                   -/-                                 -/-
                   /-/         *> TID-BYTES <*         /-/
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                   /-/     by the Informatik Staff     /-/
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/* Unix Fake Mail */

Most good Unix hackers should already know this, but to the up and coming,
we feel it important to include this simple, but powerful trick.

Telnet to port 25 of the receiving site by 'telnet host.com 25'

Once connected, it may or may not require you to type 'helo' [sic]
If it doesn't don't.

type 'mail from: ' and then your imaginary sender:
ex.  'mail from: satan@hell.org' or 'mail from: root@white.house.gob', or some
sort, depending of course on your purpose.

after you get a sender OK, specify the user to receive the mail:
type 'rcpt to: ' and then the appropriate username.

next, type 'data' and hit enter.  This will start entering the data field of
your letter.  Enter as follows:

From: satan@hell.org (Lord of the Underworld)
To: schmuck@anywhere.edu
Subject: Your sinning
Status: R

Your terrible sinning has sparked my interests, we are currently accepting 
applications for head daemon, 5th level of hell. Please include a photo.


The '.' on a line by itself ends the input.  Note, that the From, To, Subject,
and Status lines should be included for the mail headers to make sense of it.
Of course there is the obvious message of:

From: root
To: loser
Subject: your account
Status: R

Your password is too old, please change it to 'hackme1'.  Thanks

/* Walgreen's Store Pricing Code */

Ever curious how much stores mark up their goods on you?  Well it is quite easy
to tell at Walgreen's.  On each price tag, you will see a group of letters, in
this example say, "ARB".  These letters are the key to the stores purchase
price.  The letters correspond to the positions in the code "BRUSH CLEAN".
Here is how it works:   BRUSH CLEAN
                        12345 67890
Simply replace the letters with their appropriate digit, in our example (ARB) 
it would be 9-2-1, in other words, $9.21  Now if they want you to pay $60.00 
for the item, you know you are getting ripped!

/* Bar Swindles */

Here are a of fast-one that you can pull in a bar environment:

Challenge someone to "Do as I do" wager.
Each of you takes a drink.
You make a gesture with the glass, as "toasting."
Your opponent toasts also.
You drink your drink.  Your opponent drinks his drink.
You salute with the glass again.  Your opponent does likewise.
You spit a mouthful back in your drink.  Chances are your opponent has already
    swallowed.  Take the money and run!

/* Interesting Catalogs */

Send for these way-cool publications:

Paladin Press
PO Box 1307 
Boulder, CO 80306

"Publishers of the Action Library."  Books on lockpicking, wiretapping,
smuggling, assassintaion, guerrilla warfare, and related subjects. Send $2.00

PO Box 1197
Port Townsend, WA 98368

"The Greatest Book Catalog In the World"-outlaw publishers who also sell outlaw
books... including some by our military.  "No more secrets, no more excuses, no
more limits."  A few of their catagories:  Underground economy.  Tax avoidance.
Fake IDs.  Police science.  Con games.  Self defense.  Revenge.  Guns.  Bombs.
Guerrilla warfare.  Self-sufficiency.  Alternate Energy.  Life extension.
Drugs.  Heresey.  Forbidden philosophis.  Human pleasure.  Send $2 for a HUGE
catalog that is a reading experience unto itself!!

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