*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -=[SD]=- Sepulchral Darkness -=[SD]=- presents : Omnicom FS1515 Telephone Exchange Details ( A Southwestern Bell issued PBX) Brought to you by : ---=[AZTECH]=--- Sepulchral Darkness '95 All Rights Worth Shit *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Lifted from a technical reference article by Joe Fuller ------------------------------------------------------- The Omnicom FS1515 telephone exchange is a feature packed unit, ideal for homes and small buisnesses. The FS1515 enables you to use up to five extensions from one exchange line. Each extension may have one or two telephones. Any approved telephone equipment may be used as an extension telephone to the FS1515, including; Pulse/Tone dial telephones (including rotary dial types), cordless telephones, answering machines, fax machines and modems. FS1515 will enhance the features of your existing telephone system, adding many time and money saving features. FEATURES -------- Each of the FS1515's features are accessible by dialling a group of digits. The groups are arranged in a simple logical sequence to ensure ease of use. There are however, two seperate groups of numbers, those associated with programming the system (Call barring, etc) and those for everyday use. Table 1 illustrates the everyday 'Extension feature' numbers, and Table 2 illustrates the 'System Programming' numbers. Some of the features are self explanatory, but some require further clarification. TABLE 1 : EXTENSION FEATURE NUMBERS ----------------------------------- DIALLED NUMBER FUNCTION 9 + Telephone number Make an outside call 20,21,22,23,24 Call an extension 26 Door Intercom 29 Page all extensions 30 to 59 Dial stored number R Hold R + Extension Number Transfer a call R70 Call back an engaged line or extension R75 Redial reminder in five minutes R75 + Time Redial at set time 78 Last number Redial R71 Intrude on a busy extension 72 Internal ring on/off 73 Internal Speaking clock 74 + Time Set alarm call time 76 + Extension Number Divert to another extension 77 Enable Baby Monitor 79 External ring on/off 8 Answer External call 0 Release Door Catch TABLE 2 : SYSTEM PROGRAMMING NUMBERS ------------------------------------ DIALLED NUMBER FUNCTION # + PIN Enable System Programming *0 + PIN Re-program PIN 0 Auto answer ON 10 Auto answer OFF 11 + Time 'Please call after...' 12 + Telephone Number 'Please call... 13 Fax Switch 14 'Sorry, no one is available' 30 - 59 + Telephone number Store Telephone number 73 + Time Set Current time 90 + Local STD code Set local STD code 91 Set Tone Dialling 92 Set Pulse Dialling 93 + Code PBX access code 94 + Pause PBX pause 95 + PIN Mercury PIN 96 + Telephone Number Mercury Access Number 97 + Pause Mercury Access Pause 98 + Pause Seize line Pause 99 + Telephone Number Answer Number Extension Number +0 Allow all calls Extension Number +1 Bar International Calls Extension Number +2 Bar as '1' plus premium rate calls Extension Number +3 Bar as '2' plus Trunk Calls Extension Number +4 Bar all external calls Note : R = Recall Button (On Pulse Dial, signal 1) Time = time in 24 hour HH:MM format EXTENSION FEATURES ------------------ The following features are available from each extension: Make an outside call : Connects dialling party to the exchange line and dials the number. Call an Internal Extension : Allows Communication with other extension users. Door Intercom: Allows Occupants to speak to the calling party by means of an intercom. Page all Extensions: Rings all extensions, first phone answered speaks to calling party. Dial Stored Number: Dials Stored number. Hold: Places calling party on 'hold'. Transfer a Call: An incoming call can be transferred to another extension. Call back an engaged line or extension: If the exchange line or an extension is busy, the exchange will attempt to connect the call when line or extension is free. Redial Reminder in five minutes: If the number you are calling is engaged, the exchange will redial the number after waiting five minutes. Redial at set time: Redials an engaged number at a set time. Last Number Redial: Redials last number dialled on that extension. Intrude on a busy extension: If the extension being called is engaged, the calling party can attempt to intrude on the call. The engaged extension will be informed that another caller is attempting to intrude on the call. The engaged extension will be informed that another caller is attempting to intrude; The engaged extension can then accept the intruding caller if wished. (How confusing! What the above is simply stating is that the system provides Inter-Extension Call Waiting. -=[AH]=-) Internal ring ON/OFF: Prevents Internal call from ringing an extension. Internal Speaking Clock: Exchange speaks the time. Set Alarm call time: Sets alarm clock time, exchange rings back at the programmed alarm time. Divert to another extension: Diverts calls to another extension. Enable Baby Monitor: Allows an Extension to be used as a Baby Monitor. External Ring ON/OFF: Prevents External Calls from ringing an extension. Answer external call (When external ring off): Allows an External call to be answered when external ring is set to off. Release Door Catch: Operates Door Catch release mechanism. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- Auto Answer on: Exchange automatically answers incoming calls. Auto Answer Off: Exchange does not automatically answer incoming calls. 'Please call after...': Informs Calling party to call back after Programmed time. 'Please Call...' Informs Calling party to call programmed telephone number. Fax Switch: Informs Calling party to dial 'STAR' to connect to the fax machine. 'Sorry, no one is available': Informs calling party that no one is available. Store Telephone number: Stores frequently used telephone number for stored dialling. Set Current time: Sets Internal clock to current time. Set local STD: Stores local dialling code to facilitate call barring. Set tone dialling: Selects tone(DTMF) dialling if the public exchange supports tone dialling. Set pulse dialling: Selects pulse dialling if the public exchange does not support tone dialling. PBX access code: Allows automatic access to Private branch exchange when the FS1515 is itself an extension. PBX pause: Sets pause to programmed duration to ensure correct operation. Mercury PIN: Stores personal Identification number to allow use of Mercury Exchange lines. Mercury Access Number: Stores number to be dialed to gain access to Mercury Exchange lines. Mercury Access Pause: Sets pause to programmed duration to ensure correct operation. Seize line pause: Sets exchange line pause to programmed duration to ensure correct operation. Answer Number: Stores incoming line telephone number to be spoken by exchange to called party. Allow all calls: Allows all external calls to be dialled from an extension. Bar International Calls: Prevents international calls from being dialled from an extension. Bar as '1' plus Premium rate service calls: Prevents International and premium rate service (192,0898,etc...) calls from being dialled from an extension. Bar as '2' plus trunk calls: Prevents international, premium rate and trunk cals from being dialled from an extension. Bar all External Calls: Prevents all external calls from being dialled, except 999. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION -------------------- Figure 1 : Block Diagram of the FS1515 Exchange +--------+ +-------+ | DTMF | | | +---| Decoder|------+ | +------+ EXT | | MT8870 | | | | || +--+ +-------+ | +--------+ +--+-------+ | | +-+ || +-+ |20|<------->| A | | +-+ | |-|-+>|E| |+->|R| +--+ ^ | |<--+-------+----->| |<----->| | | |P| | |A| |21| | +-------+ | (X) | | (Y) | Processor| | |R| | |M| +--+ | | | | | HD6303 | | |O| | |P| |22| | +-----+------+ |A| | | | |M| | |5| +--+ | | MT8816AE | | | | | | |2| | |1| |23| | +> | Crosspoint | |S| | |<+-->|7| +-->|6| +--+ | | | Switch | | |<----->| | |C| |4| |24| | | +-+-+-+----+-+ +-->|I| (Z) +----------+ |2| |L| +--+ | | | | | | | | | | |5| |1| | | | | | | | |C| | |6| |0| +-------+ | | | | +---+ | | | | +-+ +-+ | Drop | | | | | | F |<--|---+ | | | Back | | | | | +---+ | +-+ | | Relay | | | | | | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+-+ | | | | | | B | | | | | | +---+ | | | | | | C |<---------------+ | | | +-------------+ | +---+ | +-------------| Voice Synth |-+ | D |<-----------------+ | | TMS50C43 | +---+ | +-------------+ | E +-------------------------------+ +---+ A = Circuitry for :- Constant Current Feed Ring Generator Off - hook detector Pulse Dialling B = Exchange Line (X) = Various Control and data lines C = Door Intercom (Y) = Extension Control D = Door Release (Z) = Exchange Line Control E = Smoke Alarm F = DTMF Generator MV5089 The above diagram shows a block diagram of the FS1515. The functions of each of the blocks is as follows: Switch Matrix: -------------- The Switch Matrix is based on the MY8816AE aolid state crosspoint switch. This device offers greater reliability, lower noise and less electrical interference compared to its electromechanical equivalent. The Processor: -------------- The Central Processing unit of the FS1515 is based on the Hitachi HD6303 processor. This controls the data bus, which connects to a 32k x 8-bit EPROM (27C256) and an 8k x 8 bit static RAM (P5164SL-10). The processor was chosen because of its numerous I/O lines. This allowed the control logic to be compressed inside an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The ASIC passes information to and from the extension ports, under control of the processor. Key System: ----------- The FS1515 uses the Texas Instruments TMS50C43 N25 voice IC to confirm system information to the 'system programmer', extension user or calling party when the auto answer feature is in use. Extensions: ----------- Each Extension is provided with at least 25mA of constant current feed to drive the line. Every extension has its own ring circuitry that operates from the power supply. In addition any extension can be connected to one of two DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) Decoders (MV9970). This ensures that a DTMF decoder is always available if the exchange line is in use and the extension user decides to send DTMF codes to the line. A DTMF Generator (MV5089) is connected to the exchange line, allowing for DTMF dialling or signalling to the exchange. PSU: ---- The PSU is internally housed within the FS1515, it is of standard design employing a conventional transformer and linear regulators. Software: --------- The FS1515 software allows any DTMF phone to access the system programming features and allows both DTMF and Loop-disconnect (pulse) phones to access Extension user features. The FS1515 is fully Mercury Compatible and offers least cost routing once the user's Mercury PIN (Personal Identification Number) is programmed in. The unit also features 30 direct access memories for stored telephone numbers, call barring and a whole host of other features and facilities usually only found on much larger PBX systems. Accessories: ------------ The FS1515 has provision to connect a smoke alarm, door entry system and call logging printer. Any Smoke alarm that provides 9v accross its output terminals, when triggered, can be used. Tge input circuitry is opto isolated and will operate regardless of input polarity. The door entry system allows any extension to talk to the caller at the door and automatically release the door catch if required. The door release contacts are momentary action (2 seconds make) and are rated at 2A. The intercom should be designed to operate from a 20v 40mA constant current reply. The intercom button signals the FS1515 by directly shorting the Intercom supply lines. The Call logging printer connects to the FS1515 by means of an I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) Bus. The printer is due to be released by Southwestern Bell in the near future. EXCHANGE INSTALLATION: ---------------------- Before attempting to install any part of the FS1515 system, it is important to carefully plan your requirements. The FS1515 must be wall mounted and located within 3 metres of a 13a Power Socket and within 2 meters of the master telephone socket. If you do not have a master telephone socket, you must arranged to have one installed by your telephone service provider (Usually British Telecom). It is illegal to fit your own master telephone socket. The FS1515 exchange should be sited where it will not be subject to excessive levels of heat, dust, hunidity, damp, or near sources of electromagnetic interference such as motors, compressors or switchgear. It may be found that the ideal place for the exchange to be situated is not within distance of a mains power socket, telephone master socket, or both. In such cases, Install a secondary telephone socket adjacent to the exchange as an extension from the master telephone socket. Mains power can be provided by adding a spur to an existing 30/32A ring main. CONNECTING EXTENSIONS: ---------------------- Extension Telephones and their respective outlets should be: o Kept away from sources of Electromagnetic Interference such as Mains an other telecommunications wiring. o Connected with the following codes: Primary Switch Connection Secondary Socket Connection +------+ +------+ +------+ | < Blue with White Stripe | 1 < > 4 | +------+ +------+ +------+ | < White with Blue Stripe | 2 < X Y > 5 | +------+ +------+ +------+ | < Orange with white stripe | 3 < Z > 6 | +------+ +------+ +------+ IDC Blocks X = Blue with White Stripe ###################### Y = White with Blue Stripe Case Edge Z = Orange with white stripe The FS1515 Telephone Exchange is available directly from SouthWestern Bell and from Maplins Electronics Stores. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ---=[AZTECH]=---