Field Engineer Profile By Aztech The following profile is a good starting point for conning other BT employees into thinking you are a legitimate employee yourself,and should provide ample range for generating your own. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIELD OFFICE PERSONNEL DETAILS FOR OUC xxxxxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORENAME xxxxx SURNAME xxxx Intls xx GRADE T2a DOB 23/02/69 SERVICE START 01/xxxxx Nat Ins YZxx9/xx/zz Pay No. yz/89/56/95 Pay Grp xxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION DETAILS(WORK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxx Post Code | Telephone 0xxxxxxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION DETAILS(HOME) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxxx ADDRESS xxxxxxxx ADRESSS xxxxxxxx POST CODE xxxx Telephone xxxxxxxxxx PAGER NO. 0426-480-301 SERIAL NO.681183271 PAGER TYPE(ToneDisplyMessage) TONE CHARGECARD NO.*Did you really think Id be stupid enough to give that away?* CIPHER No.051192 ID CARD No.xxxxxxx STORES PIN No.7277 ROTA DUTY Y/N N CALL OUT Y/N N OFFICIAL TELEPHONE Y/N N SAFETY BELT No. 8 SERIAL No.0xxxxPARKING LOC (HQO) VEHICLE SERIAL NO.9xxxxxxx VEHICLE REG No. xxxxxx KEY 1/141 NO.3xx KEY 2/xxnO.---- TOOL LIST I7xxx CSS USERID F/CARD TYPE F/CARD No. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Pay No. and Pay group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB:This is a genuine record,attained while trashing,so use it wisely.The Pager number is real as well so have fun harrassing him with a wardialler!!! (ADDITION AS OF 22/10/94:ALL LOCATION DETAILS HAVE BEEN DELETED TO AVOID PINPOINTING OF MY HANDLE BY BT.SORRY ABOUT THAT,BUT ID RATHER BE CLEAN THAN PROVIDE THROAT CUTTING INFO.) ---=[AZTECH]=---