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The Advantages of a Modular Design

A key strategic advantage of the 5ESS®-2000 Switch is its modular design. This design allows ongoing enhancements to be added easily and cost-effectively, but more importantly, it enables quick changes to communication networks to accommodate market, regulatory or technology changes.

The 5ESS®-2000 Switch's modular architecture value and the ease with which this switch has incorporated new technologies has been repeatedly used by Service Providers around the world, to grow their business. Additional hardware modules and the associated software releases can easily be added to a network's standard growth and modernization plans, resulting in a simple, effective and economical upgrade without services disruption.

Modernize Your Network Switches

The value of modular, distributed switch architecture is evident when one upgrades an existing network. The 5ESS®-2000 Switch allows easy upgrade of processors or additions of new peripherals. This maximizes the return on investments for existing equipment and integrate solutions for new challenges, such as high Internet holding times.