Neda Rayaneh

No. 528 North Ostad Hassan Bana
Tehran, IR


From their website:

As the only prominent private sector ISP in Iran, Neda is actively present at key consultative committees helping decision makers form affordable connectivity a policy objective. It also remains the only point of reference for service provision at international gatherings, such as the 8th OIC Summit conference, where Neda designed and maintained the OIC home page and successfuly achieved 1st on-line and direct web audio and video broadcast from Iran. Neda is also the sponsor and manager of public access cyber cafes set up in conjunction with professional trade fairs in Tehran.

Since its inception Neda has,

- created and maintained over 80 databases of urban information available free of charge to Tehran city dwellers.
- over 4000 bulletin board subscribers, over 2000 e-mail clients and hosts home pages for over 700 commercial clients.
- popularized the use of modern IT tools, such as e-mail, BBS, electronic commerce, tele-marketing services and on line publications.
- created and maintains the first Iranian active WWW site on the internet ( ) for the purpose of information exchanges between local and international users as well as promoting Iranian business abroad.
- sponsored the first Iranian public access cyber-cafe.

Neda hosts the electronic version of Hamshahri the highest circulation Iranian daily and a dozen other journals and periodicals on its WWW site. Neda sponsors various cultural sites such as virtual musems and historical archives and is the patron of the only Iranian virtual art gallery.

Amongst its 700+ commercial clients Neda hosts the sites of organizations such as : Iranian Shipping Lines, National Iranian Oil Refinary and Distribution Co., SAIPA automobile manufacturers, Melli Shoes, Imam Khomeini International Airport, Mostazafin & Janbazan Foundation...and collaborates with the Tehran Stock Exchange (Bourse) , Air Quality Control Center and the Iranian Standards Institute.

With the current climate of change in Iran and the confidence gained through an annual turn over of IR Rials 4.8 billion, (1997-98 estimates) and the foresight in having 1000 telephone lines at the disposal of its subscribers, Neda prepares itself for greater accessability of the "superhighway" locally and is currently engaged in projects which shall enhance the quality and range of its services and increase its international exposure.

Subnets 112 & 113 (Qeshm Org):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 112 & 113.

Subnet 114 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-12,14,16,17,19,29,30-35,41,44,240,250,252-254

Subnets 115-122 (Neda WiFi Wireless Network):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 115 and 116.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 117: 108,153,173,177,192,197,200,208,210,215,216,218,220,225,229,231,233,235,238,240,247,248,251,253
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 118: 30
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 119: 62,64,65,92-95,160,164,172-175,224,235-239,248,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 120: 28-32,34,43,62,63,248,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 121: 3,10,20,30,31,64,80,126,127
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 122.

Subnets 123-127 (Neda ADSL Services):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 123: 1,60-62
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 124: 1,2,65,67,69
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 125: 62,158
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 126: 241,242,249
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 127: 1,38

Subnets 160-163 (Ofogh Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 160: 1,2,4-16,20,21,85,140,148,177,184,202,204,226,242
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 161: 97,164,190,243
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 162: 1-4,16,17,19,22,23
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 163: 137,198,205,207,209

Subnets 164-191 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 164-191.

Subnets 192-202 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 192: 62,69,81,84,96,136,154,162,165,170,172,177,186,195,204,211,216,222,223,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 193: 49,65,73,114,177,203,208,214
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 194: 32,45,51,58,63,64,69,74,76,78,88,94,99
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 195: 35,39,58,67,69,72,86,93,98
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 196: 34,160,168,180,187,190,191
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 197: 42,45,46,151,164,171,211,212,222,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 198: 1,60,70,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 199: 1-12,14,19,47,141,149,201,240,253,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 200: 64,71,124-129,131,143-147,192,204-208,210-212,217,218,220-224,230,231
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 201: 3,14-17,30,31,80-82,86-88,94-101,103,108,110-113,115,119-123,127,137,142,148,149,151,152,157-159,161,164,165,167,168,171,175-182,188,190,191
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 202: 8,10-21,23-25,30-35,124,128,131,188-192,200,201,203,204,206,254

Subet 203 (Tehran Municipality Computer Services Org TMCSO):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,27-31,64-67,71-81,83-85,87-89,91,93,107-112,116,126,127,160,190-192,220-224,230-232,234,236-243

Subnet 204 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1

Subnets 205 & 206 (Neda ADSL Services):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 205: 1-3,5,10-12,31,36,37,48,50,52,54,56,60,62,65,66,69,73,88,89,94,98,101,103,106,117,119,123,126,128,130-132,139,150,151,157,161,166,173,174,178,184,189,192,195,198,204,205,252-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 206: 2,5,20,29-31,64,67,92-94,124-128,156-160,190-193,220-223

Subnets 207-209 (PANA, Pishgamane Ertebatate Novin va Ettelaresani):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 207-209.

Subnet 210 (Telecomino Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2-4,209,210,213,214

Subnet 211 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 80,92-95,188-191

Subnet 212 (Bita Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,7-10,13,15,18-30,35,38,41,42,44,46,54,56,63-65,70,73,82,93,101,112,123,124,136,151,154,156,161,168,169,184-186,195,196,200

Subnet 213 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 62,64,69,76-90,92-96,99,110,111,129,158,160,185-192,220,222-224,236-239,248,254

Subnets 214 & 215 (IKCO, Iran Khodro Co LTD):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 214: 2,7-10,15,128,148,149,151,157,164,191,192,221-223,230,249,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,14,31

Subnets 216 & 217 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 216.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 217: 3,10,28-34,60-64,94-98,100,110,124-128,158,159

Subnets 218 & 219 (HowComm Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 218: 97,98
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 219.

Subnet 220-223 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 220: 1,2,7-9,30-32,40,45-47,64,65,92-96,100,112,124,126,127,192,193,211,218,221-223,248,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 221: 1,11,35,38,60-64,124-126,139,174,179,182,183,192,197,220-225,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 222: 1,49,54,120,122,123,127,137,161,163,185-187,193,194,201,248,252
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 223: 1,2,4,7,9,11-13,15,17,25,27,33,34,66,69,71,72,81,130,131,133,162,194,226,242-246

Subnets 208 & 209 (AriaNet):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 208 & 209.

Subnet 210 (Bita Network):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,32,33,35-37,40,63,241,242

Subnet 211 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 12,14,15,124-127,148,154

Subnet 212 (Banisaz Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-5,26,27,34,43,53,59,73,82,84,90,106,111,113,122

Subnet 213-223 (Neda):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 213.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 214: 28-32,60-63,93-95
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 215: 30-32,35,44-48,60,62,63,66,80,92-94,128,156-159,248,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 216: 15,23,28,38,126,188,190-192,226,227,230,252-254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 217: 1,2,113,114,116,120,125,145
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 218: 14,15,128,131,132,158,160,179,180,188-197,199,200
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 219: 17,18,41,49,81,82,97-101,113,129
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 220: 5,7-9,11-15,24,25-27,31-33,35-37,39-45,47-49,51-53,55-61,63,64,92-96,126,128,145-147,153,154,157-159,292,204-207,224,236-240,246,250,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 221: 1,2,4,254
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 222: 54,103,108,111,131,135,138,144,166,170,176,206,209,212,216,232,245,246
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 223: 17,81,83,86,89,97,98,110,113,121,123,129,130,134,135,138-140,145,146,151,153,225,226,241,243