* released under (E) licensing ... *
* permission to use/rewrite/add : granted *
* permission to trojan/steal : denied *
* permission to use illegally : denied *
* permission to use on /dev/urandom : denied *
/* contact el8@press.co.jp for full license */
/* code copyrighted by ~el8 -- don't infringe! */
/* code is a tad bit broken */
/* [-------------by bob----------] */
/* cat gay.c | obfuse gay.ob.c */
/* cat gay.c | obfuse - > gay.ob.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CHAR "_" /* "A" "Y" "oO" "eE" "iI" "_l" */
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
int i = 0 , c = 0 ;
char s [255] , g [2555] ;
FILE * out ;
if ( ( out = fopen ( argv[1] , "w+" ) ) == NULL || !strcmp(argv[0],"-"))
out = stdout;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( feof ( stdin ) )
exit( 0 ) ;
if ( scanf ( "%s" , s ) == 1 )
printf ( "#define " ) ;
for ( c = i ; c >= 0 ; c-- ) { printf ( CHAR ) ; fprintf ( out , CHAR ) ; }
printf ( " %s\n" , s ) ;
fprintf ( out, "\n" ) ;
if ( feof ( stdin ) )
exit ( 0 ) ;
i++ ;
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