[ - Session Start - (EDITED SLIGHTLY) -] (c) 2000 by PhantasmP of HWA-Security please credit http://hwa-security.net as source if you use any part or all of this transcript. Mailto: media@hwa-security.net Thanks to: Herbless for replying back with the answers so quickly and raist & I0wnzz([n]crypt) for providing the first 3 questions. http://hwa-security.net - #hwa-security on EFNet >1. How did you get started in defacing? I've always been a computer geek, and I was playing with security vulnerabilities and other peoples networks, when I thought "hey, I could use this to spread my thoughts around". I've usually got something to say on most subjects and felt that I could use this new technology to spread my thoughts around. It would appear to have started something akin to a cult following. >2. Whats the reasoning behind your defacements? I have various reasons, most of which are apparent on the websites I deface. In the past I've posted messages and info on DeCSS, smoking and government hypocrisy and most recently, I've supported the fuel protests in Britain. I do these things because I believe in them; I think they are right. In the future, I may do something against paedophilia and also rascism because these are blights of the human mind and should be stamped out. Ignorance is no excuse for persecution. >3. Why do you do high risk defacements? High risk sites comes with a high profile - they get my message to the masses. Of course, it could be that I enjoy the attention at a distance... kind of infamous, but anonymous. I suppose there is a perverse kind of satisfaction to that. >4. Were you expecting the amount of media coverage that your getting? Ha ha. No. It's come as a complete surprise. However, That means that I just have to be careful what subjects I choose to speak about - if I target the message to the media and hence the people, it could help the causes that I believe in. In this case, the governments stance on petrol tax and the protestors associated with it. >5. Do you think having that media coverage is helping your "cause"? It's hard to be objective about it. At the very least, I have seen only one negative story about my defacements (although of course here may be more). Also, I've had such an incredible response from the public - not just geeks and hackers - that I believe the media coverage has indeed helped. >6. Do you feel that too many people deface for wrong/dumb reasons? Definately. Most people (read: kids) deface for no other reason than to spread their name across any site they can. The pick irrelevant sites, post badly spelled pages, use abusive and offensive language and generally get on my tits. Why? Because of the few that actually have a talent and understand the principles behind system hacking/cracking, the majority seem to waste their hard-earned skills on "3l33t h4x0r sp34k" and sending "fuck-yous" to people that "d1sr3sp3t th3!r 5h!t". Bah. Tossers. They could use their skills to protest about things they believe in, using what I believe is a legitimate form of protest. Of course, there are a few exceptions to this rule; G-Force Pakistan for one - they are against the violence and murder in Kashmir and deserve more publicity than I, for their cause is to awaken the world to pain, torture, rape, murder and suffering that is being ignored by the western world. >7. How do you feel your defacements are different? For the most part, they are well thought-out and have a definate purpose. I also try to ensure correct spelling and good grammar. Most defacements ignore these basic principles, giving the impression of stupidity on the part of the cracker. >8. Do you have any role models in the "underground" community? I have no role models in any community. I respect some people (for example, Bruce Schneier, the L0pht and to a lesser extent, G-Force who lower their image by using racist slurs), but certainly don't base my actions around those of another. I would like to think I am original and different from the mainstream. >9. Do you ever worry about getting arrested? Yes. I really don't fancy sharing a cell with a big homo called Bubba. I take sensible precautions to avoid getting caught, although if law-enforcement is determined to catch me they will. This is because contrary to popular opinion, they are bigger, collectively smarter and have more resources than I. I know that for every site I deface I increase my chances of getting caught, and try to cover my tracks as much as possible. Sometime soon I will have to stop for good, become a good grey-hat kinda guy and behave myself, or I'm going to be facing a few years care of her Majesty the Queen. ===== Old programmers never die. They just terminate and stay resident. http://phantasm.8m.com [END]