(c) 2000 by SugarKing/HWA-Security please credit http://hwa-security.net as source if you use any part or all of this transcript. Thanks Mailto: media@hwa-security.net Cruciphux/HWA Note: Originally published in HWA.hax0r.news issue #53 http://welcome.to/HWA.hax0r.news Exclusive interview by HWA staff writer SugarKing Contact him at: sugaking@gis.net Or editor at: cruciphux@dok.org Session Start: Thu May 04 21:15:55 2000 [21:15] *** Now talking in #vivalaresistance [21:16] lets do this [21:16] lock the channel [21:16] no one knows of it [21:16] i cant [21:16] lol [21:16] ok [21:16] heh [21:16] one sec bro [21:16] werd [21:16] talking to a chick on the phone:) [21:17] heh [21:17] hurry mon aint got much time [21:17] alright [21:17] logging now [21:17] aight [21:17] you guys don't have to answer anything [21:17] just say no comment:) [21:17] iight [21:17] wtf [21:17] heh [21:18] Whats up? [21:18] Yo we gonna start? [21:18] so how long has ph33r the b33r been a group? [21:18] we're already starting:) [21:18] well [21:18] Ok : ) [21:18] i recruited people from the early october [21:18] so lets say october [21:18] ok... [21:18] I joined probably in december or november [21:18] Which one was it p4ntera? [21:18] november [21:19] k [21:19] so you started the group, p4ntera? [21:19] yes [21:19] any reason? [21:19] well [21:19] and what's with the name? [21:19] because there wasn't much action going around in the underground [21:19] LoL [21:19] that name is joax [21:19] so [21:19] i wanted people to know the "scene" aint dead [21:19] the name? [21:19] lmao [21:19] well its a LONNNG story [21:20] Very long [21:20] heh [21:20] yeah [21:20] he told me once [21:20] Dont wanna hear it again [21:20] u still wanna hear it? [21:20] nah that's ok [21:20] save some time [21:20] yeah [21:20] so how many members to date? [21:20] holy shit [21:20] loll [21:20] 14+ [21:20] 15? [21:20] most are just shadow members [21:20] who remain in the background [21:20] Yah [21:21] Wait let me think [21:21] Yah 15 or 16 i can remember [21:21] that's alot [21:21] yeah [21:21] u guys know how many sites you've defaced so far? [21:21] next? [21:21] another holy shit =) [21:21] i would say 20+ [21:21] LoL [21:21] or don't keep count? [21:21] 20+? [21:21] yeah [21:21] I would say 40 [21:22] And many more to come [21:22] just guessing [21:22] heh [21:22] well [21:22] i dont wanna sound cocky [21:22] =) [21:22] why do you guys deface? fame? [21:22] nah [21:22] well i like to show people the underground aint dead [21:22] and well [21:22] some for fame too [21:22] but not all [21:23] what do you mean "the underground aint dead"? [21:23] Yah i agree [21:23] hence why we havent defaced the higher up sites [21:23] well [21:23] look on attrition [21:23] mostly frontpage kiddies, or brazilian kids who cant speak [21:23] english [21:23] or both [21:23] hah ya [21:23] MSADC GALORE [21:23] i say the 2 go together in the same sentence [21:23] HAHA [21:23] da_pest, dont even give em that =) [21:23] lol [21:23] Tru dat [21:24] hah [21:24] next? [21:24] you guys afraid of being busted? [21:24] hell yeah [21:24] Of course [21:24] i dont wanna have a friend named backdoor billy [21:24] then why do you keep defacing? [21:24] well [21:24] You think i want bull shit on my record lol [21:24] we're in it now [21:24] we can't stop [21:24] plus i dont wanna [21:25] ya you can [21:25] I did [21:25] don't wanna? why? [21:25] i cover my tracks well, and i hide myself [21:25] i like defacing [21:25] Plus we said we are afraid of gettin caught but i personally enjoy the rush of the chance of getting caught [21:25] same [21:25] :) [21:25] hes right [21:25] what about ethics? [21:25] well [21:25] i did it for awhile [21:25] i rarely do medical sites [21:26] but i don't think it's right [21:26] not needed [21:26] no msadc [21:26] eh [21:26] heh [21:26] and usually if i feel sorry for the admin [21:26] i give him the patch [21:26] if you feel sorry? [21:26] I think its safe to say NT will be out of PTB for a bit eh p4ntera? [21:26] haha [21:26] thats right [21:26] but now we're going for countries [21:27] Oh yah [21:27] countries? [21:27] as you might have saw, we raped korea pretty bad [21:27] =) [21:27] ya i noticed a bit [21:27] yeah [21:27] Yah' [21:27] next is a country that everyone hates [21:27] we plan to finish it up tommorow (korean sites that is) [21:27] Yah [21:28] what about others calling you guys script kiddies and indeed having script kiddies as members [21:28] We gonna clean up the .kr tomorow eh p4ntera? [21:28] well [21:28] not to name any *cough*artech*cough* [21:28] :) [21:28] lets not get into artech [21:28] Ok artech [21:28] I d liek to say something about him [21:28] i consider a script kiddie someone who uses scripts and not knows what it actually does [21:28] sorry like [21:28] go ahead:) [21:28] Ok [21:28] He is basically a frontpage KIDDY [21:28] yeah [21:29] yeah I noticed [21:29] aol kiddie [21:29] he doesnt even know what NTLM authentication is [21:29] or [21:29] how he uses the everyone/guest group to hack with frontpage [21:29] he just randomly tries sites [21:29] He dissed p4ntera and I meanwhile we have our own ideas of hax0ring whil he does absolutly frontpage [21:29] which is pretty fucking lame [21:29] Ok [21:29] Go on attrition [21:29] and look at his hacks [21:29] Im pretty sure every one of them is NT [21:29] nah thats not important [21:29] yeah they are [21:29] lets move on to something else [21:29] i don't think he knows what linux is [21:30] NT can be raped other ways [21:30] Yah [21:30] as u saw with what i did [21:30] But he uses only frontpage [21:30] yeah [21:30] Yep [21:30] that is correct [21:30] how many memebers code? [21:30] netbios is a weak fucking protocol [21:30] well [21:30] LoL [21:30] 5-8 [21:30] Very very weak [21:30] you guys plan on releasing any exploits you may have written? [21:30] yeas [21:30] very soon [21:30] Yep [21:30] we are probably gonna release some scanners [21:30] then maybe some exploits [21:30] Yeah [21:30] cool [21:31] depends how much sexor i get in the next few days [21:31] hah [21:31] LoL [21:31] You know ill be getting sex0r from 3r1/\/ lol [21:31] so all members are generally kids? 15-18? [21:31] yeah muthafuckas [21:31] =) [21:31] no [21:31] lol [21:31] we have some universty members [21:31] but none too old [21:31] none too young [21:31] oh [21:31] around your difference [21:31] as u said [21:32] what are you guys trying to prove by defacing? [21:32] anything? [21:32] like i said [21:32] the underground aint dead [21:32] and [21:32] that we, as kids, will not take the bullshit the media spews forth [21:32] about hackers and the like [21:32] yeah [21:33] Yep [21:33] hmm [21:33] I dont like the stereo types [21:33] do you guys have a site? [21:33] not yet [21:33] we will have one, one of our members needs 2 way cable [21:33] :P [21:33] www.b33r.com soon [21:33] heheh cool [21:33] Plus we dont even really need one as of this monet [21:34] moment [21:34] ya [21:34] errr..... [21:34] do you guys plan on ever stop defacing? [21:34] Me No! [21:34] Well not for a while at least [21:35] p4ntera? [21:35] He is afk [21:35] oh [21:35] he is walkin his dog for a sec [21:35] hah ok [21:35] He will brb [21:35] :) [21:35] i hate dogs [21:35] they're Pest's:P [21:35] Why? [21:35] Like me : ) [21:35] ya [21:36] I lub puppys [21:36] :) [21:36] U gots any other questions? [21:36] ya, i'm waiting for p4ntera though [21:36] Oh ok [21:37] *** p4ntera has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:37] hrm [21:37] he'll be back [21:38] Yah [21:38] so do you use different handles on IRC because you're afraid of getting caught? [21:38] Not so much getting caught just the fact i dont want to be bothered [21:39] I dont want some kid to see my defacements and bug me on irc [21:39] ya [21:39] how'd you meet p4ntera? [21:39] but partly because of the illegal activities factor = [21:39] Honestly we live about a few blocks away from eachother [21:40] hah cool [21:40] Yah [21:40] do you guys talk about your defacements and shit in school? [21:41] Well we dont have any of the same classes!But if something big is goign down we meet in between classes just to enlighten eachother kinda [21:41] Shit sorry for my spelling [21:41] Im just really cold [21:41] do your friends know that you guys are into computers? [21:41] heh [21:41] it's aight [21:42] Umm... Well some do but I dont think any know im into defacing [21:42] Me and p4ntera are the only ones out of my cru that are into this shit [21:42] ya [21:43] same as me and Clientel [21:43] cool [21:43] we have one class together and he doesn't shut the hell up [21:43] LoL [21:43] What does he talk about? [21:44] about his elite defacements [21:44] haha nah [21:44] brb man im gonna log on a nother server im lagged [21:44] he talks about computers in general [21:44] *** Da_Pest has quit IRC (Quit: Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?) [21:44] aight [21:45] *** Da_Pest (****@********.***) has joined #vivalaresistance [21:45] Back! [21:46] ok [21:46] where the hell is p4ntera? [21:46] He walking his damn dog [21:46] i'll kill it [21:46] Sorry bout the wait [21:46] LoL [21:46] he should be here soon [21:47] ok [21:47] sorry for the wait [21:47] np [21:48] do u code? [21:48] yup [21:48] btw, to set the record, since i'm logging and it's going to be posted [21:48] I left this group because it was only defacing [21:49] I didn't want to do it no more [21:49] Ok... [21:49] I'll keep my opinion about defacing to myself [21:49] Why not? [21:49] but, I'd rather code some nasty shit:) [21:49] ok gitcha [21:49] Alot of people dont like defacing [21:50] But the way I see it... [21:50] I don't see a need for it [21:50] If you work fucking hard on a tight ass OBSD server and you been workin on it forever then I think you deserve the credit and so people can see your work [21:51] *** p4ntera (****@****.*********.******.***.***) has joined #vivalaresistance [21:51] wb [21:51] dog walker:P [21:51] thanks [21:51] sorry about that [21:51] hah [21:51] Yah wb [21:51] yeah man your mom is rough with the leash [21:51] she keeps on bitin git [21:51] loil [21:51] *biting it [21:51] anyways [21:51] =) [21:51] back to the question [21:51] do you guys plan on ever stop defacing? [21:51] yeah anyways [21:51] maybe [21:51] when some of us gets booked [21:52] or we own the world [21:52] LoL [21:52] which ever one comes first [21:52] heh [21:52] Me never I wont stop [21:52] yeah he well [21:52] *will [21:52] I enjoy it [21:52] i would just like to add something? [21:52] if thats alright? [21:52] go ahead [21:52] you got the floor:) [21:52] I will never stop hax0ring and if i do good work thhen I believe it should not go unnoticed [21:52] you asked whats with the "underground aint dead part" [21:52] ya [21:52] well [21:52] if u noticed last year [21:53] groups like gH,irc.psychic.com and h4g15 were defacing major websites [21:53] ya [21:53] showing there weak security [21:53] now we got people like "crime boys" and artech defacing websites [21:53] Exactly [21:53] and these are the people that will protect potentially high up websites? [21:53] i dont want my bank card protected by these frontpage kiddies [21:54] Ok course [21:54] u know what i mean? [21:54] yah [21:54] and the sad part is alot of admins are like that [21:54] true in a sense [21:54] yeah thats right they are [21:54] And i mean alot [21:54] but what about groups like L0pht, who made their fame without defacing? [21:54] well [21:54] they were made in the 80's [21:54] Like look at all of artechs for god sakes [21:54] when defacing was unheard of [21:55] bbs hacking [21:55] what about now? [21:55] they did do the potentially "dark" side of hacking [21:55] they could easily deface now [21:55] yeah but they outgrown that [21:55] its kind of a teenage thing [21:55] so you saying you're gonna outgrow it? [21:55] fuck when i heard mosthated was 19 i was shocked [21:55] eventually [21:55] heh [21:55] ya [21:56] I dont think I will [21:56] until i get booked [21:56] yeah he will [21:56] heh [21:56] anyways [21:56] Umm... [21:56] No [21:56] in my last interview (team echo) one member said (remain nameless) hacking is something that just eventually progresses [21:56] yeah [21:56] which is true [21:56] funny thing is [21:56] Tru dat [21:56] we have 2 members of team echo [21:56] in our group [21:56] nameless of course [21:56] ya I know [21:56] hehe =) [21:56] well, had [21:56] had? [21:56] one got booked [21:56] they left? [21:57] who? [21:57] another one is still in [21:57] Analognet [21:57] Analognet was in ph33r the b33r? [21:57] yep [21:57] :) [21:57] dont be so shocked [21:57] i didn't know [21:57] u know who taught him how to hack nt? [21:57] your talking to him right now [21:57] heh [21:57] he learned very fast [21:57] p4ntera is truly 1337 sh1t lol [21:57] within a month he knew what i knew [21:57] He taught me alot [21:58] and became a nt admin [21:58] damn right negro [21:58] cool [21:58] =) [21:58] I think as a group we are progressing [21:58] i totally agree [21:58] 100% [21:58] so anything we should know about with the future of ph33r the b33r? [21:58] yeah [21:58] We are slowly moving are way up to bigger and better things [21:58] we are going to be big [21:58] as da_pest is saying [21:59] And eventually we are gonna pull a gH and own a big ass site [21:59] we are the only thing that comes close to a good group [21:59] of course [21:59] And that will be a grand finale [21:59] my boys wkD are there with us [21:59] Yah [21:59] oh yeah also...don't you think it's dangerous by just randomly pulling in people in the group who could possible be a fed? [21:59] werd ka0x and BlazinWeed =) [21:59] no [21:59] i know my rights [21:59] too well in fact [21:59] Same [21:59] entrapment is a beautifal thing my friend [21:59] =) [22:00] Plus we make sure people are legit before they join [22:00] and thats why we hang on lame networks [22:00] any last comments? shout out's? flames? [22:00] cause efnet is like 98% sniffed [22:00] well [22:00] i would like to say to sinfony, aka john dough [22:00] lol [22:00] DIE [22:00] that i respect his skills [22:00] i recently found out he is r3p3nt from dhc, which kinda sucks for me [22:00] because i respect dhc as a group [22:00] and him especially [22:01] even though he flamed us [22:01] he has his skills [22:01] but he is still a ass [22:01] that will likely never change [22:01] hehe :) [22:01] heh [22:01] anything from you, Pest? [22:01] He is a bigger ass then m4rth4 lol [22:01] Yah i just gotta say look out bitches cause PTB Is climbing our way up [22:01] heh [22:02] And soon we will not be able to be touched [22:02] i would like to say some more as well [22:02] that is right [22:02] these 3rd world countries are our playgrounds [22:02] once we master our abilities, we are coming for the higher ups [22:02] Yah [22:02] that it?:) [22:02] once we recruit some more members, we are coming [22:02] you cannot stop it [22:02] no one can =) [22:02] Oh Yah [22:03] and [22:03] i would like to say [22:03] Sugarking is one sexy cum muffin [22:03] =) [22:03] hahah [22:03] thanks for the interview d00dz [22:03] ok [22:03] heh [22:04] *** Da_Pest has quit IRC (Quit: Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?) Session Close: Thu May 04 22:04:39 2000 END