Vermont DATUs NPA (802) by natas DATU # Serving Exchanges ====== ================= 244-9980 253, 256, 259, 244, 241 247-9980 247 265-9980 265 276-9980 276 352-9980 352 372-9980 372 394-9980 394 423-9980 423, 424 433-9980 985, 433 454-9980 454, 456 472-9980 472 525-9980 525 533-9980 533, 586 685-9980 685 695-9980 695 744-9980 744, 988 746-9980 746 763-9980 763 765-9980 765 *NOTE: partially broken! slowwwww motion!!* 766-9980 766, 873 767-9980 767 827-9980 827 848-9980 848 849-9980 456, 849 866-9980 866 867-9980 867 868-9980 868 889-9980 889 893-9980 893 899-9980 899 As you can see 9980 is the default assignment for DATUs on Verizon exchanges in Vermont. Passwords are still on factory default so please DO NOT mess with anything important, such as passwords used or exchanges served, because abuse will probably result in a password change or even a number change! So please don't screw it up for everybody else! PHREAK V3RM0NT!