subnet 49 (Paknet Sahiwaal Route):
Subnet 50 (Paknet Sukkur/Larkana Route):
Subnet 51 (Paknet Khanewaal Route):
Subnet 52 (Paknet Peshawar Route):
Subnet 53 (Paknet Islamabad Route):
Subnet 54 (Paknet Sargodha Route):
Subnet 55 (Paknet Abbottabad Route):
Subnet 56 (Paknet Gujranwala Route):
Subnet 57 (Paknet Karachi Route):
Subnet 58 (Paknet Lahore Route):
Subnet 59 (Paknet Islamabad Route):
Subnet 60 (Paknet Peshawar Route):
Subnet 61 (Paknet Multan Route):
Subnets 62 & 63 (Paknet Islamabad Route):