Type: Phreaking * Name: Guide to call * forwarding * By: =The-Doh-Boy= * Danger level: 2/10 * Tried and tested: Yes * File name: callfwd.txt * ************************ Most people started to shit themselves when E.S.S. came in in the U.K., fearing that it would ruin their phreak related phun. I on the other hand don't worry too much about this because like with any other system there are bound to be cracks in the structure which allow people to abuse the system. One such feature of E.S.S. is call forwarding. When used correctly this can be an amazing way to make every call you ever make be charged at the local rate. In the U.K. call forwarding can be controlled from your home phone using *21*xxxxxxxxxxx# where the xxxxxxxxxxx represents the number for all incoming calls to be transferred to. The caller only pays for the first leg of the call. The rest is charged to the account of home where the first leg terminates. So if you are ever left in an enemies house alone with the fone, walk up to it and dial*21*0898504030# or something like that. Hey presto, call up Fuck Boy and rack up massive calls to sex lines, mates, e.t.c. that could be a pain to explain away. In the U.S.A. there is a facility known as remote call forwarding. This could be absolutely abused the hell out of. Just dial the access number, enter the number you want to dial, dial up Fuck Boy when his line is busy and send his bill soaring. As far as I know if you dial up the operator and give her a good old sob story about you being on holiday, and that you programmed your computer to connect to the office every day at x:xx pm/am and that while the line was busy you'd like calls forwarded to your current position. She'll probably do that for you if you make it sound convincing. If you can't get a hold of that then just fone up and pretend to be a B.T. engineer who's looking into technical faults on the line. "Yes sir, i've been having problems with my line. People keep foning up and they get disconnected e.t.c." Well you say: "Just dial *21*xxxxxxxxxxx# and this will help us run tests on the line, we'll also have an engineer fone tomorrow and update you" ha ha ha. Who I really feel happy for are those of you connected to cable telephone. Imagine having fonecalls to abroad/mates or anywhere else for the 1.5p connection fee. You could also forward Toys 'R' Us calls to Fuck Boy, leaving him with hundreds of fonecalls per day. As ever endeavour to be creative with such techniques and the rewards will come. On another note, if you fancy a wild party at your house while your parents are away but are lumbered with relatives, no problem! Just go to another relatives house and ask to use the fone. Call up your temporary minder and say: "Aunt Beattie (he he) has asked us to stay over so we will. Call her house if you want to reach us" Then hang up and dial *21*number of your house# So as far as you minders know your tucked up safe in Beatties house. If and when they call you just pick up your home fone and say: "Oh Beatties just popped out, I'll tell her you called" Have fun now, and feel free to e-mail me at Babel86@Hotmail.com with reports of your exploits, or queries about anything, my "door" is always open to newcomers. =The-Doh-Boy=