Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI)

From about TCI:

"TCI is the national telecommunication service provider in Iran for all telephone related matters. It oversees a variety of supporting research and development divisions, the entire telecom infrastructure of the country, as well as other engineering and spectrum management activities. It is a division of the Ministry of Posts, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT), headed by Dr. Mohammad Reza Aref, with Dr. Mehdi Tabeshian serving as Deputy Minister for International Affairs. One of the oldest Iranian companies, it joined the International Telecommunications Union in 1869, three years after its formation."

And although somewhat dated, here is an interesting study of Iran's telecommunication structure done by the Open Research Network.

Main Web Sites- ( and (same as

Dr. Shariati Ave
Tehran, Iran
Telephone: +98-21-84803400,

This range has several different entities and may not be related to TCI, but I have added them under this address space since TCI is assigned part of it. All entities are in Iran. The odd thing is that reports subnets 0-87 of 80.191 belongs to a company called Datacommunications Company of Iran. Further research shows this is a subsidiary of TCI. In other records, subnets 8-11 belong to Alborz. Therefore, I will leave the Alborz reporting as is, but break up this range of IPs. I will report which entities own which subnets in the report below.

Subnet 0 (Assigned to the Ministry of Interior Affairs):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up:199,200,201,209,215

Subnet 1 (Assigned to the Iran Post Co):
Ping Sweep shows this host up: 1

Subnet 2 (Assigned to the Iran Telecommunication Research Center, ITR):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5,8-12,17,24,29,30,31,34-37

Subnets 3 & 4 (Assigned to Tarbiat Modares University):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 5 &6 (Assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 7 (hosts 0-127 are assigned to Exceptional Children; hosts 128-191 are assigned to the Shipping Computer Service Company; hosts 192-207 are assigned to the Iran Central Oil Fields Company Network; hosts 208-223 are assigned to the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran; hosts 224-255 are reserved for Datacommunications Company of Iran.):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128,129,134,144,195,208-212,214,218,221-223

Subnet 12 (Datacommunication Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 13 & 14 (Electronic CAD Group of Univ of Tehran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up in subnet 13: 1,10,11,39

Ping Sweep shows no hosts up in subnet 14.

Subnet 15 (Datacommunication Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,6,120,121,127

Subnet 16 (Rose System Company- Computer and IT):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 19,20,33,50-85,129,130,133,136,254

Subnet 17 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,7,8,10,11,13,15

Subnet 18 (hosts 0-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Industrial Training Pioneers Co (ITPC) R&D and IT):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,130

Subnets 19 & 20 (Bandar Imam's Petrochemical Company):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 19: 1,2

Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 20.

Subnet 21 (Iran Communications Ministry):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,28-30,36,249,254

Subnet 22 (Education Center of DP IRAN, Tehran. This is part of DP Iran which has other IP ranges.):
Ping Sweep shows these host up: 17,18,26,27,29,32,33,47,57,97,98,113,115,121,252-254

Subnet 23 (Information Center for Kids and Teenagers):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 33,37

Subnets 24(Datacommunication Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 24: 1,21,23,34-37,48

Subnet 25-27 (TCI/Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 28 & 29 (Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 28: 5,6,9,10,17-20,23,33,34,37,39,65-70,72,73,76,90,91,97-105,115,118,122,129-135,146,161,163,166,169,171,172,175,184,189,190,197,198,201,202,209,210,217,218,221,222,225,241,242,245,249,254

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 29: 1,2,5,9,69,99,116,127,154,189,209

Subnets 30 & 31 (Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 30: 1-4,25-28,30-32,37,48,52,53

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 31: 2,5

Subnet 32 (Atomic Energy Organization of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 33 (Iran Central Oil Fields Company Network):
Ping Sweep shows this host up: 65

Subnets 34-37 (Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 34: 10
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 35.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 36: 7,18,20,23,25,34,41,56,83,90,112,116,117,122,127,209
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 37: 253,254

Subnets 38 &39 (Sokhan- An ISP in Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 38: 1-5,30,80,127-129,132,133,135,140

Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 39.

Subnets 40-44 (TCI/DataCommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 40: 1,15
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 41.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 42.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 43: 1,2,131
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 44: 97,111,129-134

Subnet 45 (Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,15-17,19,58,200,203,204

***Subnet 46 is assigned to Alborz Computing Company. See their report.

Subnet 47 (AsreTelecom Telecom Services- Private Access Provider):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3-6,8,9,15

Subnet 48 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to the dentistry faculty of Azad Islamic University; hosts 32-255 are assigned to Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 27-29,95

Subnet 49 (Shahid Rajaee University):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-6,12,31,128-130,136

Subnets 50 & 51 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on either subnet.

Subnet 52 (Avesina- Academy of Medical Sciences, Tehran)
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4

Subnet 53 (Islamic Azad University):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2

Subnet 54 (Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,28,30,35

Subnet 55 (Forest-Net, Forest, Range and Watershed Organization):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 29,127

Subnet 56 (Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 57 (IKCO- Iran Khodro):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 11,141

Subnet 58 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Institute for Political and International Studies; hosts 128-159 are assigned to the Research Center for Gastric and Liver Diseases; hosts 160-255 are assigned to Datacommunications Company of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,120

Subnet 59 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Kiana Rayaneh Khazar Company (ISP); hosts 64-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 60 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Baridnet, Rayaneh Gostar Barid ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 61 (IKCO Iran Khodro):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1

Subnet 62 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 63 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Maliat-net, omoore maliati; hosts 32-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,64,65,95

Subnets 64 & 65 (IMONET- Industries and Mines Organization, Mostazafan and Janbazan Foundation):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 64: 1,3-6,10,12,14,17,19
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 65.

Subnet 66 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,7,9,12-14,17,20-22,39,52,109,199,250,251

Subnet 67 (School and Institute of Public Health, Univ of Medical Science Tehran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-15,32,33,35-39

Subnet 68 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to the Islamic Azad Univ Central Tehran Branch, Mis & Network Mgt Unit; hosts 128-255 are assigned to the Islamic Republic of Iranian Meteorologicall Org- IRIMO):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,6,7,12,40,50,52,72,127,130-133,135,136,142-144,146-150,180,190,202,203,253

Subnet 69 (Gov-Iran- Presidential Office, Computer Dept):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 70-72 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 70: 1,35,37,39,40
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 71 & 72.

Subnet 73 (Islamic Republic of Iran's Customs Administration):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 248,251,253,254

Subnet 74 (Sharif Univ of Technology Campus-Wide Network):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 75 (The Academic of ART Computer Dept.):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 76 (Eimenrah):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 77 (Faran Rayaneh Networking Company(FRNC), Member of Telavang Industrial Group):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,42-45

Subnets 78 &79 (Tamin-org, Social Security of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 78: 1,2,26,36,37,39,43,51-54,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 79: 20-22

Subnet 80 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Transportation and Terminals Organization Tehran; hosts 128-143 are assigned to F3 Organization of Electrical Development; hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5-7,12,13,15,16,18,22,26,37-39,124-126

Subnets 81 & 82 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 81: 1,2
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 82: 6,10,129,132

Subnet 83 (Mehr Informatic Co ISP and Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 84 & 85 (TAP, Network for TAP transaction of TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 84: 1,220
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 85.

Subnet 86 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to shilat-net, research in the field of aqua-sciences; hosts 32-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows this host up: 1

Subnet 87 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 88 (Jahan-Nama Network ISP and Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-8,10,12,13,15,16,20,103,109,130,140,149,166,224,226,253

Subnet 89 (Islamic DataBank, Parsa Co.):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 90 (Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-6,8,10,15,16

Subnet 91 (The Aalut Bayt IT Center, An Islamic Shi'a site affilited with the Office of Ayatullah al-Uzma):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5-7,9-11,14,20

Subnet 92 (RAFED, ISP and Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows this host up: 5

Subnet 93 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,8,93,105,106

Subnet 94 (Tarasheh Network, ISP & Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-8,63,82,105,146,165,201,203,206-209,223,225,227,244,245,247,253,254

Subnet 95 (Qabas Research and Educational Institute):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,63

Subnet 96 (Azad-Qom-Net, ISP and Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4

Subnet 97 (Jahan-Nama, ISP and Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 16,23,28,30,36,51,79,96,114,128,134,135,141,147,150,154,158,162,166,187,207,214,222,223,229,231,233,234,238

Subnets 98 & 99 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 98: 17,25,33,34,49,51,58,63,64,98,105,112,114,126,134,151,162,188,191,192,203,220
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 99: 40,53,57,76,81,86,90,102,105,108,110,119,122,131,132,157,163,169,177,179,203,213-217,227,233

Subnet 100 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 101 (Agricultural Biotechnology Research, Institute of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,10,13-17,20,126

Subnet 102 (Statistical & Informatics Center of Karaj IAU):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,10

Subnet 103 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,72,87,108,121,127-130,149,150,191

Subnet 104 (Islamic Azad Univ of Arak Networks):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,10,100,127

Subnet 105 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Rahamanesh Markazi, ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Arak Post Office; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Arak Gaz Co, ISP)
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 14,15,101-103,128,129,133,135,201,202,204,207

Subnet 106 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Arak Univ; hosts 64-255 are assigned to Arak Elmosanat Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,35,43,63,129,160,161,170,171,175,176,190-193,196,202,203,209,249

Subnet 107 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,66,127,129,130,250

Subnet 108 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to the Aminsem Company; hosts 128-191 are assigned to the Vosough Rayaneh Company ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Semnan Vocational and Technical Training):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-5,9,127,129,130,193

Subnet 109 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-7,9,153,154,62,63

Subnet 110 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to the Taavoni Javanan Company; hosts 16-255 are assigned to the Khorasan Telecom Co Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,64,65,67,74,75,79,129,130,137,138,141,160,161,175,192-195,197,204.205,211,217,218,223

Subnet 111 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to the Khorasan Petrochemical Co; hosts 32-255 are assigned to the Khorasan Telecom Co Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,65,66,68,73,81,96-98,127-129,134,202

Subnets 112 & 113 (The computer center of the Industrial Management Institute, South Branch):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 112: 1-5,9,20,35
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 113: 2,15,32-34,47,50,64-66,95-99,100,108,117,120,127,129,135,164,184,193,200,201,207,209,215,241-245,248,251,254

Subnet 114 (Shiraz Department of Sports):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 48,49,52,53,63

Subnet 115 (Shiraz Regional Library of Science and Technology, Network Management Unit):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 58,61,73,74,77,90,92,123,128,138,139,147,149,150,155

Subnet 116 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Stelco, the Shiraz Telecom Co.; hosts 128-255 are assigned to CallWithMe Corp):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 117 & 118 (Far-net, Farhikhtegan Isar, Shiraz):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 117 and 118.

Subnet 119 (Nim Negah Daily Newspaper, Shiraz):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,7,13,30,39,41,47,57,69,70,75,91,97,100,139

Subnet 120 (Host 0-63 are assigned to Parneian Info Network Cooperative; hosts 64-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,38,63-65,74,79,80-83,95,97,98,125

Subnet 121 (Siraz Municipality Internet Information Site):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,10-13,213

Subnet 122 (Computer Center for Fars Municipalities Hamyari Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,5,7,8,10-12,14,15,18,19,77,139,170,173,201,202

Subnets 123 & 124 (Shiraz Univ Computer Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 123: 2,4-7,9,11-15,17,18
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 124: 8,113,121,123,124,129,131,134,137-139,149,154,156-158,161-163,166,169,170,192-196,198,199,207-209,215,217-220,225,227,232,233,239,240,242,243,247,251-254

Subnet 125 (Islamic AZAD Univ Region One, Shiraz):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,58,98,136,145,148,154,202,253

Subnet 126 (TCI/DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5,8,12,250-252

Subnet 127 (Hostst 0-63 are assigned to Shiraz Post, Irpost Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Amayesh-eghlid, Amayesh Mehrgan; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Shabahang ISP Co; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Islamic AZAD Univ Estahban; hosts 176-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4-6,9,10,15-17,28,64-66,127-134,143,191-194,217

Subnet 128 (Jolfa Computer ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,9,33,63,66,80,81,94,95,98-100,224-254

Subnet 129 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Pardis-half ISP Co; hosts 64-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,6,7,13-19,24,44,64-66,68,71,128,130,191,193,206

Subnet 130 (Iran-Esfahan-Mobarakeh Steel Company):
Ping Sweep shows 1,3-10,12-15,20-23,25,30-32,35,36,38,41,42,47,49,51,202

Subnet 131 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Najafabad; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Esfahan-shabakie ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128,129,135-140,143,192,193,195

Subnet 132 (Polyacryl Trading Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-9,25,26,29,33,35,38,49,50-53,57,59,73,75,133,190

Subnet 133 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Sanaye Havapeyma Sazi (hesa); hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,32-35,47,64,65,67,96,97,107-109,111,194,195,201,202,205

Subnet 134 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Dade Pardazi Mad Company, ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Baharestan Farhang Co, ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Trainka Part Payam Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to DCI; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Shahin Pejvak ISP Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Tebyan Institute; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Shain Pejvak ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,15,33-36,38,39,65,66,97-99,105,106,111,129,130,137,160-163,175,193,200

Subnet 135 (Khorasgan Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,4,11

Subnets 136-138 (Isfahan Municipality Comptuer Services Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 136: 1,7,10-12
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 137.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 138.

Subnet 139 & 140 (Isfahan Univ of Technology):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 139: 1,2
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 140.

Subnet 141 (Mabnajahed ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,130,132,133,136,155,171,193-196,214)

Subnet 142 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Part Payam Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Avanegar Farda ISP Co; hosts 96-255 are assigned to Pejvak ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5,6,8,9,11-13,17,34,39,46,60,62,96,97,100,111,129,130,132,134,157-159,186,209,213,216,225,233,234,240,245,246

Subnet 143 (hosts 0-31 are assigned to Azad Univ of Mobarake; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Ertebat Ghostar Partovnet ISP Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Esfahan-Shabakie ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,66,69,95,120

Subnets 144-147 (Isfahan Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 144: 1,2,10,12,13,20,30,40,45,46,50,70,80,85,100,101,110,120,130,140,156,160,171,173
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 145: 1-4,10,36,55,72
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 146.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 147.

Subnet 148 (Mahdi-Net, an ISP & Data Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 69,77,79,87,92,96,97,99,123,125,126,129,148,150

Subnet 149 (Data Communication Isfahan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,129,131

Subnet 150 (Eone-pars, ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,7,10,39,48,49,59,62,88

Subnet 151 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Malek Ashtar Univ Internet Service; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Shahinshahr Pooyanet ISP Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Eram ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,7,10,11,26,27,33,43,44,97,100,106,107,113-115,162,194,196,198

Subnet 152 (Telecommunication Co of Hormozgan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5-9,11,15,17,29

Subnet 153 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Etesalate Bandarabbas Network Service Provider; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Yavarane Behzist Hormozgan; hosts 160-255 are assigned to Tebyan Institute of Hormozgan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,9,52,161

Subnet 154 (Hormozgan Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,4,6-17,19,21,63,65,80,81,100

Subnet 155 (Hormozgan Univ Network Mgt Unit):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 156 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 157 (Tidewater Co, Hormozgan Branch):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,20,21,129,130,133,193,195,208,209,223,224,243,244

Subnets 158 & 159 (Hormozgan Telecom Co Network):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 158.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 159: 1,4,101,104,105,116,122,138,140,145,148,164,177,181,184,186,189,190,201,205,216,219,223,236,243

Subnet 160 (Kerman Telecommunication Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 61,122

Subnet 161 (Computer Center of Azad Univ in Keman):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 113,133

Subnet 162 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 37,45,49,81,93,97,101,105,109,117,129,133,137,141

Subnet 163 (Comanet- Iran Telecommunication Maintenance Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 7,10,11,59,75,82,110,117,129,141,171,175,178,198,202,203,218,229,246

Subnet 164 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Asre Ertebatat Kavir Kerman; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Zarand Power Plant Managing Co, ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Avai Javan Cultural Art Institute Co, ISP Provider; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128,129,141,143,160,161,163,164,175,192,207

Subnets 165 & 166 (Kerman Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 165: 1,12,14,17,200,201,207,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 166: 1,4,33,48,50,63,64,66,79,241,242,244,246,248-253

Subnet 167 (Kerman Regional Electric Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5,10,11,17,20,37,175

Subnet 168 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 169 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Sirjan Univ, ISP Provider; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Ertabat Tasviri Faramin, ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,7,33-35,160,161,163,164,170-172,175,177

Subnet 170 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Gol Gohar Iron Ore Co, ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to the Post Office of Kerman):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 31,128-130,132,159

Subnet 171 (Valiasr Univ of Rafsanjan):
Ping Sweep shows 128,129,143

Subnets 172 & 173 (Univ of Sistan & Baluchestan in Zahedan City):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 172: 1,8,13-16,21,22,31-33,35-38,41,42
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 173

Subnet 174 (Zahedan Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5-9,11,20,31,32,101,119

Subnet 175 (Medical Univ of Zabol, ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,65,67,68,97

Subnet 176 (Qeshm Free Zone):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,10,44

Subnet 177 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Nasleno-Qeshm ISP; hosts 64-255 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Queshm):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,11,15,32,33,36,63-68,127-151,156-158,163-167,170,171,173,174,178-182,184,187,189,192,195,196,198,201-254

Subnet 178 (Telecommunication Co of Yazd):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,12,41,201

Subnets 179 & 180 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 179 and 180.

Subnet 181 & 182 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows this host up on subnet 181: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 182: 1,33,34,128-132,134,136,159,193,194,203-206,224,225

Subnet 183 (Univ of Shahrkord):
Ping Sweep shows 1-4,9

Subnet 184 (Guilan University of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,6,7,10

Subnets 185-187 (TCI/DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 185.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 186: 1,2,6,7,19,39,51,59,60,63,129,145
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 187: 128-131,140

Subnet 188 (Telecommunication Co of Guilan Province):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,40,110,190

Subnets 189 &190 (Andisheh Sabz Khazar Co, ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 189: 1,4,7,12,13,17,18,29,151-181,183,185-199,202-213
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 190: 1,5,7,12,13,16,131,134-179,183,184,186,188-192,212,254

Subnet 191 (DadePardazan Sabz Alborz Co, ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,9,10,14,62,63,65-69,130,185,186,194

Subnets 192 & 193 (Ardebill Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 192: 1-5,7,129-159,163,165-167,171,172,174,178,180,184-187,189,191,194,198,201-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 193: 1-4,6,7,21

Subnets 194 & 195 (Zanjan Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 194: 1,15,81
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 195.

Subnet 196 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,127-254

Subnet 197 & 198 (Guilan Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 197: 1,2,5,8,10,66,68,80,93,113,116,127-129,131,155,224
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 198: 64-66,127,129,131,224,225,239,241,243-246

Subnet 199 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Nafis Dadepardaz Khoy, ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Sefroyeak Boukan, ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to West Azarbayjan Commerce Org; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Orum Avanik Co, ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Makooshabahe ISP; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Miyandoab Azad Univ; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Mavi Rayane Miandoab, ISP; hosts 240-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,65,66,81,82,91-94,97,98,129-132,160,161,165,208,209,211,223,240,241

Subnets 200-202 (Tabriz Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 200: 9,19,148
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on 201.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on 202

Subnet 203 (Tabriz Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,7,8,10,80,86

Subnet 204 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 205 (Sonra Corp):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,19,25,32,44,46,48,49,75,99,128,144,148,187,204,210,230,241

Subnet 206 (Industrial & Scientific Service of Azarbaijan-E-Sharqi):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,21-25,240,250-252

Subnet 207 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Azarbayjan Regional Electric Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Shafagh Ajabshir ISP Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to East Azarbaijan Provice Health Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65-71,84,85

Subnets 208 & 209 (Iran Tractor Manufacturing):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 208: 2,4,8,9,24
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 209: 128,129

Subnet 210 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Partove Jam Gostar ISP Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Diba Mehr ISP Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Azad Univ of Tabriz):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 192,254

Subnet 211 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Sahand Industrial Univ; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Rayaneh Sabz Marand ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,7,127-132,138,146,149,165,167,175-177,179,181,191,196,201,206,212,224,230,236,241,245,248,250,252

Subnet 212 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 213 (Urmia Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,7,8,10,18,19,50,64,65,95-97,100,127-129,193

Subnet 214 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Telecom Co of West Azarbayjan; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Uromieh Univ of Medical Science; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,7,21,39,90,99,127-129,132-134,136,141,142,152,156,157,191-196,199,203,205,229

Subnet 215 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Farzanegan Elm Sanat ISP; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Pooya System ISP Co; hosts 48-63 are assigned to Lohrayane ISP Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Orum Torkan Rayaneh; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Etelaat Pardazan ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Torkan Net Naghade ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Peyman Mottahedeye Gharb; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 16-20,31-33,35,48,49,63,129,130,132

Subnet 216 (Qazvin Islamic Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,63

Subnet 217 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 218 (Alborz):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,7,10,12,64,66,126,127,161,162,193,194

Subnet 219 & 220 (TCI/DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 219: 1,2,9,45,109,193,194,205,206,208,209,223,225,229,230,233,249,253,254
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 220.

Subnet 221 (Zanjan Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 222 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Kavosh Rayaneh Abhar ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to the Post Office of Zanjan; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-7,9,15-22,128-130,146,149,191

Subnet 223 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Padideh Zanjan ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Hamyar Tourism Co of Zanjan; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,160,161,164,191-196,200

Subnet 224 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Azarkhsh Ava Ahvaz Co; hosts 128-192 are assigned to Izeh Resane Co; hosts 193-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Pishtazjadid Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 8-13,16,17,30,31,33,37,38,53-55,61,62,65,66,71,75,80,85,96,100,101,105,127-131,191,197-199,201-203,213,220-223

Subnet 225 (Nimad Computer Ahvaz):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 226 (Rayane Gostar Farzanegan Co):
Ping Sweep shows 1,2,5,9,14,89,90,93-95,99,100,106,108,109,112,134,138,147,152,166,170,173,174,253

Subnet 227 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,63-65,95,98-101,103-105,107-109,129,137,145,146,149,241,252-254

Subnet 228 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Ahwaz Univ of Medical Sciences; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Dezab Consulting Engineers Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Khuzestan Water and Power Authority Co):
Ping Sweep shows 2,7,12,17-19,22,29,31,33,37,38,43

Subnet 229 (Mahd Computer & Network, Inc.):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 230 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Post Office of Ahvaz; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Tapesh Rayane Ahvaz Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Radio Zone Office; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Mahoor Behbehan Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Arjan Net Behbahan Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,128-130,132,133,145,165

Subnet 231 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,10,17,18,20,24,37-39,63

Subnet 232 (Hamedan Medical Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,9,12,14,15

Subnet 233 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Hamedan Telecommunication Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Jahad Hamedan Research Center for Natural Resources & Animal Science; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,11,90,126,127,140,153,181,207,218,226,234,249,250,252,254

Subnet 234 (TCI/DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,5,9,15,24,33,41,44,48,49,57,59,62,128-133,143,147,148,155,175,184,208,217,228,233,234,245,251,252

Subnet 235 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Donya Zaman Co; hosts 64-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Hamedan Rayaneh System Andisheh Co; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Sman Ertebat Co; hosts 240-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,6,11,15,16,18,20,27,28,32,64,65,95,129-133,136,146,150,166,176,178,191-193,222,223,225,226,234,239-241,244,247

Subnet 236 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 237 (Imamjawad ISP & Data Communication Consultant):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,5,8,12,72,99,120,123

Subnets 238 & 239 (Ilam Telecom Network):
Ping Sweep shows this host up on subnet 238: 4
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 239.

Subnet 240 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Pooya Shargh Khorasan Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to the Telephone Electronic Zahedan Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Khorasans Schools Building Org; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Kian Shargh Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,65,75,192-194

Subnet 241 (Persian Net):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 10,35,37,46,65,68,77,87,98,121,129,193-196,200

Subnet 242 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Kashmar; hosts 32-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-239 are assigned to Sina Gostar Jam Co; hosts 240-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows 64-66,95,128,129,131,191-195,200,215,220,233

Subnet 243 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Astan Qods Razavi ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Toosashna Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 4,6,12,97,98,100

Subnet 244 (Ministry of Education- Khorasan Office):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,31,46,93,152,162,164,185,186,189,192,193,200,207,212,215,247,253

Subnet 245 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Mashhad Information Technology Training Center; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Gita Rayaneh Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to the Central Library and Documentation Center of Astan Quds Razavi; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Madrese Elmieh Azzahra Org; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,64,65,67,68,70,88,93,177

Subnet 246 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 247 (Hosts 1-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Fan Ava Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,17,19,129,130,137,138,143

Subnet 248 (Univ of Agriculture & Natural Resources of Gorgan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,182,184,194

Subnet 249 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 250 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Pinar Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Golestan Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,6,7,10,11,20,23,26,38,67,95,122,125,127,193,194,200,221,224-227,239-243,245,254

Subnet 251 (Hosts 0-95 are assigned to Itech Golestan Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Rahnama Mog Golestan Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Sanat Pardazesh Etelaat Golestan; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Rahavard Rayane Golestan Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Aftab Co of Bandargaz):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 7,21,42,52,63-68,70,73,78,80,84,88,95-99,127-129,133-135,151

Subnet 252 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Mazandaran Telecom Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,13,127-129,143,164,165,177,178,180,185,186,193-195,200-203,205,207,220,221,223,229,240,245,246

Subnet 253 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows this host up: 1

Subnet 254 (Amedia; Sherkat Taavoniye Amol Rasaneh):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,63,196,197,200-254

Subnet 255 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Amolsite, Bahreh Avaran Sanat Shomal Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to DCI; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Bahre Avaran Sanat Shomal Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Andisheh Rayaneh Chaloos ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 9,16,17,31,33,34,40-43,100,104,129,136,150,193,195,196,198 Range

This entire range has been assigned to TCI.

Subnets 0 & 1 (Azarsharghi Telecom Co Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 0: 1,16,25,30,44,53,54,66,72,75,80,81,83,87,88,90,97,103,108,110,113,114,118,251-254
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 1.

Subnets 2-5 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 2: 1,2,94,112,118,122,127,129,130,143-158,161,162,186,193
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 3: 1,4,6,7,9,20,21,23,97,98,100,113,114,131,135
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 4.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 5.

Subnet 6 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Azargharbi Telecom; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Makoushabakeh ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Orum Torkan Rayaneh; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Sefroyeak Miandoab ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Goonashyoli ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,65,72,97,101,102,105,128-130,138,169,179,188,194

Subnet 7 (Elmavar Dade Co ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,8-13,19,20,39,53,54,67,69,72,74,80,85,107,132,133,161,169,171,180,193,206,215,218,222,235,240

Subnet 8 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Azarnet ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Web Gostar Miandoab ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-4,6,12,16,30,36,49,57,64,65,78,90,101,102,110,113,116,126,127,129,133,135,136,192,194

Subnets 9-25 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 9: 1,3,4,28,45,46,73,77,91,109,116
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 10: 1-5,7,42,43,61,83,94,120,122,128-130,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 11: 1,4,127
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 20: 203,222,225
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 23: 1,2,51,78,82,83,115,125,165,173,181,183,186,203,205
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 12-19,21,22,24,25

Subnet 26 (Siagh Rayane Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 26: 2-5,13,16-31,66,252,253

Subnet 27-29 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows this host up on subnet 27: 1
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 28,29

Subnets 30-58 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 30-44.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 45: 15,26,27,39,43,80,99,119,128,154,174,190,233
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 46: 9,17,21,23,28,34,37,44,69,105,107,114,129,130,133-135,137-140,160,163,192,193,204,207-209,215,217,224,226,239
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 47: 14,16,36,39,46,66,91,131,151,158,173,179,181,191,213,221,224,226,228,229,236
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 48: 1-4,6,7,14-17,19-22,26,28,31-33,35-37,44,47-49,53,65,67,70-72,75-77,80,82,87,89,97,105,129,130,137,145,161-164,177,179,185,188-190,193,195,197,200-202,207-209,223,225,226,235
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 49: 1-3,9,14,28,40,57,71,86,98,108,122,123,126,136,146,151,153,158,219,230,233
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 50: 1,2,6,7,9,10,14,15,26,31,42-44,46,48,53,60,76,78,79,88,95,97,101,109,111,120,121,123,129,155,166,167,171,172,175,179,180,185,190,209,217,218,220,221,232,233,236,240-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 51: 8,10,28,30,33-35,45,52,65,67,70,78,83,95,96,113,116,139,147,151,154,156,163,173,196,208
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 52: 4,8,12,16,19-21,25,30,36,37,40,45,47,49,72,77,78,87,90,94,97,101,122,123,138,156,158,166,169,172,176,177,180,197,211,213,228,238,239,243,245,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 53: 1,2,4,5,7-14,17-20,22,23,25,26,32,33,39,49-52,55,59,90,128,129,140,143,159,162,167,173,208,249-254
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 54-57.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 58: 1-3,9,17,19,20,25,26,28,73,78,87,100,102,109,116,119,121

Subnet 59 (Respina Networks & Beyond ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 59: 1,2,166,194,202

Subnet 60 (ICT, ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 61 & 62 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 61: 1
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 62.

Subnet 63 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Ertebat Radio Telecom; hosts 32-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3

Subnet 64 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Paris Rayaneh Koomesh ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Shabeke Gostar ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,60,62,65,66,68,70

Subnet 65 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Transportation & Terminal ISP Org; hosts 32-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 66-75 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 66,67,69, and 75.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 68: 5,13,21,25,33,37,45,49,57,61,73,77,89,97,101,109,113,117,121,133,141,149,157,165,169,173,181,185,197,209
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 70: 200,235,246,250-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 71: 1-3,6,7,9,14,125-130
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 72: 1,9,13,17,21,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61,65,73,85,89,93,101,105,109,113,114,117,121,125,141,153,157,169,173,177,181,185,189,193,197,201,205,209,213,217,221,225,229,241
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 73: 21,37,49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85,113,117,161,165
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 74: 1,2,16-154,159,160,162-164,166,168,174,176-178,183,187-190,192,193,196,198,199,201-218,221,222,225,241,249,250,253

Subnet 76 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Fanni Herfeyi Org; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Pinar Axadshahr ISP Co; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Hamlonaghl Org; hosts 112-255 are assigned to Golestan Telecom Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,10,50-56,59-61,64,65,67,68,82,88,89,95,128,129,131,132,134-137,140-150,164,165,172

Subnet 77 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Sahranet Informatics ISP Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Payam Fendresk ISP Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Mehrbod ISP Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Paeezan ISP Co; hosts 160-255 are assigned to Golestan Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,31,33,47,65,80,81,90-92,129,133,141,145,149,153,165,169,173,177,181,189,193,201,205,209,213,217,221,233,241,245

Subnets 78-83 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 81-83
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 78: 1,5,9,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,65,69,77,89,93,129,133,137,138,141,145,149,153,157,161,165,177,181,185,189,197,201,205,213,217,225,233,237,241,245,249,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 79: 5,9,17,33,41,45,49,57,65,69,73,85,89,93,101,109,113,121,129,137,141,149,153,161,173,177,185,189,197,201,209,213,217,221,229,233,245,249,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 80: 1,5,11,97,160-163,165,171,173,175,193

Subnet 84 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to TCI; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Paya Rayaneh Gostar Shargh Sarbishe; hosts 48-63 are assigned to Paya Raya Gostar Nehbandan ISP; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Hezareh Sevoom Ghohestan Co; hosts 80-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Resaneh AfaghKavir ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,64-66,68,95-97,100,101,111,128-132,166,251

Subnet 85 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Payam Avaran Kavir Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,19,23,27,28,65,66,69,70,128-132

Subnet 86 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Pasargad Rayane; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Islamik Azad Univ of Ghaen; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Birjand):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 63,68,127,128,130-134,136-139,187

Subnet 87 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to TCI: hosts 64-127 are assigned to Taninnet; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Keyhan Shabake ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to South Khorasan Communication Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-6,65-67,69,100,129,130,179,193-197

Subnet 88 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Asre Enteghal Dadeha ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,9-11,17,21,22,25,33,37,41,46,49,53,57,61,65,73-76,78,81,82,84,89,90,93,97,105,113

Subnet 89 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Parsonline Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 90 (Gold Net Engineering Group):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,6-23,30,51-53,56,63-65,67,72,74,77,78,80,83,85,86,88,89,92,94,95,97,99-101,105,109,110,112-115,117,120,121,123,124,127-130,132-135,140-143,146,147,150,152-155,159,162,168,173-176,178,181,183,184,187-189,191-193,198-200,202,204,207,208,210,212,215,218-220,223,242,245,247,250,253,254

Subnet 91 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Angizeh Negar Khavaran; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Gold Net Engineering Group):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,133,138,141,153-155,161,165,169,173,177,185,193,194,233-236,238,241,253,254

Subnets 92-95 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows this host up on subnet 92: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 93: 1-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 94: 1,4,5,154,180,182,195
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 95: 1,2,31,37,66,129-131,133,161-163

Subnet 96 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to TCI; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Negarnet Golestan Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Post of Golestan ISP Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,65,67,83

Subnets 97 & 98 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 97: 129,137,153,161,165,169,177,181,185,189,193,201
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 98.

Subnet 99 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Pejvak Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,32,33,60,63-65,73-75,82,83,95

Subnets 100 & 101 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 100: 1-3
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 101.

Subnet 102 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to TCI; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Net Moj ISP Co; hosts 48-63 are assigned to Mazanrc, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Bozorgrah Rayaneh Nowshahr ISP Corp; hosts 128-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7-10,15,32-35,47,65-69,128-132,134,143,145-147,192-194,223,225-228

Subnets 103-119 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 104,105,108-110,112-115,119.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 103: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 106: 1,5,6,9,10,34,35,38,81,85,97,101,102,105,118,208,224,240
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on 107: 1-5,9,17,25,29,38,47,49,68,71,74,91,92,111,114,116,120,122,131,137,139,148,150,166,183,207,215,216,221,226,232,239,247
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 111: 5,9,13,17,25,33,41,45,49,53,57,61,65,69,73,81,93,101,105,113,117,121,125,133,137,141,157,165,173,189
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 116: 153,177,181,185,197,201,209,213,221,229,241,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 117: 1,2,13,17,21,33,125,153,157,201,225,229,237
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 118: 85,86,89,93

Subnets 120-151 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 120-127,133,135-137,140,141,147,148,150,151
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 128: 1,32-34,51,62-68,73,74,81,93,99,100,111,116,119,120,122,125,127-129,135,145,150,151,168,169,175
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 129: 10,17,47,81,97-100,106,128-130,194,197
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 130: 1-3,5,6,10,13,52,120,125,155,188,201,222
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 131: 1,78,97,110,115
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 132: 1-4
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 134: 2,126,129-132,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 138: 1,42
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 139: 13,101,165,173,189,193,237
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 142: 1-5,7,62,127-131,138,143,160-162,164,175,177,179,180,191,192,209,211,223,240-242
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 143: 2,3,5,52,128,129,143-147,159-161,163-165,170,175-178,191-193,195,223-227,245,246,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 144: 1-3,9,80,100,110,111,127-130,136,137,139,191-194,197,198,209,213,214,223-227,229
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 145: 1-4,46,47,60,65,75,159,181,187,199,206
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 146: 1-4,15,32-34,47-49,63
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 149: 1,2,15

Subnet 152 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Group Internet 1301 ISP Co; hosts 64-255 are assigned to Booshehr Telecom Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,19,38,46,50,64,65,80-82,87-93,100,105,109,118,128-131,143-145,159,160,161,191-193

Subnet 153 (Booshehr Telecom Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 71,75,87,127

Subnet 154-203 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 154,156,160-165,168-175,177-179,181-191,194,195,197,198,200-202
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 155: 217,221
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 157: 1-7,103,116,120,126,131,253,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 158: 33,128,129,131,133,134,156,165,191,192,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 159: 65,66
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 166: 1,2,4,6,72,80,94,102,128,129,142,144,158-162,165,168,172,174-178,182-186,189-191,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 167: 4,5,10-12,32,33,35,64,65,71,168,169,175-177,183-185,191-195,199-201,203,207-210,213,215-217,223
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 176: 1,6,129-131,143,147,157,159
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 180: 62,63,81,92,94,200,205-208,214,215
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 192: 9,17,21,41,45,49,53,89,93,101
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 193: 1,5,17,21,29,33,45,57,65,77
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 196: 113,117,121,122,129,130,173,177,193,197,205,209
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 199: 21,29,53,54,65,69,77,121,125,137,141,149,157,161,173,189,190,193,205,209,213,221,225,229,237,241,245,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 203: 1,17

Subnet 204 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Aminava ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 17,43,98,120,121

Subnets 205-255 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 207,210,213,215,218,219,221,223-229,232-235,238-243,245-249,253-255
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 205: 17,29,37,41,45,57,65,69,93,97,105,109,133,177,185,189,193,201,205,209,225
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 206: 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85,89,93,97,101,153
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 208: 5,9,17,29,33,45,69,77,93,105,121,125,129,141,153,165,185,189,193,213,225,237,241,249,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 209: 41
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 211: 1,5,9,13,21,25,33,37,41,49,53,57,65,73,77,81,85,89,93,97,101,105,113,117,121,125,129,133,141,145,149,153,157,161,169,173,177,189,197,201,205,209
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 212: 17,29,53,65,93,113,117,121,125,129,145,165,169,177,185,193,197,201,213,217,221,225
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up ons subnet 214: 1,5,13,17,21,33,37,41,45,53,57,61,65,77,85,89,101,105,113,117,125,129,133,137,141,153,157
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 216: 1,5,9,13,17,29,33,37,41,53,57,61,73,89,90,97,98,101,105,109,113,121
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 217: 1,13,17,21,25,29,37,41,49,69,85,89,105,109,117,125,137,141,145,157,177,189,193,201
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 220: 49,53,57,61,77,97,109,113,137,141,145,161,173,213,237,241
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 222: 13,53,85,89,109,113,117,121,125,129,133,137,141,145,149,153,157,161,165,169,177
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 230: 1,2,17,19-25,66,70,76,77,80,128,161,164,173,184,186,189,193,203,204,211,218,222,252-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 231: 25,85,129
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 236: 1,2,5,17,20,26,33,35,49-51,54,58,62,65,68,97,98,104,115,118,129,134-136,145,146,208,209,221,223,225-228
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 237: 5,28,34,51,76,84,85,96,99,105,121,125-127,130-134,152-155,161,163,195-197,200,223
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 244: 1,3,8,12,16,33,51,65,67
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 250: 1-3,7-9,231
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 251: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 252: 1,2,6,10,26,30,79,90,125,127,132,137,138,142,151,208,214,219,225,230 Range

This entire range has been assigned to TCI.

Subnets 32 & 33 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 32: 87,88,95,98,130,133,138,144
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 33: 140,141,143,145,146,177,178,192,193,195

Subnet 34 (Ministry of Health & Medical Education):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,7,14,16,18,21,25-27,41,51,63,65-67,81,87,145,151,153,155,156,158,161,162,225,231,233,234,241,246

Subnet 35 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 36 (Rahbar Information Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5-11,13-15,17,19,25,27-29,31,128,129,132,148,151,191-193,195,201-204,206,207,217,218,228-231,233,238,240,241,247

Subnet 37 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,249

Subnet 38 (Tavana Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,7,8,11,60,63,65,74,77,81,85,88,93,94

Subnet 39 (Baghlatollah Medical Sciences Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,8,12,20,22,24,26,27

Subnet 40 (Irandoor, Doorsan Dadeh Gostar Co):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 41 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 42-45 (K.N. Toosi Univ of Technology):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 42: 2,6,178,198,199,202,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 43: 128,129
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 44: 2,6
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 45: 1,2,63,65,66,126,161

Subnet 46 & 47 (Shiraz Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 46: 1-12,14-16,31,33,35,52,54,64,65,70,93-95,99,100,116-118,120,121,125,147,156,162,176-180,182-204,208-212,214,216-218,223,226,230,231,233,236,239
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 47: 1,6,128,129,132-135,139-149,151-155,157-163,165-170,172-190,192-197,199-208,210,212,215-251,253,254

Subnet 48 (Mehr ISP and Data Communication Consultant Network):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 49 (Fajrnet, DanaFajr for Cultural Communication Development, Information Technology Provider):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,4,16,202,203,216

Subnet 50 (Esfahan Steel Company):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5-8,10-12,14,15,17,28,65,113,114,161

Subnet 51 (Emamreza-net, ISP and Data communication consultant):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3-6,9,50,100

Subnet 52 (Yazd Internet Network, industrial zone of yaz-Iran):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 53 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to TCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to ICDAC the International Center for Dialogue Among Civilizations (Osin's contribution- fuck you Iran); hosts 96-103 are assigned to the National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran; hosts 104-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Hozeh Honari Org Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 145

Subnet 54 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 55-58 (Univ of Isfahan):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 55-58

Subnet 59 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,43,57,63,118,135,154,224,234

Subnet 60 (RadTel, Radio telecommunciations Iran administration):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,8,10-13,22-24,32,34,35,38,60,68,98,107

Subnet 61 (Ahoo-net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 62 & 63 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 62.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 63: 1,3,33-53,55,60,62,65,66,69,70,73,74,100-102,200-205,207,209,210,221,222,225,228 Range

Subnet 0 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,52,53,55,111,122,123,125,127,158,169,186,212,213,215,216,218,219,236-239,251-253

Subnet 1 (behcomp-net, Computer and Mechanized Systems Company):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,14,16,17,20

Subnet 2 (Mojtameh-Net, Educational Corporation in Tehran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,6,7,9,12,14,30,49,51,54,59,61,66,75,84,90-92,96,97,99,101,105,107,190,201,207,208,210,211,213,215,226,227,231,232,238,239,242,245-247

Subnet 3 (PDCO, Data Processing Co.):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 4 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Building and Housing Research Center; hosts 128-191 are assigned to the Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Kanoon-net, the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults; hosts 224-255 are assigned to the National Library of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 54,103,107-111,122,123,127,193-197

Subnet 5 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Ahl-ul-Bait World Assembly; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Iran International Engineering Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,75,127,129,131,134,156,200,252,254

Subnet 6 (Agricultural Bank of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 156

Subnet 7 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Arya Online, Arya Neshan-e Tehran Co; hosts 64-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 96,97

Subnet 8 (Raja Trains, a train passenger Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 10,22,27,156,210

Subnet 9 (Post Bank Co of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,12

Subnet 10 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Peyman-Customer ISP; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Nahad Rahbari Univ Central Office; hosts 96-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,15,67,68,192,193,195,223

Subnet 11 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Behin System; hosts 48-63 are assigned to te Rasaneh-net; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Nasbe Sanaye Azarab Co; hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 161,163,164,171,224,225,232,239

Subnet 12 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Jamitnet ISP; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Pooyesh-net ISP; hosts 80-95 are assigned to DCI; hosts 96-111 are assigned to the Security Dep. of TCI; hosts 112-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 97

Subnet 13 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Shahrdari-net; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Sepanta Network Solutions; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,130-135,155-157,160,161,165-168,171,177,179,190,191

Subnet 14 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to SCICT, Super Council Information Communication and Technology; hosts 128-255 are assigned to the Iran Department of Environment):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,6,21,128,129,131,245,246,252

Subnets 15 & 16 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 15: 225,228
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 16.

Subnet 17 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to the Bank Refah IT Department Internet Access Network; hosts 16-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Allameh Tabatabaee Univ; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Kayak & Water Ski Federation; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15,32-34,63,129

Subnet 18 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Parstel ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 37,64,65,67,122,124-127,192,193,195-198,202,204,205,207

Subnet 19 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Pars Supala Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,16,32,65-67,72-74,79-81,87,127,193,199,207,210,220,230,253

Subnet 20 (Barid-net):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 21 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to SgNetway, however, says the account is locked out (see Ripe's Remarks); hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 22 (Barid-net):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 23 (Tavana Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 254

Subnet 24 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 25 (Kavosh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 26 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to AsaaSoft, a web design and application software developing firm, hosts 128-255 are assigned to EDU/PEDU):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-130,147,148

Subnet 27 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Valapayam Farda Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Iranology Foundation Deputy for Information Technology):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-130

Subnet 28 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Petro-net, Sherkate Melli Petroshimi; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to CanyTech, a parts supplier of the Copper Industry in Iran; hosts 80-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to WSS ISP; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to NEDACO, Industrial Automation Inc; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-6,14,65,79,128-130,143,194,195,206

Subnet 29 (Kavosh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 30 & 31 (Idehnegar Computer Development Co Ltd.):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 30: 2,4,8,10-12,33
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 31.

Subnets 32-39 (Univ of Tehran Informatics Statistics Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 32: 1,3,6
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 33: 38,92,147,150,158,237
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 34: 54,101,115,123,163,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 35: 4,25,40,61,64,94,109,121,125,129,145,146,156,184,189,198,203,232,245
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 36: 18,22,28,33,40-42,44,47,52,56,63,70,74,80,81,85,93,94,101,102,104,107,113,115,119,125,129,131,137,142,147,153,155,157,165,171,174,198,200,204,206,212,213,215,229,230,233,238,240-242,244,248,252-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 37: 1,2,5,9,26,43,69,74,75,85,93.94,112,118,123,136,148,149,153,155,157,161,165-167,173,179,183,199,209,213,230,235,238,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 38: 18,28,32,41,52,62,66,69,75,78,79,128,151,154,172,178,179,202,214,225,238,241
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 39: 4,5,15,45,55,66,71,74,79,85,90,100,107,113,118,158,178,184,199,222,240,243,246

Subnet 40 (Sepanta Network Solutions):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 49,53,59,61,65,66,69,70,73,77,80,83,87,90,94,99,104,113,116,125,147,150,154,171,175,189,193,199,201,202,206,218,219,223,225,226,232-236,249,252

Subnet 41 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Management-net, Management Center; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Pishrozarin ISP; hosts 80-95 are assigned to DCI; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Hoor Computer Services; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Argnet, a public network for providing Internet services in Tehran; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Tavanir):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,9,129-131,135,192-194,213,214,218,229,234,240

Subnet 42 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Medical Science Univ of Shahid Beheshti):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,141,143,154,238,239,242-249,252-254

Subnet 43 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Naghshineh-net ISP Co; hosts 16-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Mojtameh-net, Educational Corporation in Tehran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,131,138

Subnet 44 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Sarvrayaney Business Co; hosts 16-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Matba-net Tajhizate Barghie Iran; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Argnet, a public network for providing Internet services in Tehran; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,9,12,130,140

Subnet 45 (Mellat Bank of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,6,17,18

Subnet 46 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to the Women's Information and Statistics Center; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Orvissnet ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-6,130,135,140,141,143-145,150,152,153,155,156,229,238,244,246,249,251,254

Subnet 47 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Setade-Niroo; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,5,8,9,13,17-91,127

Subnets 48-55 (Univ of Tehran Informatics Statistics Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 48: 20,25,40,48,50,60,62,69,70,73,86,88,93,101,110,135,144,148,159,165,176,184,185,203,205,206,221,222,226,228,241
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 49: 4,23,61,78,86,102,110,140,150,181,186,190,193,203,234
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 50: 6,15,32,35,56,57,65,76,84,92,113,115,145,149,156,172,186,198,218,223,235
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 51: 11,17,19,29,30,37,41,51,53,79,88,105,107,111,115,117,138,147,158,189,204,211
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 52: 14,62,66,75,93,104,132,144,162,166,179,181,192,197,212,218,222,235,248
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 53: 9,10,15,28,66,106,112,121,201,210,213,219,251,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 54: 23,32,38,133,156,176
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 55: 225

Subnet 56 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to the Iranian Blood Transfusion Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,130,134

Subnets 57 & 58 (Alborz Computer Co):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 57 or 58.

Subnet 59 (Niroo Research Institute- NRI-Net):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,8,9,11-14,133,254

Subnet 60 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,17,21,253,254

Subnet 61 (Zaeim Electronic Industries, ISP, Computer Hardware & Software):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,12,13,50,51

Subnet 62 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to CallWithMe Corp; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,13,15,18,19,25,26,85

Subnet 63 (Douran Data Processing Co ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 64 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,6,127,136-138,143,188,191,201,205,209,224,225,248,251,253

Subnet 65 (Navid-Net, High Speed ISP and Webhosting):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,7,11,17,84,130,236,248

Subnet 66 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Roozname Jamejam; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Majin Sepehrsargh Network; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Teta ISP; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,75,76,80-82,84,85,90,91,94,128,129,131,135,136,159

Subnet 67 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Ofogh Samaneh Saba; hosts 32-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 68 & 69 (PANA- Pishgamane Ertebatate Novin va Ettelaresani):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 68: 1-6,15,16,20,32,37,42,44,249,250
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 69: 1,3-8,10,12,20,26,34,39,62,84

Subnet 70 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Narvanara ISP; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Azcenter, Islamic Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3-8,10,20,193,203,204,206,211-216,219,227

Subnet 71 (Navid-Net High Speed ISP and Webhosting):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 15,62,88,89,206,254

Subnet 72 (Sepehr Gostar Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,100

Subnet 73 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,127

Subnet 74 (Shahid Beheshti Univ in Tehran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,7

Subnet 75 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Gheshm-Dokhaniat (their descriptions says "It's a company"); hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Abadan-Net Petrochemical Co; hosts 80-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Medicin-Net ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,6,10,11,13,31,65,67-69,71,79,160,161,192,193

Subnet 76 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Golshahr-Net; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Narvan Rayaneh Gostar; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 192,194,195,198,199,200-203,208,223

Subnet 77 (Pooyan-Net):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,11,12,17,25,26

Subnet 78 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Hefazate Mohit Zist-net; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Tanvir ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,6,15,128,129,133,159

Subnet 79 (Raimehr, Fanavari Ertebatat Aryana):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 9-12,23,24,45,57,64,65,67,69,70,71,129,143

Subnet 80 (Kavosh Tajrish ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3-7,9,10,13-15,30,142,178

Subnet 81 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Rahavard ISP; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Iranian Remote Sensing Center (IRSC); hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,130,132

Subnet 82 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 83 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to SMJIR, National Youth Org of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-133,135,138-192,194-197,199-201,203,205,208,210,213,214,216,219,220,222,227,231,233,237,240,242-245,247,248,250,252,254

Subnet 84 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 85 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Iran System ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Mental Contact Co; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Sazmane Danesh Amoozi Student-Net; hosts 208-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 130,132,180,192

Subnet 86 (Raimehr Fanavari Ertebatat Aryana):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 87 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Kanoon ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,7-11,80,81

Subnet 88 (IFTIZ, Iranian Free Trade Industrial Zones):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,9,10,12,13,15,39

Subnet 89 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Majma-Net Expediency Council; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Azunitn Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 4,5,7,10,11,49,127,128,133

Subnet 90 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Tehran Software & Information Technology Park; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Retired-net Sandoghe Bazneshastegi; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Perianet ISP; hosts 208-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,143

Subnet 91 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,127-134,142,191

Subnet 92 (Infofi ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 93 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Kanoon ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Tanvir ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1

Subnet 94 (Kavosh Tajrish ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 9,14,164,182,184,192,213,229,230

Subnet 95 (PersiaSat ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 12,21,32,45,55,83,84,91,94,121-123

Subnet 96 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,4,5,7,251,253

Subnet 97 (Sruiau, Azad Univ Oloom va Tahghighat):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-6,10-12,14-16,20,24,72,77,127

Subnet 98 (Afranet Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-6,11,16,20,35,36,39,59,63,87,93,100-102,104,113,130,142-145,147,148,179,189,198,210,211,223,232,233,235,244,245,247-249,254

Subnet 99 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Samt-Net; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Sajnet ISP; hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,6,129,191

Subnet 100 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 101 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Shahrad ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Negarestan-Sepehr ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-130,133,191

Subnets 102 & 103 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 102 & 103.

Subnets 104 & 105 (Ofogh Omoore Ertebatat Sayar):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 104: 1,5,11,20
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 105: 1

Subnet 106 (Post Bank of Iran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,40,50,89,95,98

Subnet 107 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Itook Engineering Technology & Contracting; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Laizer ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 15,128-130,155,159,194-196,200

Subnet 108 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Saderatb Bank; hosts 128-159 are assigned to ClickASun Network; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Iran Zinc Mines Development Co; hosts 208-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Arya-Samaneh ISP; hosts 240-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,127,129,130,133,134,136,139-142,145,146

Subnet 109 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Vira-Com, Virayeshgar Co; hosts 16-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Carrier-Digit Karkia Institute; hosts 48-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to EIC, Energy Information Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 9,13,14,65,129,132,134,135,137-141,143,146,147,149,155

Subnet 110 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Negin Pooyeshgaran Asia Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Sazeh-net ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to the Network for TAP transaction of TCI (whatever the hell that means)):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 9,21,202,207,212,216,226,227,230,251,254

Subnet 111 (Oracle Investments Group):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 112 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 127,153,159,173,174,250,253

Subnet 113 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Iran Khodro; hosts 16-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Damavand-Net ISP; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 16,17,23,128-131,148,159

Subnet 114 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Iran Khodro; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64,111-113,121,126,127,130,137

Subnets 115-119 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 115: 17,18,30,31
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 116: 1-3
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 117.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 118.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 119: 1,2,25,28,32,129,130,143-145

Subnet 120 (Alborz Computer Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129-132,135,139,146,177,178,188,207.208,216,223,232,238,241,244

Subnet 121 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Eslamshahr Campus; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Parsian ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,64,65,67,76,79,129,133

Subnet 122-128 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 122: 2,12,36,40-42,61-63,65-67,70,73,74,77,81,85,128-130,132,134,141,154,191
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 123: 1,65,129,193
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 124: 1,3,131,132,136,137,221,222
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 125: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 126: 1,129,130,132,137
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 127: 65-6,69,70,71,81-83,87-89,90,95,97,99,101-107,110,113,122,123,127,129-131,137-143,146,148,161,162
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 128: 1-3,6,8,10,11,39,127,181,182,197,200,201,203,205,207,209,212,213,215,217,219,224,225,227,248,251,252,253

Subnet 129 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Iran Argham Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,129,130,134,199

Subnet 130 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Pakhshe Pegah Co; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Iran Ertebat ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Shilatir ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15

Subnet 131 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Shahed Univ Network; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Samapardaz Co Ltd):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 164,175,192,193,200,202,205,207,209,210,241

Subnet 132 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Zamzam Co; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Kasra-Net ISP; hosts 80-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Rassa Co; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to the Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Org; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,9,15

Subnet 133 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Tabas Co; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Faraz Rasane Mihan ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Special Education Org; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4

Subnet 134 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-47 area assigned to Labaniate Pak Dairy; hosts 48-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to the Geological Survey of Iran; hosts 128-191 are assigned to ICT Faculty; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 33

Subnet 135 (Hosts 0-128 are assigned to Ocean-Net ISP; hosts 129-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 6,192-194,196-198,201,206,207,210,215,223

Subnet 136 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 137 & 138 (Faran Rayaneh Networking Co, Member of Telavang Industrial Group):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 137: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 138: 1

Subnet 139 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to MRC Research Center; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,128,129,141,161,191

Subnet 140 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Pendar-Net; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,40,129-131,135,140,155-158,180,190

Subnets 141 & 142 (Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 141: 1,44,110,131,132,220-223,225
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 142.

Subnet 143 (Mehrinfo ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 144 (ITC ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,6,20

Subnet 145 & 146 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 145.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 146: 192,193,195,199-201,203,207

Subnet 147 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Asre Danesh Afzar Co; hosts 48-95 are assigned to TCI Planning Department; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Daneshgah Oloom Behzisti va TavanBakhshi):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 32,34-37,39,40,45,47,65,66,129-131,133,134,161,162

Subnet 148 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 149 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Islamshahr-Net ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,192,193

Subnet 150 (Department of Customers and Requester of Data- English must not have been someone's first language):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 151 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Grash Keshtirani; hosts 16-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,15

Subnet 152 (Health & Biomedical Information Network- Ministry of Health & Medical Education):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,31,41,42,129,135,145,147,148,154,155,158

Subnet 153-155 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 153.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 154: 65,67,71,81,82,85,86,246-250,252,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 155: 2,26-28,30,31,65-67,69,70,73,79,81,82,89,90,97-102,112,127,129-131,137-143,247,249,250

Subnet 156 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Dam Corp Dushehr-Iran; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 12,13,19,23

Subnet 157 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Mahalnet, Chaharmahal Va Bakhtyari Communication Co; hosts 64-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,16,21,33,39,58,63

Subnet 158 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 33-35,40-43

Subnet 159 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Som Educational, Cultural Sports Complex; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Amniat-Meli, Shoraye Ali Amniat Meli; hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 160 & 161 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 160: 253
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 161.

Subnet 162 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Avagar-Net, Avagar Negarestan Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,7-10,12,17,21,26,28,29,31,32,35,36,42,48,53,61,68

Subnet 163 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DCI: hosts 32-47 are assigned to RENA Employees & Customers; hosts 48-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 32,33

Subnet 164 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to OlDooz ISP in Tehran; hosts 64-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 221

Subnet 165 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 70,80,91,92,105,240,241,243,245,250-254

Subnet 166 (Hosts 0-32 are assigned to Farapooyan ISP; hosts 33-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 167 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 168 & 169 (Management & Planning Org, MPO-net):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 168: 1-3,5-9
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 169.

Subnets 170-175 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 170: 1,2
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 171-175

Subnet 176 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Alborz Investment Co; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Toseafra-net Afra Communications Development Co; hosts 96-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 177 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Daftare Technology; hosts 16-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,5,8-12,18-20,24,50,77

Subnet 178-192 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 178-187.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 188: 1-3,5-7,9,11,13-15,17-19,21-23,26,27,33-35,37-39,45-47,57,59,69-71,146
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 189: 1,3,97-99,101-103,105-107,109-111,113,115,118,119,121-123,125,127,129-131,133-135,145,147,148,159
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 190: 1-3,5-7,9-11,13-15,17-19,21-23,97-99,101-103,105-107,109-111,125-127,129-131,133-135,209,211
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 191: 1-3,5-7,9,11,13-15,17,19,21,23,25-27,29-31,33,35,36,47,129-131,133-135,137,139,141-143,194,195,252,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 192: 2,6,127,133,136,137,141-143,157,159,165,168-170,181,182,249,253

Subnet 193 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to the Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Ilecpars ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Post Office of Karaj; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,6,9,20,64,66,67,80,95,129,131,133

Subnet 194 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Paradise Computer & Information Center, Karaj, Tehran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,131-136,138,141,143-145,153,160,245

Subnet 195 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Shokofa-Net ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Data Communication of Karaj; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64-66,70,71,127

Subnet 196 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Novin-Net ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to P-Net-P ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-6,9,10,17,46,71,80,92,94,129,130,132-134,234

Subnet 197 (Mojetamas ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6-8,10,18-20,45,46,74,104,106,168,211,227,253

Subnet 198 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Animal Sciences Research Institute of Iran; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assignd to PRK ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,5

Subnet 199 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to NikanPardis ISP; hosts 128-159 Dam-net Eslahe Nejade Dam; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Tourbin-Net ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,42,54,59,69,70,85,111,119,120,128-130,159,192-194,196,197,220,223

Subnet 200 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to ABFA_WTehran Computers Network; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Razkan-net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15,128-131,133,159

Subnet 201 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Materials and Research Center (MERC); hosts 128-191 are assigned to Panjereh-net ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 97,98,100,101,129-131,133,191

Subnet 202 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Pardis-Sepehr Paradise Computer & Information Center Karaj, Tehran; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Kahrobanet ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,7-9,15-17,29,31-33,57,63-66,84,93,98,114,127,129,131,143,241

Subnet 203 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Apadana-Net Kimianet Fiber Optic Link; hosts 128-191 Negareh Net ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,131,191

Subnet 204 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to MtKnuc-net research center; hosts 96-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,64-66,70,95,129,130,135,143

Subnet 205 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Payam-Avaran ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Rasana-Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,5,7,8,14,22,39,46,59,60,71,84,87,98,111,113,115,117,123,127,129,133,145,252

Subnet 206 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Jahan-net ISP in Karaj, IR; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-127,129,130,159,192,193,195,196,222

Subnet 207 & 208 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 207.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 208: 132-135,141,253

Subnet 209 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Rayafar Ghom; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Danafajr for Advanced Information, Univ of Islam; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Tebyan-Net ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Manzomeh Danesh; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Astrology-Net markaze pajoohesh falaki; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Tarashegh2 ISP & Voip Solution):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,33,64,65,88,89,95,129,130,132-134,159,161

Subnet 210 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Rizbarf Mineral Company; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Almas Qom Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,16-18,130,241,249,250,253,254

Subnet 211 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Asrerayaneh IT Center; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Higher-net, Mojtama'a-e Amozeshe Ali Qom):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-9

Subnet 212 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to E-Poladin ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Daftar Tablighat Eslami Qom; hosts 192-255 are assigned to EduQum, Training & Education Center ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,12-15,69,78,127,129,130,132,134,146,189,192-198

Subnets 213-216 (Qom Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 213: 1,2,8,31,65,66,69,95,225
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 214: 1,9,129,175
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 215: 1-5,101,125,127
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 216: 1,2

Subnet 217 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,9,43,52,54-56,65,67,73,76,79-82,90,93,95,100,101,106,110,114,120,126,129,135-137,144,149,167,175,178,187,196,199,217,220,228-230,235,242

Subnets 218-221 (Markazi Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 218: 1,2,5,6,15,64-66,95,129,143,160,161,191,196,198,207,253,254
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 219.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 220: 1-3,129,130,160-163,191
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 221: 1,3,7,35,41,62,132

Subnets 222-224 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 222: 1,2,9,33,38,62
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 223: 1-4,44
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 224: 1,2,113,117,118,137,152-155,181,188-191,200-203,208-211,251

Subnet 225 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Zanjan Telecommunication Data Center; hosts 32-127 are assigned to AlborzNet Agahi Sazan Zangan; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Zanjan Regional Electric Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,9,66,70,72,129,131,202,254

Subnet 226 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Donaye Dadeh Pardazi Kavosh Internet Dept; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Daneshgah Azad Zanjan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,20,200,249,254

Subnet 227 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Pars Switch Co; hosts 32-127 Iran Zinc Mines Development Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned Islamic Azad Univ of Abhar):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,7,9,10,12,14,15

Subnet 228 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Novin Raya Co; hosts 32-127 are assigned to Sepidnet Abhar; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Aftabomahtab ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,129

Subnet 229 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned Shabake Gostaran Zanjan ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,6-9,15,20,50,127,128,143,159

Subnet 230 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Matin Zanjan ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Managzan Management Official Center ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 131,133,151,159

Subnet 231 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Tondbar Amin Trading Co ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Sepehr-Ava ISP Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128,129,131,133

Subnet 232 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 149,150,249,250,253,254

Subnet 233 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Aryana ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Isan-Net ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Q-Nezam-Net Sazman Nezam Mohadesi; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Qazvin-Net, the corporation organization of Qazvin province municipalities):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,33,64,65,67,78,161,191,224-227,231,239

Subnet 234 (Ghazvin Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,11,16

Subnet 235 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-95 are assigned to Ghazvin-Net; hosts 96-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,8,15,33-36,38,39,96,97,127,160-164,175,210

Subnet 236 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Farrasan-Net ISP; hosts 64-159 are assigned to Alboranet Rayaneh ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Talamay Network; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Farsi Language Center of Emam Univ; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Noor Gostaresh Alborz ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,8,15,17,25,52,64-66,69,74,127-129,139,141,142,146,159,173,174,225-227

Subnet 237 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Tebyan of Ghazvin Org; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Siagh Rayane ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Sherkate Tozie Bargh):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,64,65,69,81,95,128,159-161,175,177,193

Subnet 238 (Muniqaz, Corporation Org of Qazvin Province Municipalities ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,11,17,18,41,49,54,65,199,225,246

Subnet 239 (Siagh Rayaneh Ghazvin ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-131,193,198,204.225,228

Subnet 240 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,4,69,128,129,131,252,253

Subnet 241 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Trainsemnan Trainin Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Oloompaye Univ of Semnan; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Javan Rayaneh Komesh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,14,17,127-129,191,193,195

Subnet 242 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to the Electric Co of Semnan; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Water Org. of Semnan; hosts 64-143 Sabanet Garmsar Network ISP; hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI/TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,64,65,100,127-130,143,161,195

Subnet 243 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Semnan-mco; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Pishgaman Emrooz ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Postcosemna Post Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Farmandari Shahrood; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Azad Univ of Shahrood; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Azad Univ of Semnan; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Pardazeh Computer Engineering Co; hosts 240-255 are assigned to DCI/TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,19,23-26,41,64,65,80,81,93-96,98-100,111,127,189,190,192-196,223-226

Subnet 244 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Shahrdari Shahmirzad; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Aryan Rayane Semnan ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Pardazeh Computer Engineering Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Kavosh Rayaneh Mahdishahr ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Oghab Afshan Ind.; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Ertebatat e Faragostar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,33,56,59,63-67,80,88,127,129,135,138,195,207,225,227,229

Subnet 245 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Rizmoj-Net Pardaz Mehrnegar; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Shahroudbayan ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Parspouya ISP in Shahrood Iran; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Saman Rayan ISP; hosts 160-223 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Damghan; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Garmsar):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,32-34,37,43,56,63-65,67,75,76,79,93,127-130,143,225-227,253,254

Subnet 246 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Molana-Shahrood ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Ertebatat E Sabz Hezareh ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Dehkadeh Ertebatate Aranet ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Alvan Mehrafagh ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Behinrayane ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,7,13,21,24,31,63,65,71,79,83,87,91,94,98,99,101,103,106,116,119,124,128-131,143,160-163,175,193-196,198,200,211,214,220,228

Subnet 247 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Behineh Andish ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Telecommunications Co of Semnan TCISEM):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-33,36,39-127,129,136,141

Subnet 248 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,7,15,127,136,137,139-141,143,200-203,248-250,252,253

Subnet 249 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Snaye Azar Ab; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Navid Rayaneh Tafresh ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Mohajernetm ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Apadanar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 10,31,64,65,78,96-99,109-111,113-117,129,132,137,138,140,143,146,147,152,157,162,212,223

Subnet 250 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Araksalam ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Jahannama Khomein Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Tebyan Institute; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Faraz Fadak Arak ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Savehuni Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,9,18,31,32,34-38,40,41,51,54,59,68,69,93,102,105,108,112,113,116,118,122,123,128-130,159-161,174,192,193,197,223

Subnet 251 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to ISP at Arak-Iran; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Karkhane Mashin Sazye Arak Network; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Azkhomein Azad Univ; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Barghkaran ISP & Educational Center; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Ashtian Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,14-17,20,29,33,35-38,57,64,65,90,91,95,99,127-130,191,208,209,211,212,223-226,245

Subnet 252 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Sahar-Net; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Yaghoot Rayaneh Saveh; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Arak Aluminium Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Nedapeyvand ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Hepco; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Mahallat-Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,33,64,65,69,72,73,80,95,97,109,128-131,133,136,159,225,227-231,243,247

Subnet 253 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Shensa ISP in Saveh Iran; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Arak-Sama Institute; hosts 128-255 are assigned to ArkBus ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,9,14,63,65,128,129,143,145,160,161,164,189-191,193-195,200,208

Subnet 254 (Gozar Gah Jahani Arak ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,65,66,77,78,80,83,84,97,128,130-132,135,137,145

Subnet 255 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Taktap, a public network for providing Internet services in Arak; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Fagh Univ Complex; hosts 128-255 ar assigned to Chavosh-net ISP in Markazi Province, Arak):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,64,65,127,129,193,225,226,235

Subnet 0 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,7-9,65,68,69,71,72,79,81-83,97-99,101,102,111,113-115,136-138,153,154,169,170,173,174,181,182,187,209,210,217,248-250,253

Subnet 1 (Irangate, Shwer Computer Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,6,10,22,23,26-28,30,

Subnet 2 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Farhang Gostar ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Kashan Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5,68,91,99,100,127-131,133,142,143,150,251,252

Subnet 3 (Parsian ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-8,10,11,14,17,18,33,128-131,137,153,157,161,169,173,177,181,185,189

Subnet 4 (Chavoosh Rayaneh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,10,11,21,22,25,26,30,65-68,71,84,85,89,90,93,94,129-134,138,139,142,144,146,149,178,208,209,215,221,224,226,228,233,234,238

Subnet 5 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Eshahan-Net; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Mohaghegh Rayane Golpayegan ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Shimi-Net; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Isfahan Mathematic House Org; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Arman Sepand Esfahan; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Pooyan Computer Technical Center; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Parniannet Information Network Provider):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,18,27,31,32,34,80,83,87,96,98-100,126-131,133,134,143-146,148,159,161,162,194

Subnet 6 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Pejvak Jahan-Ghostran ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Aeen Rayaneh Esfahan ISP; hosts 96-191 are assigned to Vazvan-Net ISP; hosts 192-255 are assinged to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,6,64,65,72,89,95-98,127-129,131,132,134,159,161-163,170,225,230

Subnet 7 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Iran baztab; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Isfahan Art Univ; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Ariana Gostar Spadana Site; hosts 96-127 are Islamic Azad Univ of Shahreza; hosts 128-225 are assigned to Kansar Electric; hosts 226-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 32-34,48-50,52,63,65,67,96,101,104,108,127,129,131,133,170

Subnet 8 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Shwer Isfahan Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Natanz Noavar ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Fara Ertebat Kashan ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Isfahan Mathematic House Org; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Andishmand ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,34,64,65,71,72,79,132,190,192-195,198,220

Subnet 9 (Esfahan Post Computer Department):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,8,10,83,87,90,121

Subnet 10 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to A Mis and Industrial Automation Co in Iran; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ofogh Research ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to IvanParsisf ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Badrood-Net ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,14,15,20,127-129,137,140,143,160-162,175-177,191-194,196,207,229

Subnet 11 (Arianet Engineering):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,6,8,57,61,68,69,87,143,144

Subnet 12 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Khomeyni Shahr Free Univ; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,6-8,100,127-131,135,149,168,186,191,192

Subnet 13 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Part Payam Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to the Education Org of Isfahan; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Naeingostar ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 34,49,50,51,75,77,79,128-130,133,159,194,201

Subnet 14 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Khobreh-Net Isfahan Parto Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Shakhes Arman Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Sina System; hosts 96-159 are assigned to Rahyab ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Sheikh Bahaee Institute of Higher Education; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 32,37,63,96,98,127,140,160-163,173,191,193-195,207,208,218,227,252,253

Subnet 15 (Saba Naghshe Jahan ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 25,28

Subnet 16 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Najafabad; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Mehraz Systems ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Khomeyni Shahr ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DadehNegar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,17,31,64,65,95,161,162,192-197,199,200,214

Subnet 17 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Sepehrnet; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Shakhes Arman Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Partonet2 ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,157-159,192-197,199,203,223

Subnets 18 & 19 (Isfahan Univ of Technology):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 18: 1,2,6,8,10,13,16,20,26,27,29,30,65-67,69-71,73,84-87,90,92,93,116,117,129-131,133,141,142,144,150,151,153,169,182,186,189,190,192
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 19: 8,9,10,12-15,137,138,141,142,150,152-154,162,166,168,174,178,179,181,183,184,187,200,204,206,210,214,216,238,244,246,248

Subnet 20 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to TCI; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Yasooj; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Modyasooj Management and Planning Org; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Savarz Rayaneh ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Rayaneh Virayesh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,9,13,64,128,129,143,193,195,197,199,201,224-254

Subnet 21 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to TCI Yasuj, Sherkat Mokhaberat Kohkeloye & Boerahmad; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Fanavari Etelaat Arman ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Hedayat Electric):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,13,33,37,41,53,57,61,65,69,97,111,128-131,133,159,193-195,204,224-229

Subnet 22 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Amoozesh & Parvaresh ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Chavil System ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Jahan Gostar Cheram ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Nezam Pezeshki Org; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to the Post Office of Yasuj; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,15,33,65-68,97,98,100,192-195,205,207,224-226,228,229

Subnet 23 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,66,96-98,106-108,111,253

Subnet 24 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to the National Iranian Copper Industries Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Tabasheer Engineering Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,9,10,130-133,141,144-146,150,158,160-164,192-195,197,198,201,202,205,206,213,217,226,227,241,250,251

Subnet 25 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to the National Iranian Copper Industries Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Bavarco Computer Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,20,22,23,26,27,30,125,193,207

Subnet 26 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Pooya Rayaneh Farsad Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Rafi Rayaneh Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Argnet; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Zarand Province Municipal Cooperative Org; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Didar-Net ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Baft; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Jiroft & Kahnuj Agricultural Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,15,32,33,63,65,66,68,128-130,143,160-163,175,200,206,207,225

Subnet 27 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Jiroft Azad Islamic Univ; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Negin Kavir ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Avaresanco ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Markaz Amoozeshe Modiart Dolati Kerman; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64,65,79,128,129,132,134,138,140,143,192,193,195,223

Subnet 28 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Rah Ayendeh Peyam; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ravesgyab ISP; hosts 160-255 are assigned to Aftab Rayane Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,130,150,159,161,162

Subnet 29 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Rayanetbam ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Shahid Chamran Technical High School; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Raymehrshargh Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Avai Javan Cultural Art Institute Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-131,143,161,162,164

Subnet 30 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,50

Subnet 31 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Mahraya-Net; hosts 32-63 are assigned to General Department Renovation Development & Equipment of Kerman; hosts 64-255 are assigned to the Tebyan Institute of Kerman):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,32,33,67,68,127

Subnet 32 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,65,66,121,122,141-143,145,147-149,151-153,155,157,161,162,164,165,167,169,193,209

Subnet 33 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Amoozesh va Parvaresh Yazd; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Yazd Branch; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,11,15,65,69,70,73,193,207,225,230

Subnet 34 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Aminava Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ardakan-Rayaneh ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Sahar Tabas Network ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 49,51,85,88,89,92,94,95,128,129,143,160,161,163,164,191-194,196-198

Subnet 35 (Meybod Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,127

Subnet 36 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Yazd Regional Electric Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Shahid Ghandi Communication Cable Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Pishgamantabas ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Jahankadeh Maybod Service Solutions Provider):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,7,11,15,64-66,95,129,145,161,164,165,193,207,224,225,227,228

Subnet 37 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Tabas Coal Mining Co; hosts 16-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Rahat Maybod ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Tabas-Azuni ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Jahankadeh Maybod ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows 1,2,5,66,93,95-97,111,129,193,224,225,237

Subnet 38 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Pishgaman-Net ISP; hosts 80-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,66,69,128-254

Subnet 39 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Abarkouh ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Yazd Gas Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Yazd Laal Co; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Iran Central Iron Ore Co; hosts 112-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Rayan Gostar Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Rayanet Novin Issatis):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,20,21,32,33,35,45,97,128,129,161-164,175,193,194,224,226,227

Subnet 40 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,41,42,53,56,57,59,65,66,68,69-71,73,77-82,85,88-91,97,101,109,113,117,121,125,126,137-142,145,247,253

Subnet 41 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Simorgh Ava Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Kerman Province Municipal Cooperative Org; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Kerman Rayanet ISP Center; osts 192-207 are assigned to Shahid Chamran Technical High School; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Shahid Bahonar Univ of Kerman; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Baran Rayaneh Co; hosts 240-255 are assigned to Markaz Amozesh Ali Khje Nasir Kerman):
Ping Sweep shows 5,9-11,14,17,20,24-27,33,129-131,209-211,219,224-229,237,238

Subnet 42 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Kerman Org of Mines & Industries; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Research-Net; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Gilas Rayaneh; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Kerman IT Center Training; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Argnet; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Shayegank ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,63,65,67-69,75-130,135,159,160,161,191,225,226

Subnet 43 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Rafsanjan Univ of Medical Sciences; hosts 64-95 are assigned to RJG ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Zarand; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Asha Systems Development Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,11,68,97,109-111,128-133,193,195

Subnet 44 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,120,127,253

Subnet 45 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Arya Gostare Broujen Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Aryanet Shahrekord Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Tablighat Islami Org; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Broujen Farapayam Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Shahrekord Azad Univ; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Chaharmahal va Bakhtyari Management & Budget Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,14,33,60,64,65,127,129,130,133,158-161,189,191,209,218,222,226

Subnet 46 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Pooyan Ertebat Pardis Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Technical Training Org; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Broujen Farapayam Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Amoozesh Parvaresh Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,63,65,69,96,97,126-129,131,132,134-138,189,237,248,249

Subnet 47 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Parsnet Zagros Sharkord ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Persian Net Farrokhshahr; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Transport Org; hosts 112-127 are assigned to Taraz Net Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Chaharmahal va Bakhtyari Medical Science Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,5,64,68,95,97,112-116,130,132

Subnet 48 (Jahanonline Internet Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-7,9,16,20,46,72,96,123 152,187,237,244,250

Subnet 49 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to E-Mashin ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Parsa Rayaneh Estahban Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Ava-Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,15,65,66,97,98

Subnet 50 (Pejvak Rayaneh Himan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,14,25,134,141,153,154,161,178,183,199,200,209-211,215,218,220,228,234,236,242,243,245

Subnet 51 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ivan-Ne ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Ranginkaman ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-6,15,18,19,24,38,45,54,62,69,73,81,82,92,93,98,105,106,109,120,161-164,194

Subnet 52 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Parsian Co of Mobarake; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Baharestan-Net ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Rose Online ISF ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,7,8,15,21,28,30,32,46,49,60,193,196,200,203,214,233,241,242,246,248

Subnet 53 (Jahan online ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-7,11,14,24,38,40,47,49-51,55,59,60,62,65,66,69,70,74,76,78-80,83,91,93,96,97,99,108,111,113-116,129,136,141,144-147,150,151,155,157,163,171-173,183,194,196,198,199,201,203,208,211-213,218,223,226,230,231,237,238,246,252

Subnet 54 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Kavosh Pajooh ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Pardis Information Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,8,13-16,19,27,29,30,40-42,45,47,49,55,58,61,64,66,69,73,75,77,88,90,92-94,96,102,193-195,197,199,224-227,239

Subnet 55 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Payam Resaneh Isfahan Research Investigation; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Montazeran IT and ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assinged to Sepehrnet IT Communication Research Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,128,129,131-133,139,163,193,194,225,226,228

Subnet 56 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Avizheh Pardaz ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Aryan1 ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Avizheh Pardaz ISP; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Fasa; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Rayane Gostar Jahrom ISP; hosts 224-239 are assigned to LarinNet, Shabake Pardaz Larestan; hosts 240-255 are assigned to the Red Crescent Society):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,7,8,10,11,17,21,27-61,63,65-68,70,78,80,81,87,89-91,97,106,109,116,129,132-134,160-164,192-195,207-212,215,216,223-226,231,251

Subnet 57 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Pars Banadar ISP; hosts 128-143 are assigned to ArishNet ISP in Shiraz, Iran; hosts 144-159 are assigned to Fars Engineering Research Center; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Sepehr Ettela Resan Co; hosts 176-191 are assigned to Dorna Rayane ISP; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Greenstar ISP; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Neyriz; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,5,127,129,144-146,159-165,179,180,182,190,209,210,218

Subnet 58 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Daneshpaj Electronic of Shiraz; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Far-Da-Net ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Haman-Net ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Firozabad; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Parsian Rayaneh Darab; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-6,9,11,23,28,30,32-35,47,64,66,79-83,95-97,99,111,128,129,131,143,144,159

Subnet 59 (Aranic ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-4,7,8,10-15,17,28,41,42,51,54,72,83,128,139,175,207,239,244,245

Subnet 60 (CallWithMe Corp):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,8,21-25,29

Subnet 61 (Hosts 0-95 are assigned to Sepehr2 ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Pantea Electrical & Electronics Information Services; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Larestan; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Neiriz Hamyar):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,6,63,65-67,95-97,99,101,109,111,112,114,127,129-131,135,136,139-142,145,146,153,160-165,191,202,207,209,210,224,225,227,239-241

Subnet 62 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Apshiraz-Net Education of Fars; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Pars Banader ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,129,130,159,163,193-197,200

Subnet 63 (Mailavesh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 64 (DCI/TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,5-7,10,65,67,70,73,75,97,99,101,102,111,113,114,161,162,217,240,241,247-250,252,253

Subnet 65 (Datamashah, Telecommuniction of Khorasan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,50

Subnet 66 (Islamic Azad Univ of Mashhad):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,14,65,80,100,107,121,143,253

Subnet 67 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Sadra-Net ISP Cultural and Article Org; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Danesh-Rayaneh Quochan; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Baharnet ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Taam Asrar Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Shahid Hashemi-Net Vocational Technical Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,131-133,135,137,160-163,165,168,179,185,191,193-197,209,209,223-227

Subnet 68 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Pedram Net Daragz ISP; hosts 16-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Iran Aseman Airline in Mashhad; hosts 48-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Naslejadid ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Medical Science Univ of Gonabad; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Pedram-Net ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Payam Mehr Khayam ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,32,40,42,64-67,69,73,75,83,85,97,98,115,130,131

Subnet 69 (Dadgostarim ISP of Khorasan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 7,108,253

Subnet 70 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Danesh Pajoo ISP; hosts 16-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Ertebat Gostar Ayandeh Sazan co; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 ae assigned to Ertebatat Toloo ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,32-34,45,50,56,63-65,68,79,97,98,101,128-133,135,143,160,161,164,165,193,195,197,203,206,207,212,227,231,242

Subnet 71 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Sorssh Beyhagh ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Radio Telecommunication Office; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Management & Planning Org of Khorasan; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Sarakhs Special Economic Zone Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,12,29,31,65,66,128-130,132,133,226

Subnet 72 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Hatef ISP; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Arad ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Quchan; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Kar Asan Toos):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,25,27,29,65-67,75,97-99,107,113,118,120,123,131,132,138,140,145,192,193,195,207

Subnet 73 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Angizeh ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to DCI; hosts 96-191 are assigned to Bojnurd Islamic Azad Univ ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Mehregannet ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Rayanet LTD. of Nishabour):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5-7,15,19,33,35,36,39,41,45,46,49,53-62,96-98,100,102,103,105,129,130,164,192,193,207,232

Subnet 74 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Rahkar Gostar Shaya ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Mohajernet ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Azad Univ of Sabzevar; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Pajvak Kavir Sabzevar-net; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,67-70,192,193,195,197,198,200,215,223

Subnet 75 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Taliae Samangan Khorasan ISP; hosts 16-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-95 are assigned to Rayan Pardaz Torshiz ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Angizeh Negar Khavaran; hosts 144-207 are assigned to Mehrahang ISP; hosts 208-255 are assigned to Gonabaduni Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-4,65,96-127,144-146,148,159,168,186,225,226,228,242

Subnet 76 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,15,16,18,22,24,25,28,51,59,69,82,124

Subnet 77 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Ertebat Net Co of Sabzevar; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Torbataz Univ; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Lahze Pardaze Khayyam Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Sharghnet ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15,47,64-67,72,73,98,100,129,130,145,150,193-195,199,211,212,240,241,247

Subnet 78 (Mashad-Net hardware provider & ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,8,22,24,25,29,34,42,51,56,57,62,68,71,74,76,94,119,120,133,134,137,146,150,160,164,172,180,201,206,221-224,233

Subnet 79 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Ertebat Gostar Ayandeh Sazan Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Sina Gostar Jam ISP; hosts 128-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Torbat-e-Heydarieh):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 37,64,65,90,91,127-130,191,224-226,239

Subnet 80 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Rayanet Co of Nishabour; hosts 32-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to KhakePak Org; hosts 160-191 Chenaran Saeed Internet Network; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Kashmar-Net ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Khorasan Transportation & Terminal Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 131,159,160,163,165,166,192,193,197,198,223,241

Subnet 81 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Neyestan ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Mashhad Electrical Energy Distribution Co; hosts 96-159 are assigned to Rayan Pardaz Torshiz ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Danesh-Net ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Shahab Rasaneh Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Central Site of Azad Univ of Ferdows):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,55,62-66,68,69,90,94,95,97,102,105,106,110,112,117,126,129-132,138,144,146,150,160-162,165,175,196,207,218,220,222,240,241

Subnet 82 (Hosts 0-95 are assigned to Hakim Rayane ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Neyestan-Net2 ISP; hosts 160-223 ar assigned to Neda Gostar ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to UNHCR ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,10,12,13,15,20,64,65,127,161,162,224,225,239

Subnet 83 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Ostandari Khorasan; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Ertebat Gostar Ayandeh Sazan Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 18,38,126,127,129-132,154,156,160

Subnet 84 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Negareshgaran Tahrer Gonabad ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Gonabad-Net Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Irpostm; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Arbedaran-Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,64-67,76,95,128-130,133,159,193,206,223-225,227,231,239

Subnet 85 (Islamic Azad Univ of Sabzevar):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 86 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Khademat Rayanehe 2000 Khaf Co; hosts 16-31 are assigned to Azad Univ of Shirvan; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Shirvan-IAU Univ; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Taybad-net Baztab Rayaneh Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Khorasan Regional Electric Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-4,33-38,47,63-65,79,128-135,140

Subnet 87 (Alborz Computer Co):
Ping Sweep shows these host up: 1-3,18

Subnet 88 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-4,21,22,24,25,27,40,41,49,73,85,93,109,122,140-143,168,169,171,181,220,221,223,251,253,254

Subnet 89 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Iranshahr Argham ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Noor Pardaz Saravan ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Hamyari Shahrdariha Zahedan Office; hosts 128-255 are assigned to SIBL Computer):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,32-34,63-65,69,71,72,76,127,128,130,252,253

Subnet 90 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Dibanet Zahedan Office; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Tose Sanaye Jonob Shargh ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Nimruz Internet Network of Sistan Omidsazan Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Zamannet Kavir ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 162,181,190,192,193

Subnet 91 (Sistan & Bluchestan Regional Electric Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,50,79,83,89,90,93,96,97,103,108,112,113,115,117,122,128-152,154-254

Subnet 92 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Azad Univ of Zahedan; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Manageorgsis; hosts 160-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Zabol Azad Univ; hosts 240-250 are assigned to Baran Rayaneh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 63,128-132,142,159,176-178,180,183-185,191,208,209,223-225,239,241,253

Subnet 93 (Zabol Univ Net):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,11,38,50,52

Subnet 94 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Sistan & Balouchestan TCI Zahedan office; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to State Management Training Center Zahedan Office; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Waterzonesis, Ab Mantaghe Sistan ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Ostandari Sistan Province):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,63,64,66,67,160,161,164,165,173,192-197,207-209,223,225-227,253

Subnet 95 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Data Processing in Chabahar Free Zone; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Rayane Faraz Iranshahr ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Faraandish Rayane ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Telephone Electronic Zahedan ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,30,32,33,36,63,67,128-130,134,136,137,197,198,200,213,241

Subnet 96 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,6,9,10,13,14,66,68,73,74,79,81,82,114,117-119,245,248-251,253,254

Subnet 97 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Ranginkamaan Info Network; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,20,125,126,128-131,133,150

Subnet 98 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Mavara Ava Shiraz; hosts 128-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,5,8,9-15,17,18,20-23,25,29,30,32,33,35-37,39,41,45,52,53,68,69,71,81-83,114,116,129,254

Subnet 99 (Asr-e-Andisheh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-4,32-51,96,99,103,161,164

Subnet 100 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Shiraz Chapar Information and Computer Ltd; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Tandisnet, Narjes Amin ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,17,20,26,31-33,35-37,41,45,63-65,79,96-98,100,105,106,109,193-196

Subnet 101 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Pyamavaran Mohajer; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Afra ISP; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,63,129,131,176,177,179,181,191,193-195,197,200,208,227

Subnet 102 (Mailaveco ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,17,36,48,51,65,71,72,78,83,90,91,96

Subnet 103 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Shiraz Taba Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Aryan ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Jahrom Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,7,13,63-65,67,68,70-76,81-87,89,91,93,95-98,123-127

Subnet 104 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Marvdasht; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Fars Gas Pipeline Affairs; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Markaz Amoozeshe Alie Fanni Shiraz; hosts 80-95 are assigned to South Radio Connection Co; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Fanherfeh-net; hosts 112-127 are assigned to Rayane Gostar Jahrom Co ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Shiraz Javan Sahand Research Institute; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Taliee Rayaneh Noor ISP; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Arsenjan; hosts 240-255 are assigned to Dana Co. Kazeroon ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,5,31,33,81,82,88,96,97,111,113,114,128-131,133-136,138,139,142,143,151,159,167,191-193,195,207-210,213,223-227,239-241,250

Subnet 105 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Fars Industries & Mines Org; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Noavaran Sanaat-e-Bargh; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Education & Training Org Section2; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Boomerang ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Eghlid):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,22,24,63-67,90,99,127-130,159,161,193,224-228,239

Subnet 106 (Jahan Agahan Co):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 107 (Hosts 0-128 are assigned to Iran Telecommunication Industries; hosts 129-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 16,17,130,131,133,135,191

Subnet 108 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-255 are assigned to Fassa Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,11,31-37,41,63-68,70,71,87,127-130,143,144,146,159,161,162,177-182,193-195,209,210,220,221,225-227,239-243

Subnet 109 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Free Islamic Univ-Jahrom; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Fras Hadish Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,6,50,127-130,160,200-202

Subnet 110 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Hormozicom (desc says "This site belongs to Larestan Red Star"); hosts 32-47 belongs to Zabansara-net; hosts 48-63 are assigned to Jahrom-Edu, Amoozesh Va Parvaresh; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Marvdashtnet, Hamyari Org of Fars Municipality; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Barbod ISP; hosts 112-127 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Fasa; hosts 128-255 arae assigned to Agreesh, Research Center for Agriculture & Natural Resources of Fars):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,31,36,37,40,49,53-55,64-66,84,95,97,98,105,106,112,113,115,116,127,129,149,192,220,243

Subnet 111 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 106,125,128,132,134,140,143,144,158,171,191-193,224,227,229,233,239,252

Subnet 112 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 137,139,141,144,145,149,150,152,156-159,161,162,164,165,169,170,173,174,185,186,188-190,197,208-211,221,223,241,242,244,245,247,253

Subnet 113 (Islamic Azad Univ of Bushehr):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,4,100,127

Subnet 114 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Boshehr Communication Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Tour-E Sina Internet Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Khadamt Group Rayaneh 672 ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Sadaf System Jonoob ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 52,68,123,124,130-132,192,194,200,225,227,231

Subnet 115 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Bushehr System Internet Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Khalij Information Center, Bushehr; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Neda-Rayaneh Booshehr Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 50,63-67,80-83,95,97,129,159,193,196-198,205

Subnet 116 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Bushehr Univ of Medical Science; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Fayez-Net ISP; hosts 144-156 are assigned to Karan Sahel Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Rayane Javid Kangan Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,7,10,57,127,129-132,170,184,188,190,197,202,205,224-228

Subnet 117 (Khalij Information Center, Bushehr):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,7,8,10,11,14-17,23-26,28,29,33,36,37,39,40,42-47.50,51,53,55,57-59,61,62,64-83,85-95,97,112-127,129,132-136,192-215,219-254

Subnet 118 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Sazmane Tablighate Islami; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Kharg; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Poshtkar-Net ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Khadamat Rayaneye Asslooye Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,16-18,20,31,33,34,65-67,92,106,121,127-130,132,146,152,153,155,175,191

Subnet 119 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Khalij Information Center, Bushehr; hosts 128-159 are assigned to the Post Office of Bushehr; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Novin Afkar Co Ganaveh; hosts 208-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-6,8-10,19,22,24,25,29,33,34,36,38-41,44,47,50,52-54,56,59-63,128-130,132,133,159,160,175,193,225

Subnet 120 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,104,105,111,127,129,133-137,140,142,144-147,149,150,153-155,157,158,160,161,163,168-171,173,175,177,178,185,188,193,194,197,200,201,206,207,209,212,213,216-218,221,224-226,229,230,233,234,241,242,252,253

Subnet 121 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Rayan Negaresh Bandar; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Dadeh Pardazan Avayeh Bandar Computer Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Bandar Abbas Port Authority; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Rayab Bandar):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,62,63,69,81,87,90,93,94,112,128-130,159,164-166,192-194

Subnet 122 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Peyvand Darya Shipping Services; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Geraf Gostart Bandar Lengeh; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Danesh Ertebat Hormozgan Engineering Co; hosts 96-159 are assigned to The Education Org of Hormozgan; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Hormoz Complex Data Processing Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to AriaTel ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15,32,33,36,40,45,48,50,55,63,97,98,127,193

Subnet 123 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Azadbandar-net Islamic Azad Univ; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Hormozgan Univ; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Caspian Terminal Services Queshm (terminal for cotton and other materials); hosts 224-255 are assigned to sahand Tarabar Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,31,53-57,61,62,129,131,192,193,207,225-227,241-243

Subnet 124 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Dadehaye Donyaye Door Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Kara Tarashe ISP Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Modiriat Management & Planning Org of Hormozgan; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Termhor load terminal transportation):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,10-12,85,118,124,127,161,162,194,195,223,225

Subnet 125 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Hormozgan Regional Electric Co; hosts 64-191 are assigned to Farasahel, Iranian shipbuilding and offshore industries complex; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Rayan Gostar Minab ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Forogh-21 Se-Dal Internet Services):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,30,32-34,48,49,60,63-65,96-99,127,160,161,191-197,200,223,224,226,239

Subnet 126 (Karsazkish ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,52,61,63,65,66,128-130,143,160-163,169,191-193,200,207,243,252-254

Subnet 127 (Langarkar Internet Services):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,7,80-82,95,113,161

Subnet 128 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,14,16,66,68,69,75,117,118,136,137,141,143,145,146,161,162,168-171,193,196,205,248,251,252

Subnet 129 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Edustar, Education Service Tabriz; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Aras-Sys ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Pardazeshnasim ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15,32-34,41,43,51,63-68,70,127,129,130,132,224,254

Subnet 130 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to East Azarbayjan Telecommunication Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Datis Internet; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Azar Negar Andisheh):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 44-46,80,112,130,159,178,180,224,226,227,254

Subnet 131 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Maragheh; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Taavoni-Net ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Sarab Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,64-66,127,128,139,141,142,162,163,168,169

Subnet 132 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Shabestarazuni, Manager of data processing central IAU Shabestar; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Tavoni Khadamate Internetie Saba Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ Marand Branch; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Rayaneh Sabz Marand Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Rayanmehr ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Bonab Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,33-35,42,64-66,88,95,129,130,157,192,222,223

Subnet 133 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Tabrizonline-net; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ert21-Net ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Jelveh Information Technologists Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Data Pardazan Rayan Tabriz Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,8,14,21,31-37,39,47,97,99,125,132,136,192-195

Subnet 134 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Sahand Pardazesh ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Tarbiat Moalem Univ of Tabriz; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Rasaneh Information ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 50,63,122,129,131,132,134-138,146,150,175-178,189,191-193

Subnet 135 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to East Azarbaijan Post Office; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Pishgaman Talash Azar ISP; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Sayeman Novin Tabriz Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,5,7,63-83,99-131,133,159

Subnet 136 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Tarahan Adineh Co; hosts 32-95 are assigned to Tabriz Millenium Communications; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Mianeh Azad Univ; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Behin Internet; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Malekan ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,32-34,64-66,68,70,72,95,97,98,100,123,124,192,193,196

Subnet 137 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Gostaresh Shomal Gharb Co; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Power Informatic Consultant Co; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Noavar Azarbayjan Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,8,120,144-146,159,161,162,191-195,223,240,241,244-246

Subnet 138 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Eastern Azarbaijan Governory; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Bornagostar ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Tarbiate Moaalem Allameh Amini; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,12,42,50,63,159,161-163,192-194,197,200,217,244

Subnets 139 & 140 (Hamara Systems Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 139: 64-66,74,95,97,100,131
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 140: 1-7,20,65,129,130

Subnet 141 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Tamin Ertebatat Azerbayjan ISP; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Rasana ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Noavar Jolfa Information Technology Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Azar Rayangan Tabriz Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Tabriz Terminal & Transport Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 134,160,162,192,193,195

Subnet 142 (Salar Computer):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1

Subnet 143 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Dorna Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Taovoni1056 org; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Mehr Asal Corp; hosts 224-255 are assigned to CallWithMe Corp of Tabriz):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,22,33,35,38,40,65,192,193,202,223,225,226

Subnet 144 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5,7,250-253

Subnet 145 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Sirvan Rayane Gharb mahabad ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to DCI; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Sim Samaneh Inc.; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Taavoni Masraf Mokhaberat; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Zarinragam Miandoab Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Sahand Pardaz Azar; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,8,63,65,66,97,98,127-129,131,159,161-164,191,193-196,224,225,233,240

Subnet 146 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Azarnet ISP; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Tozie Niroye Barg Co; hosts 144-159 are assigned to Zarin Rayane Shahindej Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Azar Ragham Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Arshia Dialup ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,127,129,132,135,145,146,148,161,162,224,225,227,229

Subnet 147 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Purya Electronic Orumiyeh Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Nokhbegan-Net ISP; hosts 192-207 are assigned to West Azarbayjan Province Governemnt; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Islamik Azad of Mahabad; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Mahabad Communication Era Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,5-7,10,15,127,192,193,195,207-209,211,223

Subnet 148 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Jhian Rayaneh Sardasht; hosts 16-31 are assigned to Transorum Transport Org; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Univ of Makoo; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ofogh Rayane Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Asreertebat Ertebat Mahabad Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,15,17,33,65,67,68,86,129,133,143,161,163,209,223,225,226,228,233-236

Subnet 149 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Fara System Afsjhar Takab Co; hosts 16-31 are assigned to Sabz Andish Rayan Gostar Takab Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to the Post Office of Orumieh; hostst 64-95 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Mahabad; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Zagros Net Mahabad Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Azardata ISP; hosts 160-223 are assigned to Azarbaijan Ananet Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Fanava Ertebatat Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,15-17,31-35,37,39-42,48-50,52,54,63-65,69,70,95,97-100,128-131,159,161,163,225-227

Subnet 150 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Nasl Novin Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Kamal Bukan ISP; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Azarbaijan Ananet ISP; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Nokhbegan-Net ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Kavoshgaran Oje Gharb Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 16,17,34,49,53,60,63,86,96,108,114,123,129,130,132,152,154,156,165,169,173,174,184,190,193,194,209,210,225,226

Subnet 151 (Hosts 0-191 are assigned to Elmavar Dade Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Ofogh Andish Gharb Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,6,8,10,17,35,43,44,52,58,62,66,67,69,72,92,97,103,119,127,129,138,141,148,149,159,178,181,192,193,195,196,215,218,220,225,230,231,234,235,239,247,249,251

Subnet 152 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,132,133,135,138,139,252,253

Subnet 153 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Bahar Narmafzar Computer Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Hardware Service of Almas-e-Azarbaijan; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Ardebil Telecommunication Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Yagut Computer Co, Meshkinshahr Iran; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Sazmane Modiraiat Va Barname Rizi; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,39,46,50,61,123,124,126,144,145,147,159,160-163,166,170,177,178,183,193,201,207,225-227

Subnet 154 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Arta-Net, Kimia Pardaz Arta Ardebil;hosts 64-95 are assigned to Khalkhaul Azad Univ; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Bavar COmputer Ardabil Co; hostst 192-255 are assigned to KarAferin-Net):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,7,14,20,31,64-68,79,129-134,136,191-195,209,248,251

Subnet 155 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Markaze Behdasht; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Tabibrayan ISP; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Ishgamanfea ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Munia, Daneshgah Oloom Pezeshki):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,74,81,95,97,129-131,146,160,161,163,175,192,193,195,196,198,216

Subnet 156 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Jamal Gostar ISP; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Pooyannamin ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Azarbayejannet ISP; hosts 96-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,32-34,37,45,47,48,63-65,68,96,97,99,127,129,130,192,193,200,207,225,227,250

Subnet 157 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Mohaghegh Ardebili Univ; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,65,66,95,193

Subnets 158-160 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 158: 1-3,32-35,63,129-131,159
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 159: 1,2,4,7,8,15-31,33-62,65-126,129-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 160: 2,3,10-12,66,67,69,75,97,98,100,102,111,117-119,128,130,137,138,152,153,155,160,161,167,169,173,174,177,178,180-182,185,189,192-194,199,204,206,208,213,216,217,219,223,225,241,242,244,245,247,249-251,253

Subnet 161 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Mazy Net Rayaneh Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Ayandeh Roshan Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 Yas Net Noor Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Amoun-Net ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Kazar Tartan Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Khmoj-Pouya ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,6,8,33-36,65-67,71,126,128-131,137,161-163,175,193,199,204,210,211,215,225,227,230,241-243,250-253

Subnet 162 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Behshahr Dona Kayer Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Elm O Sanaat Behshahr Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,7,21,25,26,33,34,63,67,69,80-83,95,97,98,100,110,112-117,119,128-130,163,210,239,241

Subnet 163 (Mazandaran Medical Science Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,203,245

Subnet 164 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Rah-e-Jahan Sari; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Payvand Dadehaye Shomal Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Khazartonekabon ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,6,63-65,67,95,129-132,134,139,182,189,190,193-195,200,205,216,220,223,224,245

Subnet 165 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Azad Univ of Tonekabon; hosts 32-95 are assigned to Amolmedicine ISP; hosts 96-127 Abrisham-Net, Data processing silk way; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Daneshgostar ISP; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Chaloos-Net ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,31,97-100,105,118,119,128-131,134,191,193,194,225

Subnet 166 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Mazandaran Regional Electric Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to the Post Office of Mazandaran; hosts 64-79 Donya Jadid Co; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Karkia Institute; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Ghaem Net Gostar Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Maziar Rayaneh Co; hosts 160-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Noshahr & Chaloos Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,31-33,37,62-65,67,68,79,96,97,109,111,113,129-131,193,232,237-239

Subnet 167 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Andishepardaz Qaem Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Moje Gooya Mazandaran Co, Hamshahri Shopping Center; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Safanet Sari Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,63,65,67,68,90,110,113

Subnet 168 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Qaem Faramouj Gostar Co; hosts 96-159 are assigned to Faramoj Tabarestan Co; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Ghaem Shahr Univ; hosts 176-191 are assigned to Pezhvak Jouybar Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,31,33,36,69,71,90,91,96-99,101,127,129,130,135,159-164,167,176,177,179,191

Subnet 169 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Bahreh Avaran Sanat Shomal Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Novin Moje Mazandarn Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Moje Gooya Mazandaran Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Mojramsar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 105,121-123,125,126,129,130,132,160,170,172,174-176,184,188-196,205-213,216,222-225

Subnet 170 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Khosh Khabar Faraz Shomal Co; hosts 64-191 are assigned to Shabakeh-Online; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Rayanavaz Tehran Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,8,11,32,33,35,64-68,70,90,127,128,130,132,146,167,160,161,163,191,193,194,196-198,201,225

Subnet 171 (Tarbiat Modarres Univ, Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,3,5

Subnet 172 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Ostandari Mazandaran; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-191 are assigned to Faramoj Tabarestan Co; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Kazar Tartan Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Markaz Ammozeshe Ali Bagher (Emam)):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,10-14,16,17,23,64-66,87,95,124-130,157-159,191,193,195

Subnet 173 (Babol Univ of Medical Sciences):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,8,9,11,12,14,16,201,210,213,214

Subnet 174 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Ayandeh Roshan Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to tabarestan Rasaneh Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Nozar System Joibar Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Rahavard Andisheh Co; hosts 208-255 are assigned to Setareh Shargh Neka Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,63,100,101,110-114,126,127,160,161,208-240,252,254

Subnet 175 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Parsian-Tabarestan ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Azad Univ of Sari; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 ar assigned to Ayandeh Roshan Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,65,69,112,113,127-133,143,172,179,199

Subnet 176 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,49,53,88-91,95,97,98,248,251,253

Subnet 177 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to TCI of Golestan; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Partov Jam Co; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Pinar Communications Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,19,20,27,127,130,133-135,176,177,192,193,207-209,223-225

Subnet 178 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Gorgan Azad Univ; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Nasim Rayaneh Mihan; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,13,30,48,63-66,95,129,151,159,228,229

Subnet 179 (Hosts 0-191 are assigned to Medical Science Univ of Golestan; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Shafagh ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DataPak ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,128,191,193,224,225

Subnet 180 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Management and Programming Org of Golestan Province; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Traning & Educational Org of Golestan):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,62,128-130

Subnet 181 (Hosts 0-207 are assigned to Pishro Rayaneh Gorgan; hosts 208-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,6,11,12,15,33-35,39,40,129-133,136,193,195

Subnet 182 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Ghazal Data Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Mojtamae Rayaneh Danesh Golestan; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Mashhad; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Sheednet, Rahavard Rayaneh Golestan Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Aliabad Katool):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 12,14,33,34,37,44,47,64-66,70,97-101,126,127,129,130,138,143,192-194

Subnet 183 (Data Matin Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,15,64,65,68,127,170,201,205,218,248

Subnet 184 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128,140,141,143,148,150,151,156,159,164,165,167,169,171-173,175,177,181,188,189,191-193,205,207,212-215,236-238,253

Subnet 185 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Rasht; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Abinetbandar ISP at Anzali Port; hosts 96-159 are assigned to Dadeh Pardazi Gilan Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to TCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Jazireh Sabz Gilan Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,63,64,66,67,93,97-99,131-163,191,224-227,230,239-241

Subnet 186 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Astara; hosts 64-159 are assigned to TCI; hosts 160-223 are assigned to Internet Abinetbandar at Anzali Port; hosts 224-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 33,34,63,65,97,98,112,113,127,129,130,225

Subnet 187 (Andisheh Sabz Khazar Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5-9,11-14,16-19,24,25,28-62,65-83,85-88,90-97,167,168,174,179,186,197,201-209,248,249,252-254

Subnet 188 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Manager-Net Salef; hosts 64-127 are assigned to TCI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Parsian Tejarat Bandar; hosts 192-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,55-57,59,60,63,192-194,196,207,209-211,230

Subnet 189 (Andishehsabz ISP in Guilan Province):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5-7,12,13,16,19,24,25,61,64,91,120,122,127,134,155,167,191,206

Subnet 190 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to TCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Lahijan Azad Univ; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Mehran Net Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Machineri Service Center for the post office in Gilan; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Pishgam Koochan Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,101,103,127-132,143,191-195,207,225,239,241

Subnet 191 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Rahavard Rayane Shomale Sabz co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Aryanorth ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,20,70,110,111,120,126-129,131-133,137,140,143,151,153,162,165,192,197,206,230

Subnet 192 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 65,67,69,75,97,99,101,102,111,113-115,117,161,164-166,176-178,183,197,216-219,221,222,248,249,252,253

Subnet 193 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Hamedan Net Gostar Co; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Islamic Azad Univ of Hamadan; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Mehran-Malayer ISP; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Shayan Rayane ISP in Malayer; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,17,129,131,132,208-210

Subnet 194 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Malayer Pooyesh Net; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Tuiserkan-Net Azad Univ; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Hamedan Onlie Sepeed Systems Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Dmahdieh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 33,36,37,49,50,55,65,81,129,137

Subnet 195 (Sina Ati Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,32,44,54,63,64,67,79,82,84,85,91,98,106,122,130,144,146,177,179

Subnet 196 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Malayer Rosecart Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Bahar Co; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129,145,193-195,216,250

Subnet 197 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Jahan-Daricheh Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Baharkovosh ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Asadabad-ap Amoozesh Va Barvaresh; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Raika System Gharb Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to DCI; hosts 160-223 are assigned to Rayaneh Saraye Alvand; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Sadaf Rayaneh Asia):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64-66,79,96,97,99,100,127-129,143,192,193

Subnet 198 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Net Gostar ISP;hosts 128-191 are assigned to Hamedan TVTO Technical and Vocational Training Org; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Net Gostar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 124,125,127-129

Subnet 199 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Matin Rayane Co; hosts 16-31 are assigned to DCI; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Higher Education Complex of Malayer; hosts 64-95 are assigned to DCI; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Shabakeh Pardazan Razan Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Sinaparsian Information):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,14,15,18,33,34,55,96-98,111,129,130,133,138,154,172

Subnet 200 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 153,154,156,157,159,161,165-171,173,177,181,253

Subnet 201 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to TCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to KavoshNetwork, Sadi Squire, Ilam district, Ilam province; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Jahad Keshawarzi Org; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Nasr-e Minaie Ilam Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,62,63,65,96,129,159

Subnet 202 (Medical Univ of Ilam):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 203 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Daneshgah Azad Islami; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Saman Tablighate Islami; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Fanni Herfeyi Ilam Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Post Ilam Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,16,64-66,79,192,205,223

Subnet 204 (Amoozilam Trading Org):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,8

Subnet 205 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Saymareh Pardazesh Dareshahr Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Taavoni 1961 Abdanan; hosts 80-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Mehr Rayane Gharb Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Tavoni Dehloran):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,64-67,129,130,140,159,192-196,206,214,216,223

Subnets 206 & 207 (Ilam Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 206: 1,5,9,13,14,21,25,33,34,37,38,41,42,45,57,61,65,66,81,85,86,89,90,94,97,98,105
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 207: 1,3,128,129,132,159,161

Subnet 208 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,4,66-69,96,98-101,117,119,176-178,185,191,193,195,196,253

Subnet 209 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Fara Gostar Broujerd Co; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Lorestan Transport Org; hosts 48-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Telecommunications of Khoramabad; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Rayan Gostar Azna Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Behinpa ISP; hosts 144-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,29,31,33,48-50,63-66,81-83,85,128-130,143,161-164,177,178,180-182,184,186,192,194,209,224,225,231,239

Subnet 210 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Artebatat Faragostar Broujerd; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Tebyan Org; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Hemayat Az Tolidkonandegan Broujerd Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Azad Univ of Broujerd; hosts 192-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Khoram Abad Azad Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,8,16,32,34,49,60,64,66-68,70-72,77,78,94,123,125-127,129-134,159,169,192,193,207-209,211,222-226

Subnet 211 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Pajuhesh-Net Education; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Adl Delfan Gostar Nooranad; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Arya Net Saba Co; hosts 80-111 are assigned to Corporation Org of Khoramabad Province Municipalities; hosts 112-175 are assigned to Amoparlor Training Org; hosts 176-239 are assigned to Khorampardaz Lorestan; hosts 240-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,33,50,61,63,65,81,84,88,94,113,209,224,225,227,240

Subnet 212 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,145,146,149,156,157,159,161,162,165,167,169,171,192-195,201,209

Subnet 213 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to DCI Kermanshah ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Niloofar System Gharb; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Nezam ISP; hosts 160-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,5,17,18,113,127-130,159,161,64,191,225,227,240,241,243,247,248

Subnet 214 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Kermanshah Univ Medical Science; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Sepidar Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Net Gostar Kermansha Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4-11,127,160-162,164,180,192-195,199,207-210,224-226,237,239

Subnet 215 (Hesabgar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5-10,18,35,114,115,193,244,254

Subnet 216 (Setarehsobh Software):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-3,5,10,25,143,152,156

Subnet 217 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 129-132,147,148,156,185,195,198,224,248

Subnet 218 (Training & Education Center of Kermasha):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,155,173

Subnet 219 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Kermanshah Institute):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,15,17,19,20,80,81,95-97,100,101,127-132,134,136,197,222

Subnet 220 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,253

Subnet 221 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Sanandajuni Azad Univ; hosts 144-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Senna Micropardaz Garb Co; hosts 208-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,10,65,67,113,129,130,134,145,161,176-179,191,193-195,198,224-227,231,253

Subnet 222 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Kordestan Telecommunication Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Taavoni Karkonane Saghez Net; hosts 96-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Medical Science Univ of Kurdistan; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Farazabidar ISP; hosts 192-255 are asigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,11,26,37,64-68,75,79,97,129-132,134-140,144-146,160,171,191-194,207,209,212,223,225-227,230,239,241

Subnet 223 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Kurdistan Central Network; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Seda Va Sooroosh; osts 96-127 are assigned to Jahan Pardaz Co; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Parsa Rayaneh Gbarb Co; hosts 160-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Jovan Pardaz ISP; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,4,7,9,31,33,48,49,50,52,54,60,63-66,70,80-82,95,97,114-116,126,129,132-140,145,161,193,195,205,209,225-227,241,248

Subnet 224 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,3,20,66,67,69,75,97,99,100-102,111,117-119,129,131-135,141,142,148-151,153,154,157,157,169,170,174,180-187,196,197,199,201,205,209,210,212,213,215,220-223,225-226,232,234,235,240,241,243,248-253

Subnet 225 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Shabake Mehr Ahvaz Co; hosts 16-31 are assigned to Inswaelec Water & Electric Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Padid Pardaz Sama Co; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Fanoos Sabz Co; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Pishro System Co; hosts 112-127 are assigned to Tablighat Eslami; hosts 128-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Pardis Rayaneh Dezfool Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 4-6,16-18,22,31,33,34,37,38,41-43,46,48-54,56,57,59-65,71,80,81,92,95,97,112,113,127,149,153,154,156,161-163,168-171,176,177,179-183,185-187,191,193,194,200-203,207-210,216,223,225,227,232,233,236,240,242,245,248,250,253,254

Subnet 226 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Ahvaz Telecommunication; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Parsdez-Net ISP; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Dade Pishgaman Rayane Khoramshahr Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Soosa Rayane Karkhe Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Pajoohesh Shabake Dezfool Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,7,11,34,40,48,58,63,64,70,80,84,91,93,96,97,127,193-195,197 225,226,231

Subnet 227 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Dezab Consulting Engineers Co; hosts 32-63 are assigned to DCI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Amir Arsalan Mahshahr Co; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Refatec Rayaneh Ghostar Farzanegan ISP; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Parsdez-Net ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 5,6,14,26,41,53,55,56,59,61,64-66,70,72,73,128,129,133-135,159-162,165-167,191,193,194,196,199,202,209,212,217,223,225

Subnet 228 (CallWithMe Corp):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,5,10,13,15-17,22,37,40,42,47,55,56,59,65,69,86,90-92,100,102,106,107,112,118,124,133,142,144,153,159,162,166,171,180,197,198,209-211,223,231,234,238,243,247,254

Subnet 229 (Ab-Khouzestan):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 230 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Novin Pardazan Khuzestan Co; hosts 32-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 3,5,16,57,62,102,122,127,129,141,153,223,244

Subnet 231 (Adak Rayaneh ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,8,9,20,31,37,38,126

Subnet 232 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 64,65,69,70,100-102,127

Subnets 233 & 234 (Tamaas Gostaran Bartar ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 233 & 234.

Subnet 235 (Parnam ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 236-239 (Amir Kabir Technical Univ):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 236: 1
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 237-239

Subnets 240-243 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 240,242 & 243.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 241: 192,194,195,197,206

Subnets 244 & 245 (Ferdowsi Univ of Mashhad):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 244: 2
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 245: 46-48,50

Subnet 246 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Daftare Namayandegi Dargaz; hosts 32-255 are assigned to DCI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 247 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Water & Waste Water Co of Mashad; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DCI; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Rafee Shabakeh Sazan; hosts 144-159 are assigned to DCI; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Samaneh Pardaz Hooshmand Co; hosts 176-191 are assigned to DCI; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Ovriss Commercial Network)
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,63,80,81,95,98,111,129,131-133,135,137,139,143,161-163,192-194,223

Subnet 248 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Tiyam Rayan Kish; hosts 64-255 are assigned to Kish ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 128-132,159,161,162,193,194,208-210

Subnet 249 (Kish Group ISP):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3-5,13,32-34,36,52,54,63

Subnet 250 (DCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-6,24,30,207

Subnet 251 (Hosts 0-128 are assigned to DCI; hosts 129-255 are assigned to Petrochemical Industries Design & Engineering Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,3,5,7,22,118,127-129,131

Subnets 252 & 253 (Isfahan Telecom Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 252: 1,9,13,21,37,41,61,65,73,77,105,113,125,129,137,141,145,149,153,185,212,213,215,241,245,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 253: 9,13,17,25,29,33,53,61,65,69,73,77,81,85,89,113,125,129,145,149,153,157,165,169,173,177,189,193,205,209,217,221,233

Subnet 254 (TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61,65,69,73,77,81,85,89,93,97,101,105,109,117,121,125,129,137,141,145,153,157,165,169,173

Subnet 255 (Hosts 0-223 are assigned to DCI; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Khorshid Shargh Shazands ISP; hosts 240-255 are assigned to TCI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,4,10,12,63,65,253