
Legacy Staff, Current Members.
  • ceo@hwa-security.net
  • Cruciphux (General Sysadmin and group CEO, founder)
  • cranked@hwa-security.net
  • Cranked (Security team, coding, News collection, IRC channel ops)
  • pyra@hwa-security.net
  • Pyra (Staff, News collection, IRC channel ops)
  • twistedpair@hwa-security.net
  • TwstdPair (Security team, coding, shell scripts, IRC channel ops)
  • merx@hwa-security.net
  • Merxorcist (PHP coding and management, News collection etc. IRC channel ops)
  • paluka@hwa-security.net
  • Paluka (Security team, Staff, News collection etc)
  • BlkOps@hwa-security.net
  • BlkOps (Security team, NT, IRC channel ops)
  • sugarking@hwa-security.net
  • SugarKing (Security team, linux, News collection , IRC channel ops)
  • eth0@hwa-security.net
  • eth0 (Security team, coding, development)
  • phantasmp@hwa-security.net
  • PhantasmP (Staff, News collection etc, IRC channel ops, PERL coding, website, general coding)
  • ofer@hwa-security.net
  • Ofer (Staff, ChanOps, Admin, Security team)
  • infected@hwa-security.net
  • infected (Staff, Coder, Perl, HTML Wiz, Admin)
  • base2op@hwa-security.net
  • base2op (Staff, Web design, chanops etc)
  • TRDonJuan@hwa-security.net
  • TRDonJuan (Staff, Article farmer, chanops, News collection)
  • spikey@hwa-security.net
  • spikey (Staff, site news updates, chanops etc)
  • WhiteRuss@hwa-security.net
  • WhiteRuss (Security team, coding, Staff, chanops etc)
  • oasis@hwa-security.net
  • oasis (Security team, coding, Staff, chanops etc)

    General Contact and Information
  • contact@hwa-security.net
  • General comments and questions
  • submit@hwa-security.net
  • Article or file submissions
  • webmaster@hwa-security.net
  • Website maintainer
  • staff@hwa-security.net
  • Generic site staff comments and questions
  • abuse@hwa-security.net
  • Abuse reporting (Staff misconduct or breach of trust/ethics)
  • hackteach@hwa-security.net
  • Send your HP related questions to this address, time permitting we'll answer.
  • media@hwa-security.net
  • All Media people use this addy or contact for your questions etc. tnx
  • zine@hwa-security.net
  • Questions, comments, submissions for HWA.hax0r.news our legacy archival newsletter.
  • exploits@hwa-security.net
  • New or recently public exploits for analysis or posting on site. see submission also
  • submit@hwa-security.net
  • All article, paper, code, submissiones here please.

    New members (probationary)
  • stigma@hwa-security.net
  • Stigma (Staff, News collection etc, IRC channel ops, Security team)
  • scrippie@hwa-security.net
  • Scrippie (Security team, coding, development)
  • forrest@hwa-security.net
  • forr3st (Staff, News collection etc)
  • tbs@hwa-security.net
  • tbs (Staff, News collection etc)
  • a5m0@hwa-security.net
  • a5m0 (Security team, Coding, *nix, C,C++,PHP, Perl, etc)
  • ofer@hwa-security.net
  • ofer (Staff, Security team, Coding, IRCd and Chanops)
  • w1cked@hwa-security.net
  • w1cked (Staff, Zine work, Interviews, etc)
  • mrx@hwa-security.net
  • MistaEckz (Security team, Staff, exploit farming, chanops etc)
  • pragma@hwa-security.net
  • pragma (Staff, chanops etc)
  • mshadow@hwa-security.net
  • MShadow (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • arsenic@hwa-security.net
  • Arsenic (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • logikal@hwa-security.net
  • Logikal (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • ensane@hwa-security.net
  • ensane (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • irrupt@hwa-security.net
  • irrupt (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • xfer@hwa-security.net
  • xfer (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • aus@hwa-security.net
  • aus (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • grinder@hwa-security.net
  • Grinder (Staff, new duties TBA/skills filed)
  • xistence@hwa-security.net
  • Xistence (Staff, chanops etc)
  • xtremist@hwa-security.net
  • xtremist (Security team, Coding, ASM *nix, wunderkind, etc)

    New members to be assigned:
    Nitr0, teleh0r, Grinch, dijital, agenda (not all have emails etc assigned yet)
    Several others are involved but due to the nature of their contacts we will not
    disclose their names or emails to protect our intel sources.

             P.O BOX 44118
             Postal Outlet Unit #9
             One Wexford Road
             Brampton, Ontario
             L6Z 4V7


    If you feel you should be listed or removed or are unsure of your status
    OR are NOT on the egroups mailing list please email me here and confirm your status.

    © Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 HWA/Cruciphux
    Last site update/revision, June 2000