__________________________________________________________________________ |>-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-=-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-<·>-<>-><>-><-<·>-<>-><>-><| |<|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ|<| |.| ___________ Running /X v3.9 -- (Warez 0-1 Dayz!) |>| |.| .:::::\_______ Ĵ\ |>| ||| ::::::::| / //\________ /\_____ ____ __ /\_________ |>| |<| ..::::::|| _/ ·// \______Ĵ\// \__ Ĵ\/ Ĵ\/ ĴV \\_ ____/::::::. |>| |>| :::::::|· \___/· . \| _/ /· . \ | \\ | \\ \\ _/_::::::::. ||| |>| .::::::|| | // : \. \ \_ : \Ĥ ·\Ĥ // \ / // \/Ĵ\::::::::. |.| |\| .:::::::|____|/____| \_|\ /_| \___/___/\· X__/______/:::::::::.|<| |/| :::::::`----'-----| \' \/--| \--`--' \/---'-----':::::::::. |>| |\| |_____\ |_____\İECS |\| ||| `-----' `-----' ||| |/|+×+-+×+-[] AmĦGa 4ĝĝĝ/ĝ3ĝ, 250 Mb ĝn£Ħnİ, £ast! Elite []-+×+-+×+|/| |\| |\| |/|+×+-+×+-[] 414-699-5764 HsT-Dual 16.8k (v.32bis) []-+×+-+×+||| |\|+x+-+x+-[] 414-699-5972 HsT-Dual 14.4k (v.32 & HST Only) []-+x+-+x+|\| |/| (RINGDOWN) |/| ||| |<| |\|+×+-+×+-[] Amiga Warez pROGRESS WHQ []-+×+-+×+|>| |<|+×+-+×+-[] Console Warez (LĝĝkInG) []-+×+-+×+|/| |/|+×+-+×+-[] IBM Warez oNYx HQ []-+×+-+×+|\| |<|_____________________________________________________________________|<| |>-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-<·>-<>-><-><.>-<.>-<-><->-<->-><>-><-<·>-<>-><-<·>-<><-| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ A file from a Boxer to a Boxer, Have you noticed lattley that some of the numbers that you used to obtain your free calls from Like 0800 890 808 and 0800 890 059 dont seem to work anymore? 10 or so lines like these seem to have busted over night? Did you shit your self, thinking that all the Lines you box from where going down? Well the lines where not altered over night, the change to these exchanges was a 3 year programme to stop you Phreaking off of them, Some of them now cut you off, because the Exchange now recognizes the Break tone as you and I know it and Relay's back a Hang up tone, and others have a 1 minute delay filter on the line just to piss you off, Causes problems when trying to log on to a BBS at full speed, It dont fuck up the party lines though!! Operation BREAK ,Run by AT&T, Bell and B.T. is in full swing, the following exchanges are now under operation 027,057,056,062 , they will become non boxable in about 2 years, because there is that much work in updating the exchange's, the only 2 gates that Ive not heard about being altered are 886, 802 & 089 ?? Probably rented from B.T. By other companies? At&t are allso Updating a connection with B.T. in about 4 mounths AT&T calling cards will not be safe to use from your own Number, unless you want caught that is, because AT&T will have access to BTOS British Telecomes Operator Services data base, so that all charge card calls will be logged, Too and From No.s will be printed in the customers bill, As for sprint No.s use them at your own risk. MCI No.s ??? No info on them. B.T. Charge cards are okay for U.K. calls cause only the called No. is printed in the card holders phone bill not the number called from!! But if you live in a Remote area and your still not on a digital exchange all calling cards are safe for yous to use, Dont know about Sprint though? So what next in about 2 years time all Calling cards will have both called and called from no.s printed in the statment, all exchanges will be digital, what will you do now? Well mercury are an easy target, And so are cable, look out for the Mer smart boxes cause they are easly altered for free! calls but thats another story... L8tr, from a Boxer....