_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ / / / /(_)_ __ ___ /\ \ \___ (_)___ ___ \ \ ___ __ \ \/ (_) | / / | | '_ \ / _ \/ \/ / _ \| / __|/ _ \ | (_) \/ / _ > < _| | / /__| | | | | __/ /\ / (_) | \__ \ __/ | |_ > < _ (_)_/\_(_) | \____/_|_| |_|\___\_\ \/ \___/|_|___/\___| | (_)_/\_(_) \_\ " K e e p U p T h e N o i s e " /_/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++Red Boxing in the UK+++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++JF@linenoise.org+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok...many of you must be thinking things like.."It doesn't work", "I was told you can't red box in the UK" etc etc. Well that was all a bunch of Urban Myths as you CAN Red Box in the United Kingdom unlike many of you are lead to believe and its pretty easy to do. Red Boxing, along with Beige and Blue boxing are, for many, the first steps into phreaking, and therefore although it may be dated it is good knowledge to have and will help you along in the quest for further knowledge. All you need is :- 1) A Stereo Tape Recorder, preferably hand-held 2) A program that can generate tones (I use Soundforge) 3) Good talking persuasive voice All you need to do in basic terms is record the tones on soundforge, record them onto your tape recorder and emmit them down the phone when the operator asks you to. The tones you need to record are all the same frequency and that magic frequency is 1000hz!!! The time the tone is emmitted however changes depending on the coin you want to pretend to put in. The Lengths are below :- 10p - 200milliseconds 50p - 350milliseconds (remember all tones at 1000hz) SO if you want £1 worth of calltime just emmit the 50p tone twice, if you want 40p worth of call time emmitt the 10p four times etc etc. To get the tones to actually work you need to get your good, persuasive voice on and talk to the "lovely" BT Operators. You need to get them to put the calls through for you and when they ask you to put in your money you need to blast out your tones. I have found this the hardest part of the whole red boxing task. The Operators can be very ignorant and tell you to dial it yourself so you need to make up some good excuses. Below is a sample of what can be said, This is what I said last week. Hello, I would like to place a call but sadly the 3 button has broken No problem sir i can put the call through for you Thank you Whats the number you would like to call? Its..*blah* *blah* Ok sir, could you please insert you money Sure *tones blasted out* Putting you through, thank you very much Thank you And I was put through to my call, thats an example of a successful attempt to persuade the operator, below is an unsuccessful attempt. Hello, I would like to place a call but the 3 button on the fone has broken I'm sorry sir, could you please find another fone to use? There isn't another fone around that I can use, can you please put it through? I'm sorry sir, you are going to have to find another fone But it is an emergency I can't help you sir, did you say the 3 key is broken I did yes I will send an engineer out to fix it immediatly Ok..Bye Bye That was a very stubborn operator and I had to quickly leave the fone before an engineer arrived!! More often than not it has been a success, it is just a matter of being polite but persuasive, you have the 1000hz tones so use them, just ignore the arrogent operators and keep trying until you find one who will put the call through, its 96% successful for me on my 1st attempt so Phreak 0ut and Have Phun. Jf_ JF@linenoise.org http://www.linenoise.org