Synopsis: Hacker/Security Newsletter realtime action via IRC;


     **[ INTERACT REALTIME WITH STAFF ON IRC ]*********************
     *                                                            *
     * is a channel on EFnet (IRC) that asks    *
     *   YOU the user to input the news. AFAIK this is one of     *
     *     the first channels of its type, does the current chan  *
     *  you are in get mad when you post news bytes? well come    *
     *  to us and post your PHACV/Technology urls and stories     *
     *  everything is logged and the channel is open to all but   *
     *  is keyed /join zwen to join the key is    *
     *  to keep out ppl that think its just another hacking       *
     *  or 'hax0r' channel by seeing the name somewhere, so see   *
     *  u online! - Cruciphux                                     *
     *                                                            *
     * NEW TO IRC? check out      *
     * for information on IRC and getting a client for your OS    *
     *                                                            *

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