
This Section mainly sourced from MIXTER's Page Mixter Lots of great stuff here.

White Papers
sql-security.faq.txtSQL Security FAQ http://sqlsecurity.com/
rawip.txtA programming tutorial for raw sockets in C
coding.txtCoding in C - a summary of some popular mistakes
firstaid.txtEmergency and short time measures that can be applied to protect and act against Distributed Denial Of Service attacks
trojans.txtFinding and analyzing trojans under Unix. Discusses methods involving code reviewing, process tracing and disassembling.
protecting.txtProtecting against the unknown, guide to improving network security on boxes hooked to the Internet.
exploit.txtA tutorial about how buffer overflows 'work', and an introduction on how to write your own exploits and shell code.
auditing.txtA guide on how to do systematic network security checking
clientexp.tgzprograms that can be used to break security. Includes a sample exploit against tar.
logs.txtMany system intruders delete or clean system logs. Yet, there are many audit trails (logging facilities), which are still overlooked. This text reviews and describes the most reliable audit trails that are left after an intrusion
HWA member and misc collected Important or interesting papers form around and about.

Misc White Papers
stealthcode.txtby xtremist email
irc.htmlTracking hackers on IRC a *MUST READ* especially for you newbies.(http://theorygroup.com/Theory/irc.html)
trinoo.analysis.txtPaper on the Trinoo DDoS attack by David Dittrich
tfn.analysis.txtPaper on the Tribe Flood Network DDoS attack tool by David Dittrich
stacheldraht.analysis.txtPaper on the Stacheldraht DDoS attack tool by David Dittrich
mstream.analysis.txtPaper on the Mstream DDoS attack tool (Recently made infamous by Mafiaboy) by David Dittrich

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