Network Flexibility Gives Strategic Business Flexibility

With the kind of network flexibility you can achieve with the 5ESS®-2000 Switch, you can attain precisely the kind of business flexibility required in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Meet Changing Customer Needs Quickly and Cost-Effectively
The 5ESS®-2000 Switch can meet the most diverse and dynamically changing set of customer needs in sizing, growth and new market entry. The modular distributed design of the 5ESS®-2000 Switch:

  • Moves easily into new technologies and new service arenas.

  • Attains favorable economics at any line size.

  • Offers more services, more cost-effectively to more target markets.

  • Easily deploys equipment to match changing market conditions, when necessary.

Provide AnyMedia™ off the Same Switch
The 5ESS®-2000 Switch supports mixed media simultaneously, resulting in cost savings and operational efficiencies as well as robust revenue-generation capability and market penetration.

"State of the Art" Software Builds Revenue
The extensive features, flexibility of application and services available on the 5ESS®-2000 Switch are driven by the innovative, reliable and robust software of the platform. This switch is more than just hardware! It means revenue from software applications.

The 5ESS®-2000 Switch gives the flexibility to go where your market goes. This means you can grow when your market grows. It means you can evolve your network to match the needs of your customers and your shareholders.

Access New Markets Faster and More Reliably
The flexible and highly reliable remoting architecture of the 5ESS®-2000 Switch offers the tools to rapidly access new markets with 40% greater line capacity, and 400% greater distance capabilities than our nearest competitor.

Flatten Networks for the Future
The 5ESS®-2000 Switch is the most flexible and cost-effective switch for customers moving from the hierarchical networks of today to the flattened networks of tomorrow.

Flattening networks can improve network efficiencies, reliability, performance and customer retention while delivering considerable cost savings as it removes unnecessary network layers.

More details are available through Lucent Technologies customer representatives or by email request to this Home Page site.