Line tests and anomalies By Aztech Popular external test lines include 174 (Faultsman Ringback) 175 (SALT(Systems and lines test)) 176 (Busy Scan) 1267 (Faultsman Ringback[System Y]) Faultsman Ringback is rather dull,all it alows you to do is get the exchange to ring you back a second later.Busy Scan saves time when you are unsure if their is a voice channel open on the line you want.Dial 176,wait until pickup,and then dial the full national number for the line you want to scan. Off hook will signal the engaged tone,and on hook will give rapid pips. If their is no voice carrier,a periodical beep will be heard. 175 is a good one to phuck around with.Dial the number,and a womans voice will tell you the number you are calling from(Unlike ANI,this code works anywhere in Britain).She will then say 'start test'.Hangup,and in twenty seconds the phone will ring.Pickup,and a voice will say 'Line testing okay.. Dial next test' Available tests are 1,2,3 and in some inner city areas,4. 1 usually provides a dialling tone,but dont get too excited,as you need an access code to activate it.However,if yove hacked the exchange,you should by now have found a dial-up access number,so that should be no problem. 2,If I remember,presents a 'dial fault' message,so that must be for Jbox testing or linesmen only.Keep trying though,and let me know if you get any results. 3 offers coin box testing,cycling through a gamut of tests each time three is pressed.Tests include coin pulsing monitoring,handset testing(mic+epiece) Tolling register monitor and power.It can be quite confusing at first to figure out what does what,as you really are given no hints,but keep plugging. 4 is very rare,and I honestly dont know what it does,apart from spew out a 'service not available' message. Fax test lines are available,whereby you can dial the Scotland offices of BT to see whether someone has a fax connected to the line.The number is: :0203-231-251 ---=[AZTECH]=---