HWA.hax0r.news? don't be fooled by the name! we have info you need!

Synopsis: Hacker/Security Newsletter with announcement mailing list;

     Who should read us?     
     + System administrators
     + IT professionals
     + Hackers
     + Crackers
     + Script Kiddies
     + Scene Whores
     + Federal agencies
     + Law Enforcement
     + Security Professionals

     What do we cover?

     + Current exploitable technologies
     + Exploits and scripts from BUGTRAQ and other sources
     + Scene ppl interviews
     + Proxy lists and wingates
     + Smurf amplifier lists
     + Daily hacker news from HNN and associates (Slashdot/403-Security/Pure-security/net-security etc)
     + Mailing list highlights (Bugtraq, NTBugtraq, Win2kbugtraq, etc etc)
     + Computer/net Humour
     + Defaced site listings updated regularily from Attrition.org
     + Our asses
     + Much more, we publish weekly.
     + Questions, comments, suggestions to cruciphuxNOSPAM@dok.org, remove NOSPAM to send email.

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