How To Datu By: Majestic 1/12 " ( Warning Disclaimer ) All material(s) in this text file are intended for informational use only, it is not the authors intent to endorse fraud or help others in the pursuit of fraud. The author accepts no responsablity for any and all Fraudulant Activities that may come from the viewing of this text file. By downloading this file you the viewer accept all resposabliity for any repercutions that may come from abusing this information. " " Information is free, Crime costs! " Majestic 1/12 I have come to realize that the world of Phreaking is alot like Trial and Error, I myself hand scan all the numbers I come to own, and feel this is the only real way to extract all the information needed to continue on my ventures. Like all Phreakers I set out to discover the mad world of " ESS " and ways to make free calls. I came to discover a " PBX " or " Diverter " was not at all hard to find. Keeping the number secure was yet another matter! I went to all of the normal places on the net to view text files from the old Skool Era, and found alot of the material I had already known. It wasn't until I actually started calling into the " Voice Bridges " that I became really interested in the " Datu Systems ". I had friends that were really into REMOB back in the day, telling me how much fun it was to listen in on the conversations thier nieghbors held. When I found my first Datu, with Passcode, I thought I was going to be able to play phone god and take over lines, this was my first mistake. Sure I called in, entered a random number and was givin the prompt listed below. Being the inexperienced lamer at the time, I started trying the Permenant Signal Rlease, followed by a quick call back to check the line! I was defeated, as my attempt to take out a phone was deflected by my own stupidity! I called the Datu up again and actually listened to the woman's automated voice. This time when I pressed # 9, I heard " Permanent Signal Release Disabled, ( Pause ) ... OK Audio Monitor ... " After this I was redirected to the Datu Main Menu and I hung up! After further investigation into the Datu functions it was brought to my attention that along with the default codes to access the Datu, there were also sets of Admin Defaults that were needed in order to actually set up the functions. So with this I give you the information needed to help guide you to understanding the world of the Datu! Please read the information closely, as it will indeed give you insight! Step # 1: Dial Datu Access Number. Step # 2: Enter Datu Password. Step # 3: Dial Seven digit subscriber line number. Step # 4: Datu will respond with " Connected to XXX - XXXX " " OK " "Connected to XXX - XXXX, Busy LIne, Audio Monitor " Non pair gain lines proceed to Step # 7: " Note " If the line is busy the Datu will not access the DC by-pass pair or the Metallic Access Unit. Step # 5: SLC lines: If the line is idle Datu will respond " Pair Gain Line " Followed by " Processing " ( " Processing " may be repeated for up to 25 seconds. ) Datu will voice message: ____________________________________________________________ Single PartyLine (GOOD) Multi-Party LIne Followed by Coin LIne " Enter RT Number " ____________________________________________________________ Channel Not available (No Bad Channel test results) PGTC Failure/By-Pass If same recording is heard Pair Busy repeatededly, alert supervisor Pair Gain System Alarm (Alert Supervisor) ____________________________________________________________ step # 6: If Good ( Or Bad ) Channel test results, enter the RT number, Dial" * " to end,( " ** " to toggle on or off the Alpha Mode. ) Enter the pair number, Dial " * " to end. Dial " 0 * " to existing DC Test Pair. Datu will connect to the by-pass Pair or call the Metallic Access Unit in the RT, except when bypass is busy or Pair Gain system is in Alarm. See Step # 7 after Connection to remote site. Step # 7: Line Preperation Functional Dial Codes: 2 = Audio Monitor 33 = Short Tip and Ring to Ground 37 = Short Ring to ground ( Tip Open ) 38 = Short Tip to Ground ( Ring Open ) 44 = High Level Tone on Tip and Ring 47 = Gigh Level Tone on Ring ( Tip Grounded ) 48 = High Level Tone on Tip ( Ring Grounded ) 5 = Low Level Tone 6 = Open Line 7 = Short Line ( Tip to Ring ) 9 = Permanent Signal Release # = New Subscriber Line ## = Force Disconnect "MJ Notes" When accessing a Datu Unit you must know the Passcode which is usually a default of " 1234 or 2345 " I have noticed that when a Datu is called it will after prompted move straight to Step # 7 Line Preperation Function Dial Codes. The Audio Monitor option will sound with a low level sctratch type beep that cannot be decoded as talking to the human ear. this will only happen if the phone line called is currently busy. It has come to my attention that you also have to setup the Datu through the Admin Codes in order to actually have used the Datu correctly, otherwise you are accessing a totally dead and useless Phone Utility. The only use for a Datu without Admin features promted is to tell if someone is on thier phone, and yes boys and girls you are able to do that by just dialing the persons phone number. Now then I have givin you enough info on how to Datu, Now I will give you the actual Datu numbers and you can attempt to Datu all by yourselves... Play nice now ya'll! Datu Numbers: Area: NPA: Datu: Laurelton 718 528-8374 -8375 -8375 L.I.C 718 472-0567 -0572 -0576 Flushing 718 460-2775 -4055 -2861 -4155 Forest Hills 718 520-1207 -1320 -1518 -1553 Astoria 718 728-2432 278- 626- 204- 956- 267- Astoria Contd... 718 726-2722 2811 274- 932- 721- 545- 777- 546 Newton 718 424-0157 0173 429- 639- 426- 565- 507- 936- 803- Newton Contd... 718 651-9129 9139 3308 672- 478- 779- 334- 205- Yes Folks those are all valid Datu Numbers, enough that you could go read " Decoder's " Exchange Scanning " Article and figure out how you yourself can begin scanning out the local Datu's that may be in your own Area. Be advised that not all states have Datu test Units, Or it may be that I have just not found them yet... I hand scan all the numbers I get, and it takes alot of time, but I do get a very good amount of numbers that would be passed up on if scanned through a wardialer... I recommend Hand Scanning it is Uber 1337! Majestic 1/12 (404)