Data Processing Iran (DPI)

According to Ripe's allocation list, they list 62.193 as being assigned to DPI. But an analysis of their records online show that only subnets 0-31 belong to DPI.

Website: ( this IP falls in an Italian Company's range.)

From this website:

"DPI was founded in 1957 as the IBM Iran Branch at that time. Then, in 1981, the Iranian government and IBM agreed to hand over the company to the Iranian government. Later, in 1984, the company was named Data Processing Iran (DPI). In 1999, DPI became completely private, and finally in 2001, as the 1st service company, joined to the Tehran Stock Exchange. DPI is the highest ranking IT company in Iran, as recognized by HCI, the High Council of Informatics. HCI is the primary IT policy maker and supervisory board in Iran.

A diverse spectrum of expertise coexists in DPI. The major fields are:

* Networking, Data Communications, Internet and Intranet
* Data Base Management Systems, Data Warehousing and DSS
* Management Information Systems
* Mainframe, RISC and Intel-Based high-end servers
* IT Education
* Large Scale Application Development

DPI's most important clients are government bodies who are the most demanding customers in the country. The major clients are from the following segments:

* Ministries
* Utilities
* Banks and Insurance companies
* Universities
* Industries

DPI believes in world-class partnership. The major partners are:

* COMPAREX, Dataproducts
* CTI, MSI, Hypercom, R&M
* ZakNet

Software Projects
DPI has software development experience in numerous areas. The major projects are in the following areas:

* Manufacturing Business Applications
* Insurance and Banking Applications
* Utilities Business Applications
* Transportation Applications

No .216 Ostad Nejatollahi Ave.
Tehran 1598751314, IRAN.
P.O.Box 11365-3479
Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98 21 8903251-59

Subnet 0 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DPI Special Projects Data Proce(?); hosts 32-63 are assigned to Ghanoon Project DPI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Clients of Internet Site for DPI; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Servers of Site-Data Processing of Iran; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Sales Dept of DPI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 1 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Education Center (Amoozesh) DPI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Web Hosting Group DPI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 2 & 3 (Dialup Router Gozare2-Gozare3 DPI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 2: 1,2,129,130,143,201,202,204,207,221,225-227,229,231,233,234,239
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 3: 4

Subnets 4 & 5 (Dialup Router Gozare1 DPI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 4: 1-3,5,7
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 5: 1,4

Subnet 6 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Network Projects DPI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to University DPI (desc says 'These IPs use for the site of university access to internet for students.' OSIN- I have no idea which university they are referring to); hosts 128-159 are assigned to the Agent of DPI for Yazd Province; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Rasht City, the agent of DPI for Gilan Province; hosts 192-255 are assigned to DPI):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,4,5,9,10,50,127,129-131,133,193,194,205,223,225,243-245,248,251,254

Subnet 7 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Main Frame Site- DPI; hosts 64-127 are assigned to DPI; hosts 128-255 are assigned to IS DPI Software Creation Services):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1-53,56-58,61,63-66,69-80,82-89,91-95,97-127,129,132,133,136-138,140,141,143-147,149-151,153-155,157,158,162-165,171,173,175-253

Subnet 8 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Zarreh Co; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Abedi Co ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 9 (Aftab Co ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnet 10 (Kosar Co ISP):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 11-15 (DPI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 11-15

Subnets 16 & 17 (Shownet IS DPI Provider):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 16 & 17

Subnets 18-31 (DPI):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 18-23,26,30.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 24: 81,82,87,88,92,93,95,129,130,133,143,225,226,233,234
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 25: 97-100,127
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 27: 129,130,159,226,227,241,242,245
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 28: 1,2,20,34,35,38,193,194,222
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 29: 1-3,13,14,16-18,40,41,69-72,75,76,80,81,83,84,129-131,137
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 31: 1,2,6,30,200,211,212

Subnets 142 & 143 (DP Co-Server Internet Data Center):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 142: 227
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 143.

Subnet 144 (Partial- hosts 0-127 are assigned to DPI Internet Division Network; hosts 128-255 are assigned to Italy):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on partial subnet 144: 18,47

Subnets 145 & 146 (DP-Co Dialup Connections):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 145: 140
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 146: 112,113,127-131,193,195,199,205,212,241,242

Subnets 147 & 148 (PetroShimi Petrochemical Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 147: 15,33,192,193,197,199,225,227,230,233,238
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 148: 17,49,64,65,80,81,106-109,112,113,115,116,127

Subnet 149 (DP Univ Division):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,2,16-18,20,23,25,26,144,153,164-166,185,187,193,198,205,222,224,228,231,233,241

Subnet 150 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to the United Nations Development Programme Network; hosts 128-255 are assigned to an Italian Entity???):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.

Subnets 151 & 152 (Sanayeh Industry Ministry):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 151: 33,37,41,42,68,128,129,131,132,135-137
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 152.

Subnet 153 (Iran Air):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 1,129,130,133,148,193,194,200

Subnet 154 (Iranian Labour Ministry):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 17,19,25,32-36,38,40,42,44-46,64,65,68,70,241

Subnets 155 & 156 (NAFT Oil Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 155: 1
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 156: 1,2,4,7,16,18,19,44,45,110

Subnet 157 (Hosts 0-127 are assigned to Mehr Agency; hosts 128-255 are assigned to the National Iranian Steel Co):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 17,160,182

Subnet 158 (IRAN Khodro Car Manufacturing):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up: 2,64,65,97,188

Subnet 159 (DP-Co):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up.