_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ / / / /(_)_ __ ___ /\ \ \___ (_)___ ___ \ \ ___ __ \ \/ (_) | / / | | '_ \ / _ \/ \/ / _ \| / __|/ _ \ | (_) \/ / _ > < _| | / /__| | | | | __/ /\ / (_) | \__ \ __/ | |_ > < _ (_)_/\_(_) | \____/_|_| |_|\___\_\ \/ \___/|_|___/\___| | (_)_/\_(_) \_\ " K e e p U p T h e N o i s e " /_/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++Blue Boxing in UK+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++JF@linenoise.org+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Blue Box is rumoured to be "defunct" in UK but it is still possible to Blue Box today. The method I am going to describe is bog standard shit and should be real easy for you to do. Although this box dates way back to the 1960s a lot of people in the UK don't seem to realise it can be done. Just follow my exact instructions here and it should w0rk for you, just remember to be careful and don't box too much as someone might catch up with you at some point and I don't really recommend boxing over your own foneline for risk of getting caught, get yourself a laptop maybe or beige box off a neighbours line!!! Basically all you need to do is find a foriegn exchange freefone number, these are listedin every BT fone book and they all follow the same pattern - 0800 89 ****. These numbers can be used to make calling card calls, collect calls etc to other countrys. In order to Blue Box off these numbers you need to submit tones down the foneline to fool the trunk into thinking you have hung up, you need to stay on the line and after they have stopped your call you are "an addition" of their line in effect and then you can dial your internet connection, long distance calls etc from this line providing you include their "special" dialing tones. You are probably thinking "Great...all i need to do is emmit the good old 2600hz tone down the fone to a number such as 0800 89 0011 - American AT&T and then I'm blueboxing", well you can't do that for a number of reasons. 1) Blue Boxing in England requires more that the 2600 tone (More Later) 2) 0800 89 0011 (American AT&T) isn't fooled by blueboxing, it is no longer hostage of the "feared" 2600 tone, you need to look at fone exchanges which encorporate a CCITT5 Line. (More Later) I bet alot of you are thinking, "What the fuck is a CCITT5 Line?", well....CCITT stands for Consultive Committee for International Telegragh and Telephone, or something along those lines. It is an International committee that discusses plans and sets the standards for International Communication needs. CCITT5 is a line which is relatively old and was brought up by the CCITT originally, it is used in poorer countries as listed later in this article, it's trunks are still fooled by emmittingtones down the line. More advanced(?) countries such as America etc have updated their exchange and no longer use these vulnerable CCITT5 lines. For the whole concept of Blue Boxing to work you will need the CCITT5 Tones as used on the exchange, these are of course included in this program so you have everything you need at hand. Ok...now we got all the theoretical background information out of the way lets get down to the exact routine you need to follow. 1)Dial an International Direct Exchange freefone number such as, for example :- Malaysia - 0800 89 0060 Chile - 0800 89 0056 Columbia - 0800 89 0057 Gabon - 0800 89 0241 Hungary - 0800 89 0036 Malaysia - 0800 89 0060 Turkey - 0800 89 0090 2) Emmitt a mixture of 2600hz/2400hz tones down the line, This fools the trunk into thinking you hung up as I stated earlier, experiment for Timing etc as everyone is slightly different but it usually only a few hundred milliseconds or so. Then after you hear "the wink" in the earpiece, thats the beeping etc that you will hear, emmit 2400hz on its own down the line to finalise the matter. 3) Then to dial a number you will need the following CCITT5 Tones - KP (Key Pulse) and ST (Start). These can be found in my program "UK BLUEBOXING". Make sure you have these at hand as you need these in order to make your call. 4) To make a call you need to submit the KP tone down the line followed by the Country Code, Area code and Number of the Place you are calling and then end it with a ST tone which tells the trunk that you have finished entering your number and it will therefore activate the call. 5) THATS IT!! Its that easy to set it all up, now you can call long distance, locally, or your net connection for free...saves lots of money on unwanted large fone bills and gives you a good opportunity to experiment with foreign telefone exchanges. So now go out there and play with your newly aquired knowledge of UK Blue Boxing :o) Jf_ JF@linenoise.org http://www.linenoise.org