_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ / / / /(_)_ __ ___ /\ \ \___ (_)___ ___ \ \ ___ __ \ \/ (_) | / / | | '_ \ / _ \/ \/ / _ \| / __|/ _ \ | (_) \/ / _ > < _| | / /__| | | | | __/ /\ / (_) | \__ \ __/ | |_ > < _ (_)_/\_(_) | \____/_|_| |_|\___\_\ \/ \___/|_|___/\___| | (_)_/\_(_) \_\ " K e e p U p T h e N o i s e " /_/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Setting your home line up for Free calls+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++JF@linenoise.org+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This subject has been covered a few times before, but this is the safest and easiest way to get free calls of your own line. I am gonna explain it in Lamer terms coz there is no hard way about it. In my neighbourhood the phones are all connected to one pole which has a section at the bottom which can be taken off, this is RIGHT outside my garden so it is fuckin convinient for me to use this method. All you need to do this method is have 2 things 1) Telephone extension line 2) Wrench with a nice little extension (like 1 inch or less) which has to be TRIANGLE at the end, or a pair of LONG nosed pliers To use all this you need to either live in an area with an old fone terminal OR have a laptop. At the bottom of old fone poles about 5ft from the bottom of the pole is a cut away part to the pole which contains all the wires etc for that phone pole. It should look like this...... | | | _____ | | | | | | | _ | | | | |_| | | | |_____| | | | | | Thats the pole....(yes..i know i can't draw)...the big box inside the pole is the bit which pulls away and the little box inside the bit which pulls away is where you would insert you Wrench with the square-ended extension. You need to twist it and of course....make this box bit come off the fone pole. Once its off you will see loads of wires and also a fone jack (like the one you plug your fone into at home)...Ignore the wires...all you need for this is the fone jack. This is the method i use to make use of this fone jack. The fone jack is the British Telecom Engineer's test fone line and is therefore FREE!!! All I do is have a LONG telephone extension with about 1 ft free of the white protective wire, so i just have 1ft with the VERY thin coloured wire's showing. This is where you have to be VERY careful for many reasons. The main reason is that after you have plugged your fone line into this fone jack you will have to put the case cover back onto the pole, so you have to be careful not to tear the thin wires which will be hanging out from case...they r very unnoticeable because of their fineness (and the fone poll is right next to my garden so i hide the line along my hedge and across my garden) but I would ALWAYS recommend that you use this method for LATE NIGHT USE ONLY!! I use it to phone foreign countries and for Hax0r use, and although I only use it temporarily, real late at night and for a short time period only it a MASSIVE saving on my previous fone bills. If you have a Laptop computer you could use this method in a very secluded area late at night, just make sure you don't spotted for hanging around as the cops could be called out. As these type of fone polls are old they mainly feature in secluded and rural area which is good for the phreaker. This method is much easier than the method used on new fone polls, because on new fone polls the box is found right at the top of the poll which is fuckin high and climbing is risky to yourself and the chances of being spotted are high. So hunt around and have Phun....Phreak Hard, Live Longer. Jf_ JF@linenoise.org http://www.linenoise.org