This is an interview with 'pimpshiz' who reportedly defaced over 60 sites in a pro-napster social disobedience action. The cracker has been in mainstream media and mentioned on HNN, SugarKing was able to get this interview for your enlightenment and edification, enjoy - Cruci. (c) 2000 by SugarKing/HWA-Security please credit as source if you use any part or all of this transcript. Thanks Cruciphux/HWA Mailto: [ - Session Start - (EDITED SLIGHTLY) -] SugarKing: getting quite the media attention eh? Pimpshiz: why do you say that SugarKing: haha, don't you read HNN? Pimpshiz: no SugarKing: well you're on alot Pimpshiz: oh lol Pimpshiz: yeah but that intern talks shit Pimpshiz: pyle or whatever SugarKing: APB News did an article on you SugarKing: are you really an 11 year-old? Pimpshiz: no lol SugarKing: lol yeah I figured that SugarKing: you shouldn't of left your aol account on your defacements Pimpshiz: too late SugarKing: yep SugarKing: you're gonna get busted dude, heh SugarKing: by doing that Pimpshiz: maybe SugarKing: maybe if they don't wish to pursue you, but if they want to they are gonna get you Pimpshiz: yeah SugarKing: i haven't seen you deface lately, all done? Pimpshiz: yeah, for the time being SugarKing: good idea Pimpshiz: hheheehe SugarKing: As if the pro-Napster defacements of random web sites weren't silly enough already, there's a new twist in the case. The individual who claims responsibility for the attacks (a.k.a. Pimpshiz -- now also claiming to be an 11 year-old girl) warns officials that his/her/its arrest will lead to revenge attacks by his/her/its buddies. If the threats have any truth to them, they will only lead to more charges against the vandal. SugarKing: heh SugarKing: 08/18/hacker0818_01.html SugarKing: there's one story on you Pimpshiz: i already read that Pimpshiz: got anymore? SugarKing: lemme look Pimpshiz: k SugarKing: hacks_dozens_of_sites_2.html Pimpshiz: got it Pimpshiz: same as the apbnews one isnt it SugarKing: not really SugarKing: they say similiar things, but different site and article Pimpshiz: any others? SugarKing: hmm no Pimpshiz: k Pimpshiz: someone found a CNN one on me yesterday SugarKing: oh Pimpshiz: pcworld, computerworld Pimpshiz: zdnet Pimpshiz: wants to interview me on their radio station today SugarKing: and are you going to? Pimpshiz: not sure yet SugarKing: honestly, I wouldn't SugarKing: unless you plan on telling them your done defacing Pimpshiz: yeah, dunno cus what if they ask me somethin unexpected that i cant answer SugarKing: yeah that too Pimpshiz: but then again Pimpshiz: it'd be just tite Pimpshiz: to give shouts at the end SugarKing: hahah, it's gonna be tight when your ass is caught by the FBI Pimpshiz: hehehe yeah Pimpshiz: ill be like "yo lemme get shouts to my boys in the west, RSH, hackweiser, the FBI, the CIA, the NIPC" Pimpshiz: ;x SugarKing: haha SugarKing: i've never heard of you till this napster thing, your obviously new to the scene Pimpshiz: what scene Pimpshiz: defacing scene? SugarKing: yeah Pimpshiz: lol Pimpshiz: yeah, but to everything else im from 95 Pimpshiz: been programming since 96 SugarKing: oh so you program? Pimpshiz: lol yes Pimpshiz: im certified professional in like 6 things SugarKing: so you're not just another NT kiddie? Pimpshiz: id show you my online transcript but it has my personal info Pimpshiz: and no Pimpshiz: lol Pimpshiz: i guess not SugarKing: 11 year-old girl, your not in your teens either I imagine? Pimpshiz: im 16 Pimpshiz: not 11 Pimpshiz: and im a guy SugarKing: hahah i figured that SugarKing: i don't think an 11 year-old girl can hack nasa Pimpshiz: hehehe SugarKing: He wrote in a series of e-mails to ZDNet News that hacking the sites was easy and he was able to exploit "obvious" holes. SugarKing: what did you exploit anyways? Pimpshiz: hahaha that was a lie Pimpshiz: i didnt write that shit SugarKing: haha Pimpshiz: thats hellllllllla funny Pimpshiz: cus it sure as fuck was not easy rofl SugarKing: i don't think it was a common hole anyways SugarKing: yeah i would figure that Pimpshiz: its undocumented SugarKing: you find it yourself? SugarKing: the hole Pimpshiz: yeah SugarKing: cool SugarKing: The alleged hacktivist who may have defaced as many as 60 Web sites in the past week with a Pro-Napster screed now warns that fellow hackers will unleash widespread cyberattacks if federal authorities attempt to collar any suspects. SugarKing: lol you say that one? Pimpshiz: yeah Pimpshiz: but i didnt conspire it Pimpshiz: someone told me and i relayed it SugarKing: ah SugarKing: Ray Kaplan, a computer security consultant at Guardent Inc. in St. Paul, Minn., said the defacements appear to be nothing new or original. It's the same old penetration, he said. You figure out what software people are running, and go find the exploit and take advantage of it. SugarKing: lol Pimpshiz: lol yeah, even microsoft thinks im using the SQL default pw SugarKing: hah SugarKing: so when do you plan on clarifying all these things, own exploit, not 11 year-old, etc Pimpshiz: dunno yet SugarKing666: mind if I clarify some of it on there? i won't if you don't want to Pimpshiz: yeah go ahead SugarKing: cool thanks SugarKing: what is service is your exploit for? Pimpshiz: cant say Pimpshiz: no details. END (c) 2000 SugarKing/HWA-Security