The 5ESSŪ-2000 Switch Product Family

Achieve Greater Efficiencies Through Network Consolidation

Modernization can be achieved through consolidation; however, consolidation affects the entire network whereas modernization only affects specific switches. Consolidation, or the flattening the overall network hierarchy, can improve network efficiencies, reliability, performance and customer retention while delivering considerable cost savings as it removes unnecessary network layers.

Consolidation of Central Offices (COs) can be accomplished through the extensive remoting capabilities of the 5ESS®-2000 Switch. COs can be consolidated into several Remote Switching Modules (RSMs) or a few Extended Switching Module-2000s (EXM-2000) connected to a host 5ESS®-2000 Switch. Totally transparent to the subscriber, consolidation is accomplished by literally closing down COs, that can be merged with others within the 600 mile distance and capacity capabilities of the RSM. In addition to reducing operations staff, consolidation also reduces the amount of network equipment needed. Consequently, software upgrades are quicker to complete, resulting in faster time to market of new services and potentially increased revenues. Consolidation also enables you to "cap" existing host switches currently providing analog voice traffic. Since you can place all customers requiring advanced services on a new 5ESS®-2000 Switch while still using existing analog switches, a long-term capital investment is made in new technology while preserving current equipment investments.

Build a New Flat, Flexible Network

More details are available through Lucent Technologies customer representatives or by email request to this Home Page site.