You have seen the high profile sites on Attrition that have been defaced by GForce, SugarKing from HWA Staff interviews GForce members for a closer look into why they do it. (c) 2000 by SugarKing/HWA-Security please credit as source if you use any part or all of this transcript. Thanks Mailto: Cruciphux/HWA [ Session Start - slightly edited ] [20:59] SugarKing: So we can start the interview ;) [20:59] sure [20:59] alright, is this everyone you want present? [21:00] yes, most of other guy's arn't on, some are busy, and it's very early here. [21:00] yeah [21:01] ok, you don't have to answer any question if you don't want to... [21:01] ok [21:02] so lets begin:) [21:02] yep [21:02] ok first off, how many members are there, and who are they? [21:03] *** sniper- is now known as sniper__ [21:03] ehehe [21:03] heh [21:03] services sux [21:03] There are about 5 members, they are myself, miller, rave-, heataz, and instinct atm [21:03] ok [21:04] when was the group founded and by who? [21:04] It's was founded about a year ago, and by myself, heataz and miller [21:05] what was your sole purpose of starting the group? for the reasons you name in your defacments? [21:06] GForce was born out of hate and contempt for violence, atrocities and human rights violations against Muslims, specially the affectees in Kashmir [21:06] t was precipitated to bring the attention of world leaders and organizations to the issue in cyberspace which is today the leading source of communication. The motive behind the formation of the group was to create global awareness about kashmir. [21:06] which members are actually from Pakistan? [21:07] if any [21:07] we focus on kashmir, basically. [21:07] so nobody is actually from kashmir? [21:07] well i`m from pakistan, othger's would like to stay anonymous please. [21:08] well no one if from kashmir. [21:08] sure, np [21:08] =) [21:08] some of your defacements are gov servers, any reason of targeting gov's, are you afraid to get busted? [21:09] Not really, We are not afraid to get busted for the reason that it's a good cause, secondly members are out of the feds reach ;) [21:10] yeah of course [21:11] you are one of, if not the only, people on attrition that I've seen that actually have a REASON [21:11] instead of just "I 0wn j00" [21:11] :) [21:11] *** snipah- (**************) has joined #gforce [21:11] sory i got disconnected. [21:11] US government was targetted because 1) more people view .gov's and we can do a good job in achieving th goal, we are out for. 2) We're a big angry :) [21:12] big=bit [21:12] *** sp1n sets mode: +o snipah- [21:12] and it seems like you guys got some skill, seeing you don't really do any NT hacks [21:12] *** rpcb1nd (***************) has joined #gforce [21:12] *** sk0l (*****************) has joined #gforce [21:12] *** sp1n sets mode: +o rpcb1nd [21:12] *** sp1n sets mode: +o sk0l [21:13] i`m glad we don't do NT, [21:13] we are supported by a study group known as hexa labs [21:13] what is hexa labs [21:13] ? [21:13] Plus every member can code (usefully) [21:14] hexa labs is a study group, they find out vulnerabilities, code them (we help code) [21:14] most of it is being kept private. [21:14] *** sniper__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:14] you guys ever use your own exploits when using them on defacing? [21:15] *** sk0l sets mode: +l 14 [21:16] [rave-:#gforce PING] [21:16] ehhe [21:16] alot of times we use own exploitz [21:16] heh [21:17] sometimes we use a wuftp (b0f rulz) and bind.. but no details [21:17] yeah b0f rules [21:17] :) [21:17] :) [21:17] what do you guys think about ./hack kiddies on attrition like the Crime Boys? [21:18] *** snipah- has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [21:18] oh [21:18] we dont apreciate it, we think about just kids who dont know what to do. [21:19] who thinks about computer hacking/security is just get proggies from others dudes and exploit of Dos something [21:19] we think about computer security is a big culture and need to dedicate to it, studys, tests, and fucking blowing head [21:19] eheh [21:20] crimeboys is very poor [21:20] NT hackewrs [21:20] yeah I agree [21:20] are most of you guys teengagers? [21:21] i dunno about sniper but i have 20 yrs old [21:22] *** sniper__ (***************) has joined #gforce [21:22] wb [21:22] *** rave- sets mode: +o sniper__ [21:22] thx [21:22] so why do you think India is solely responisible for this ordeal in Kashmir? [21:24] *** rpcb1nd sets mode: +l 13 [21:24] because they are, 1) they are pretty lame as they don't wana listen to any one, the people want freedom but India won't let them to add to all this they rape innocent women, small children get murdered, made orphans. and they violate human rights [21:25] *** sp1n sets mode: +l 14 [21:26] nod [21:26] pretty violent [21:27] yep. [21:27] you guys plan on keep defacing and protesting till someone gets busted? [21:28] not sure, but yes we will be defacing for some while. ;) [21:28] what do plan on accomplishing by defacing on this issue? [21:29] to get people to realize the situation ? [21:29] yep, create global awareness, on many occasions people have asked us if kashmir is some one like kevin mitnick =) [21:30] obviously they 'kashmir' is some guy [21:30] hahah [21:31] they thought even. [21:31] any last comments/shout outs?:) [21:32] =] [21:33] yes [21:34] shoot:)\ [21:35] I`d like to thank mos (muslim online syndicates) for what ever they have done, Pakistan Hackers club, hexa labs for coding, attrition, munge, punkis, null, mcintyres, jerisho for fast mirroring, zillion@safemode , rr, cen, and all in @linuxsex [21:35] oh and #darknet@efnet ;) [21:36] last shouts to hwa security ;) [21:37] hah nice, thanks for the interview:) [21:37] ah, np [21:39] [rave-:#gforce PING] END