The third party phone call By Aztech Back in the days when I started,and the strowger mechanism was still considered to be pretty hot shit,this little phreak/phry-um was very popular amongst myself and other phone geeks.All it required was one tonedialler (Any one holding generic DTMF),a payphone and some imagination. Look at it this way:Your in school,and the class hardman trys to intimidate you.You smile smugly,and warn of impending financial doom,at which point he backs off,disturbed.What could this little nerd do to me?Read on.. 1>.Obtain your victims number 2>.Obtain your autodialler,and program in 100 as the next no. to dial 3>.Goto a payphone that has a number that starts with the same first 6 digits as your target's number. 4>.Dial the number in your autodialler(100,in case you forgot) 5>.The operator will answer "Operator,how may I help you?" The following conversation should give you some idea as to how to go: ME:"Yes,I,um,I wonder if you could possibly help me at all.You see Ive been trying to get through to my freinds in England for the past 30mins(ideal time!)and Im just having no luck." OP:"What seems to be the problem,sir?" ME:(At this point ANY problem will do,just make it sound convincing) "Weell,every time I press the last number,the line buzzes really loudly,and i cant hear anything." OP:"Mmm.Could I have the number your trying to call please?" (Give the bitch the number of your freinds house) "and what number are you calling from,sir?" (At this point,give your enemies number..) "Okay,im just putting you through now." BINGO!You have just avoided paying for a very expensive phone call, and your unwitting enemy has just shouldered the cost of the call,which can last for up to six hours!!Hahaha!! WHY THIS USED TO WORK: Third Party calling was valid up until a few months ago in many areas,simply because of a design fault in the payphones.You see,when you sent 100 down the line instead of keying it on the keypad,you bypass the switch that alerts the operator to the fact that you are calling from a payphone.You would normally hear this as one High/Low tone every second for eight seconds when dialling normally.You know this has worked instantly when you dial the operator,because you will hear a faint beep-kerchunk as the call connects indicating a direct billing to the number you gave. Not only is this virtually untraceable,but it also allows you to financially cripple your worst enemies.I stung this guy once for œxxx of calls,and he actually paid this without dispute!!!What a daft cunt,eh?? The ideal time is 30 mins,because after that,if the customer is experiencing difficulties and BT cant help,they can get a reduction on their next bill. Panic!Panic!Were losing pennies!Argggghhhh!!! The only snag with this is that sometimes the operator will periodically listen to the conversation to see if it is a genuine case of a bad line or other fault,so use your common sense when utilising this. (NB:Because most of Ireland still works on an analogue system,this method is perfect for use over there,and will continue to work until the phone system is updated.Just be sure to vary the billing number between enemies to avoid BT pointing the finger at you) ---=[AZTECH]=---