Risks Digest Announcement
of Informatik Journal

Informatik Journal was originally announced in Volume 12, Issue 49 of Risks Digest.

Below is the text from the article.

Informatik journal available 

Duane < duane@shake.tamu.edu > 
Fri, 11 Oct 91 10:23:52 CDT 

Announcing the first issue of 'Informatik,' a journal of free information.
Currently available by FTP from: uunet.uu.net       /tmp/inform1.Z
                                 ftp.cs.widener.edu /pub/cud/misc/inform-1.1.Z

Here is an excerpt from the introduction:

/* Introduction */     By the Informatik staff

      Welcome to the inaugural issue of Informatik, an electronic periodical
devoted to the distribution of information not readily available to the public,
with a particular emphasis on technology and the computing world.  First and
foremost, this publication is dedicated to the freedom of information.  This
journal is made possible by The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which

      Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, 
      or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; OR ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM
      OF SPEECH OR OF THE PRESS; or the right of the people peaceably to
      assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.

In this and coming issues, we plan to exercise our First Amendment rights to
the best of our ability.  We will print feature articles on hacking, phreaking,
and various other illicit activities.  We also plan on bringing you recent news
and gossip from the underground, anything news of interest to hackers,
phreakers, grifters, cyber-punks, and the like.  Informatik will also provide a
plethora of information on the inner workings of corporate America and the U.S.

DO distribute this freely! Remember this is not illegal, this is information.

*Please send submissions and comments to duane@shake.tamu.edu. (for now)*

                                            Mack Hammer & Sterling [Editors]

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