httprint v0.301 (beta) - web server fingerprinting tool (c) 2003-2005 net-square solutions pvt. ltd. - see readme.txt Usage: httprint {-h | -i | -x } -s [... options] -h host can be either an IP address, a symbolic name, an IP range or a URL. -i file containing list of hosts as described above in text format. -x Nmap -oX option generated xml file as input file. Ports which can be considered as http ports are taken from the nmapportlist.txt file. -s file containing http fingerprint signatures. Options: -o output in html format. -oc output in csv format. -ox output in xml format. -noautossl Disable automatic detection of SSL. -tp Ping timeout in milliseconds. Default is 4000 ms. Maximum 30000 ms. -ct <1-100> Default is 75. Do not change. -ua Default is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0. -t Connection/read timeout in milliseconds. Default is 10000 ms. Maximum 100000 ms. -r Number of retries. Default is 3. Maximum 30. -P0 Turn ICMP ping off. -nr No redirection. Do not automatically follow 301, 302 responses. Enabled by default. -th Number of threads. Default is 8. Maximum 64. -? Displays this message. Examples: httprint -h -s signatures.txt httprint -h -s signatures.txt httprint -h -s signatures.txt httprint -h -s signatures.txt -noautossl httprint -h -s signatures.txt -o 10_0_1_x.html httprint -x nmap.xml -s signatures.txt -oc report.csv httprint -x nmap.xml -s signatures.txt -ox report.xml httprint -i input.txt -s signatures.txt -o output.html -th 16