-============================================================================- 0500-89xxxx Scan By General Hedcase 21/12/95 -============================================================================- 0500-890011 - AT&T 0500-890030 - Spanish or Italian number, doesnt ring 0500-890031 - German calling card system 0500-890032 - International Service 0500-890033 - France direct 0500-890034 - Spanish direct, bloody AWFUL music! 0500-890036 - Something about budapest 0500-890039 - Telecom Italia 0500-890041 - Swiss telecom, ahhh music to yodel to :) 0500-890043 - German I think 0500-890045 - Denmark Direct 0500-890047 - Norway direct 0500-890049 - Germany direct 0500-890054 - Spanish, bleeps when they answer and when they hang up X 0500-890055 - Your call can not completed as dialled, dunno where this is 0500-890056 - Spain direct 0500-890060 - either speakin a foreign language, or "I learned english from a book" 0500-890061 - Ozzie direct! 0500-890062 - Spanish I think, bleeps a lot! X 0500-890064 - Ensid direct, ummmmm wheres ensid? 0500-890065 - Singapore telecom international telephone service 0500-890066 - The number I have dialled has not been recognised 0500-890068 - Phillipines Direct, (I think) 0500-890081 - Japan direct, or something japanese 0500-890090 - The number I have dialled has not been recognised 0500-890139 - Telecom Italia 0500-890161 - You have entered an invalid authorisation number 0500-890162 - Bleepy line, sounds swedish 0500-890222 - Worldphone from MCI 0500-890300 - AT&T 0500-890301 - AT&T 0500-890302 - AT&T 0500-890303 - AT&T 0500-890304 - AT&T 0500-890310 - AT&T 0500-890311 - AT&T 0500-890312 - AT&T 0500-890313 - AT&T 0500-890314 - AT&T 0500-890315 - AT&T 0500-890316 - AT&T 0500-890317 - AT&T 0500-890318 - AT&T 0500-890319 - AT&T 0500-890320 - AT&T 0500-890321 - AT&T 0500-890322 - AT&T 0500-890323 - AT&T 0500-890324 - AT&T 0500-890325 - AT&T 0500-890326 - AT&T 0500-890327 - AT&T 0500-890328 - AT&T 0500-890329 - AT&T 0500-890330 - AT&T 0500-890331 - AT&T 0500-890332 - AT&T 0500-890333 - AT&T 0500-890334 - AT&T 0500-890335 - AT&T 0500-890336 - AT&T 0500-890337 - AT&T 0500-890338 - AT&T 0500-890339 - AT&T 0500-890340 - AT&T 0500-890341 - AT&T 0500-890342 - AT&T 0500-890343 - AT&T 0500-890344 - AT&T 0500-890345 - AT&T 0500-890346 - AT&T 0500-890347 - AT&T 0500-890348 - AT&T 0500-890349 - AT&T 0500-890350 - AT&T 0500-890351 - Ummmm not sure what language, BUT NOT AT&T! 0500-890352 - Doesnt answer 0500-890353 - Ireland direct 0500-890354 - AT&T 0500-890355 - AT&T 0500-890356 - AT&T 0500-890357 - Your call is in a queue, the operator will attend to it shortly 0500-890359 - AT&T 0500-890360 - AT&T 0500-890361 - AT&T 0500-890362 - AT&T 0500-890363 - AT&T 0500-890364 - AT&T 0500-890365 - AT&T 0500-890366 - AT&T 0500-890367 - AT&T 0500-890368 - AT&T 0500-890369 - AT&T 0500-890370 - AT&T 0500-890371 - AT&T 0500-890372 - AT&T 0500-890373 - AT&T 0500-890374 - AT&T 0500-890375 - AT&T 0500-890376 - AT&T 0500-890377 - AT&T 0500-890378 - AT&T 0500-890379 - AT&T 0500-890380 - AT&T 0500-890381 - AT&T 0500-890385 - AT&T 0500-890386 - AT&T 0500-890387 - AT&T 0500-890389 - AT&T 0500-890390 - AT&T 0500-890391 - AT&T 0500-890392 - AT&T 0500-890393 - AT&T 0500-890394 - AT&T 0500-890395 - AT&T 0500-890396 - AT&T 0500-890397 - AT&T 0500-890398 - AT&T 0500-890399 - AT&T 0500-890431 - World Direct 0500-890443 - ITJ 0500-890456 - IDB world card 0500-890460 - World Direct 0500-890547 - Spanish numba 0500-890610 - Optis 0500-890851 - Hong Kong calling card system 0500-890852 - Dunno where this is, sounds residential 0500-890854 - This number is not in service 0500-890860 - Automated calling card service, IDC 0500-890877 - Sprint! 0500-890971 - Your call is in queue 0500-890973 - Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, dunno.. 0500-891016 - Dial tone PBX code+# then number 0500-891032 - VodaCom 0500-891039 - Telecom Italia 0500-891049 - Deuschland Telecom 0500-891062 - Some calling card system, chinese/japanese 0500-891156 - Voice line, Spanish/Italian 0500-891333 - This service cannot be connected 0500-891431 - Voice line, not sure what language 0500-891656 - Direcory assistance, English 0500-891657 - Australian answer fone 0500-891852 - Hong Kong Telecom, does credit card calls 0500-892002 - No answer 0500-892300 - VMB system, a bit like audex (try extension:5686) 0500-892301 - VMB system # to login 0500-892302 - Cable wireless operator, may I have your 800 travel card number please 0500-892303 - Fax 0500-892304 - Trinidad number 0500-892305 - same as 892302 (Trinidad) 0500-892307 - Something emergency service 0500-892308 - Same as above 0500-892309 - Fax 0500-892310 - Sort of VMB system, responds to touch tones 0500-892311 - VMB, cant figure how to login tho...... 0500-892312 - 2400/ARQ/LAPM carrier, duz nothing except hang up after a while 0500-892313 - Trinidad again 0500-892314 - VMB system, "Im sorry I cannot get your passcode" 0500-892316 - Wheatfisher associates 0500-892318 - VMB, press # to login, bbbiiiiggg mailbox numbers 0500-892320 - Rbuck, 12 digit pin number needed 0500-892321 - "You have selected an invalid option" 0500-892322 - You have reached a non working 800 number 0500-892323 - Cable and wireless, VMB 0500-892324 - The number I have reached 644-0440 is being checked for trouble 0500-892325 - Answering machine, or recorded message 0500-892326 - No answer 0500-892327 - No answer 0500-892329 - Ragley Health 0500-892331 - Digital Network Somethings, VMB 0500-892332 - German VMB/PBX 0500-892333 - DoD Wildcat BBS (closed system) (carrier) 0500-892334 - Phonemail system, 3 digit extensions 0500-892335 - VMB, mailbox: 1234 password: XXXX :) 0500-892336 - ~)login: prompt, apparently these are msmail systems (carrier) 0500-892338 - Strictly rhythm records, try extension 25 (press # transfer to extension) 0500-892339 - Netware CONNECT 1.0.33 Service Selector (carrier) 0500-892340 - VMB for University Of Soledo (I think) 0500-892341 - This 800 number cannot be accessed from your calling area 0500-892342 - Telekey cards, strange you can "recharge them with your credit card" 0500-892344 - Something Buildings, answering machine 0500-892345 - Video News international, VMB * to login, mailbox 125 works 0500-892346 - No Answer 0500-892347 - The number I have dialed has not been recognized 0500-892348 - VMB, press 1 to login, asks for password first then mailbox 0500-892350 - VMB, not sure how to login 0500-892353 - Gives out garbage (carrier) 0500-892355 - Engaged 0500-892356 - Two clicks then line goes silent (Carrier?...) 0500-892357 - does nothing (carrier) 0500-892358 - VMB of some sort 0500-892359 - Bistech, VMB try extensions 219 or 555 0500-892360 - Equinox industries, same as above, try extensions 278, 313 or 275 0500-892361 - Mistech international voice line, or maybe bistech, I dunno... 0500-892362 - Voice line of some smartass! 0500-892363 - No answer 0500-892365 - VMB press 1 to transfer to an extension, try 111, 5 to login try mailbox 163 0500-892366 - Please wait.... then it plays ruldolph the red nose reindeer :) 0500-892367 - Fax machine 0500-892368 - No answer 0500-892369 - Glaxo information centre, touch tone driven menus, need pins for some parts 0500-892370 - The Number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-892371 - Unresponsive carrier 0500-892372 - Something acoustics VMB, # to login 0500-892373 - VMB very strange, key in an extension whilst message is going on, 1-6 digits long + # 0500-892374 - VMB, press 2 to login 0500-892375 - ~(login: prompt, msmail system (carrier) 0500-892376 - VMB, press * to login, only need passcode (4 digit) 0500-892377 - VMB, after you have recorded your message press # a few times to login 0500-892378 - VMB # to login, 3 digit mailboxes, passcodes.. I dunno! 0500-892379 - Unresponsive carrier, hangs up after about 30 seconds 0500-892380 - No answer 0500-892381 - VMB, # to login 3 digit mailboxes 0500-892382 - You have connected to a first class system, please login... (carrier) 0500-892385 - Voice line, someone was killing a dog in the background :) 0500-892386 - VMB, "Im sorry I did not get your passcode" 6 digit passcodes, just key em in during the message 0500-892387 - Press * and get to bell atlantics voice mail network 0500-892388 - You have connected to a first class system, please login... (carrier) 0500-892389 - VMB, NYNEX voice mail, press * to access, mailbox: 1111111 0500-892390 - VMB, 1 to dial by name (try 25 gets you to a meridian??), 4 to dial by number (try 521), and 2 to say the mailbox number 0500-892391 - Answering machine 0500-892392 - VMB try 299# whilst the message is playing, * gets you "please enter your user id" 0500-892393 - VMB, press # to login (try mailbox 999) * to transfer to an extension 0500-892394 - OpenVMS AXP operating system V6.1 (carrier) 0500-892395 - Meridian Voice Mail!!! 0500-892396 - Fax machine 0500-892399 - Globa-fone Dial tone PBX, 12 digit code, wrong code gets you straight to an attendant 0500-892400 - Globa-fone voice line 0500-892401 - Engaged 0500-892404 - Engaged 0500-892411 - The number I have reached 718-328-3084 has been disconnected 0500-892415 - Engaged 0500-892416 - Engaged 0500-892421 - VMB, * to login, asks for password then mailbox 0500-892422 - a kind of VMB, press # for an interesting menu (need passcodes to do anything, 5 digit), press * + 2 digits and it says there not valid 0500-892423 - # prompt (carrier 7E1) 0500-892424 - The number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-892425 - Fax machine 0500-892426 - VMB press * to transfer to extension, press * + # to login (3 digit mailboxes) 0500-892427 - Voice line, sounds residential 0500-892428 - Voicetech's automated attendant, # to login (4 digit mailboxes), * transfers you somewhere 0500-892429 - VMB, press * to login (5 digit passcode), any other key takes you to the record a message beep 0500-892430 - Answering machine, I think 0500-892431 - No answer 0500-892432 - some voice line 0500-892433 - No answer 0500-892434 - No answer 0500-892435 - VMB, press 0 to transfer to an extension, extension 1# gets you a dialtone!! 0500-892436 - No answer 0500-892437 - Transline One World, calling card service it seems, cards are 9 digits long 0500-892438 - VMB, press 0 to transfer out, transfering to the operator out of business hours gets you another VMB 0500-892439 - VMB, press * to transfer out and press * + # to login (4 digit mailboxes) 0500-892440 - Answering machine 0500-892441 - VMB, dont know how to login 0500-892442 - Please hold for the next available agent, then plays music 0500-892443 - Carrier, gives out garbage 0500-892444 - No answer 0500-892445 - VMB, # to login (mailbox 333, unpassworded) 0500-892446 - VMB, press 2 digits and it says "that is not a valid mailbox" 10 replays the message again, * to login (5 digit passcode) 0500-892447 - VMB, press 0 to get to main box, 6 to dial extension (4 digit) 0500-892448 - Memory call VMB, * to login (6 digit passcode, I think), press * + # to choose the mailbox to login too 0500-892449 - Voice Line 0500-892451 - VMB press * to login to the current mailbox (5 digit passcode), press any digits whilst the message is playing to tranfer out (try 4) 0500-892453 - This 800 number cannot be accessed from your calling area 0500-892454 - VMB press * to login asks for password then mailbox 0500-892455 - # prompt (carrier 7E1) 0500-892456 - VMB, * to transfer out (try 2523310), * + # to login 0500-892457 - VMB, press # to login (try mailbox 1234), press any 4 digits whilst the message is playing to transfer out 0500-892458 - VMB, * to login (5 digit pascode) 0500-892459 - Administration box is out today, please enter your personal ID now.. 0500-892460 - VMB, press 0 to tranfer to an extension (try 486) 0500-892461 - Fax machine 0500-892462 - Were sorry the number you have reached is not in service 0500-892463 - VMB, press the extension number whilst the message is playing (try 28,29), # & * tranfer you to an extension that beeps a lot 0500-892464 - Looks like a VAX (carrier) 0500-892465 - VMB, press # to login (try mailbox 123), press the extension number whilst the message is playing to transfer out (try 123) 0500-892467 - Voice line, sounds residential 0500-892468 - Fax machine 0500-892469 - VMB, press * to get to bell atlantics voice messaging system from there either enter your passcode or press # to login to another mailbox (7 digit numbers) 0500-893000 - Voice line, not in english I think 0500-893001 - Audex VMB!! *7 to login *8 to transfer out (try extensions 5698 and 5814 they should also work as mailboxes) 0500-893002 - The number you have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893020 - 214-918-5324 will accept mci calls billed to it 0500-893021 - the number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893022 - the number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893023 - the number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893024 - American voice line, sounds residential (cant say hello properly) 0500-893025 - the number i have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893026 - the number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893027 - the number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893028 - the number I have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893029 - Bell atlantic voice messaging system, see instructions in previous numbers 0500-893031 - The 800 number you have dialed is not in service 0500-893032 - The 800 number you have dialed is not in service 0500-893033 - No answer 0500-893034 - K&B, voice line (american) 0500-893035 - Hmmm carrier, seems to be on a switching system (!!!) 0500-893036 - Answering machine (I think) 0500-893037 - VMB press # to login, 3 digit mailboxes and 10 digit passcodes (try mailbox 555), pressing 0 gets you to an attendant pressing 9 logs you off 0500-893038 - Engaged 0500-893040 - Answering machine 0500-893050 - Voice line sounds residential, weird ring 0500-893060 - Voice line, Custer Coporation 0500-893061 - Voice line Japanese, I couldnt tell if this was a recording or not 0500-893080 - Telecom 800 voice line (english) 0500-893082 - No answer 0500-893083 - Please enter your pin (6 digit) 0500-893084 - Australian answering machine 0500-893085 - A message telling you to hold then it rings some bird 0500-893086 - Carrier (0) 0500-893087 - Please enter your pin, same as 893083 0500-893088 - Voice line, sounds residential (english, or an english person at least) 0500-893089 - Please enter your pin, same as 893083 and 893087 0500-893090 - No answer 0500-893091 - Voice line, sounds residential (english, or just an english person) 0500-893093 - Please enter your pin, yup same as 893083 and the rest... 0500-893094 - Please enter your pin, same as all the others 0500-893097 - Voice line, sounds residential, also sounds like the person on 893091 0500-893098 - Another voice line yes it does sound residential and yes it does sound like the person on 893091 0500-893100 - Foreign voice line, beeps a lot 0500-893120 - Beep Beep Beep... 0500-893121 - Israelie number I think, (they said shalom) 0500-893122 - Same as above 0500-893140 - VMB press # to login, 4 digit mailboxes and 10 digit passcodes, try mailbox 7715 0500-893200 - German "number you have dialed has not been recognised" message........ I think :) 0500-893201 - Carrier (0) 0500-893202 - German: the person you are calling is not available at the moment, please try again later 0500-893203 - Same as the above 0500-893221 - Engaged 0500-893223 - Carrier (0) 0500-893224 - Voice line, foreign not sure what language 0500-893225 - Voice line, think this is foreign as well, but Im not sure 0500-893226 - the eight calling card service from hutchinson 0500-893227 - the eight phone card service from hutchinson 0500-893228 - Foreign voice line 0500-893229 - UniTalkie calling card service, japanese 0500-893240 - Telecom Italia 0500-893261 - Calling card service (I think) in spain (I think) 0500-893280 - Foreign voice line 0500-893300 - Foreign voice line 0500-893302 - Foreign voice line 0500-893305 - Foreign voice line 0500-893306 - Foreign voice line 0500-893307 - Foreign voice line 0500-893308 - Foreign voice line 0500-893309 - Foreign voice line 0500-893310 - Fax machine 0500-893311 - Foreign voice line 0500-893312 - Fax machine 0500-893313 - Foreign voice line 0500-893314 - Fax machine 0500-893315 - Fax machine 0500-893316 - Foreign voice line 0500-893317 - Foreign voice line 0500-893340 - Foreign voice line, maybe french 0500-893341 - No answer, sounds like a french ring 0500-893360 - Weird foreign line, sounds like there having a party 0500-893361 - No answer 0500-893362 - Fax machine 0500-893381 - foreign answering machine, for some travel firm 0500-893384 - No answer 0500-893388 - Foreign line, bloke sounds likes he's dying 0500-893389 - No answer 0500-893391 - Foreign answering machine 0500-893396 - No answer 0500-893398 - No answer 0500-893480 - Foreign answering machine 0500-893500 - VMB, press * to transfer out and * + # to login (7 digit mailboxes) 0500-893620 - The number you have called is incorrect 0500-893621 - Voice line, american 0500-893622 - Voice line, umm either english or american I cant decide and I cant be arsed to call again and find out 0500-893623 - Voice line, cant decide on whereabouts like above 0500-893624 - Voice line, sounds english but could also be american 0500-893625 - Fax machine 0500-893626 - Voice line, first word he said was with an american accent the second was with a british accent 0500-893627 - VMB, # to login (4 digit mailboxes) 0500-893800 - the number you have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893801 - the number you have dialed has not been recognised 0500-893802 - Foreign voice line 0500-893803 - VMB, press 0 and it transfers you to a meridian 0500-893806 - VMB press * to transfer out and press * + # to login 0500-894220 - Voice line, the woman was breaking wind as she answered the fone, Im sure of it! 0500-897222 - VMB # to login, try mailbox 99999999 (10 digit passcode) 0500-897801 - Audex VMB, *7 (login) doesnt work, press *8 to transfer out (try extension 4015) 0500-898181 - No answer 0500-899999 - Answering machine