Nmap Tutorial

Andrew J. Bennieston


  1. About This Tutorial
  2. Where To Get It
  3. Other Nmap Resources
  4. Other Resources Hosted Here
  5. Mirrors & Sites Hosting This Tutorial

About This Tutorial

This tutorial is a comprehensive guide to the features provided by the Nmap Port Scanner. It is meant as an introduction for new users, a reference on new and existing features for experienced users, and an FAQ list. It is not intended as a replacement for the Nmap Manual Page, but more as a supplement to it.

This tutorial started life as a thread on Security-Forums Dot Com. I wrote the first edition in August 2003. Since then, it has been changed several times to include the latest features, and to add FAQ answers. I converted the tutorial to LaTeX, updated it for Nmap 4, and created this website in July 2006.

The tutorial is now available in several formats, including the LaTeX source. See Where To Get It for details.

Corrections, comments and suggestions should be directed to andrew@nmap-tutorial.com

Where To Get It

The tutorial now exists as LaTeX source, and in several formats generated from that source.

Other Nmap Resources

Other Resources Hosted Here


PyBBCodePreview is a Python program which converts bbCode into HTML. I originally wrote it to preview forum posts when writing them offline, but I used it to generate the single-page HTML version of the Nmap Tutorial from the bbCode version. Bug reports should be e-mailed to andrew@nmap-tutorial.com


bbLaTeX is a Python program which converts LaTeX to bbCode through a series of regular-expression replacements. Currently it provides the (minimal) functionality needed to convert the Nmap Tutorial from LaTeX to bbCode. Bug reports should be e-mailed to andrew@nmap-tutorial.com

Mirrors & Sites Hosting This Tutorial

The list below contains every location at which I am aware this tutorial has been made available. If you are hosting a mirrored version, please e-mail me (andrew@nmap-tutorial.com) to let me know where it is, so that I can link to you from here. I aim to provide a fairly comprehensive list of places this tutorial can be found, and as I update it, to inform all of these places that an updated version is available.