| \ | Oh DATU, my DATU \ | Compiled by: Cuebiz (Team Blaksheep) | | Contact: Fonez@ca.tc | | / ------------------------------------------/ ==========================Introduction------------ The Direct Access Test Unit, also known as DATU, has been somewhat the latest craze in the phreaking scene. There are tons of people getting/ sharing dialups, testing lines - trying to figure out how everything is put together. If you DID NOT know, DATU dialup's are used by linemen to test phone-lines for trouble; period. The Clone has written a REALLY GREAT file on the subject of using DATU, so I wont be discussing it; read his file, because it covers just about everything. In this file, I'd like to explain to you how everything is connected together just so you can kind of marvel at how much equipment is actually involved. Now, the following text is EXACTLY what I have in my DATU RT Users Guide; just so you know what I am talking about. /* Start DATU manual */ Harris Dracon Division The DATU RT Users Guide 1. Dial DATU Access number 2. Enter password 3. Dial seven digit subscriber number 4. DATU will respond "CONNECTED TO XXX-XXXX", "OK", or "CONNECTED TO XXX-XXXX, BUSY LINE, AUDIO MONITOR" Non pair gain ines proceed to step 7 Note: If busy line, DATU will not access the DC By-Pass Pair or the Metallic Acess Unit 5. SLC lines: if line is idle DATU will respond "PAIR GAIN LINE" followed by "Processing ("Processing" may be repeated for up to 25 seconds.) DATU will voice message: Single party line } (Good) Multi party line } Followed by Coin Line} "ENTER RT NUMBER" Channel Not Available (no/bad Channel test Results) PGTC Failure/By Pass If same recording is heard Pair Busy repeatedly, alert supervisor Pair Gain System Alarm (Alert Supervisor) 6. If good/bad Channel test results, enter the RT number dial "*" to end ("**" toggles on or off with Alpha mode). Enter Pair Number, dial "*" to end. Dial "0 *" to use existing DC TEST Pair. DATU will connect to the By-Pass Pair or call the Metallic Access Unit in the RT, except when By-Pass is busy or Pair Gain system is in Alarm. 7. LINE PREPERATION FUNCTION DIAL CODES: 2 = Audio Monitor 33 = Short Tip and Ring to ground 37 = Short Ring to ground (Tip open) 38 = Short Tip to ground (Ring open) 44 = High Level Tone on Tip and Ring 47 = High Level Tone on Ring (Tip grounded) 48 = High Level Tone on Tip (Ring grounded) 5 = Low Level Tone 6 = Open Line 7 = Short Line (Tip to Ring Short) 9 = Permanent Signal Release # = New Subscriber Line## = Force Disconnect * = Continue line preparation function after disconnect (system programmable from 1 to 99 minutes); enter number of minutes after "*"Single Line Access: 1. Dial the DATU access number 2. Enter the user password 3. Enter the "*" and subscriber number for non-pair gain lines or Enter "**" and subscriber's number for pair gain lines and then enter RT number. Dial "*" to end. Enter Pair Number. Dial "*" to end. 4. Enter function desired 5. Enter number of minutes to apply condition 6. Hand up and wait 30 seconds for DATU to access and condition line, (90 seconds for RT connection). Alpha Character Codes: [space]=11 A=21 F=33 K=52 P=71 U=82 Z=94 -=12 B=22 G=41 L=53 Q=74 V=83 ,=13 C=23 H=42 M=61 R=72 W=91 -=14 D=31 I=43 N=62 S=73 X=92 /=15 E=32 J=51 Q=63 T=81 Y=93 /* End DATU manual */ Acronym help: SLC = Subscriber Line Carrier RT = Remote Terminal PGTC = Pair Gain Test Controller The Diagram You should at least have a clue of what you've just read. Now, what really happens when you connect onto DATU? It seems that you dial into DATU – it picks up - you enter the code - you enter a line number - DATU grabs it – and you test the line, right? Here's how everything is ACTUALLY stacked together. Please don't mind my sloppy ASCII art diagram:( You ) : : <--- POTS Line : CENTRAL OFFICE : +------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : | | : | +----------+ +-----------+ +-------+ +------------------- --------------+ : | | | | | | Pair | | +--------------+ | +----|-| |------------: :-| Gain |--:-- --------------:No Test Trunk-: | | | | | Pair | | Test | | +--------------+ | | | DATU RT | | Gain | |Control| | Switch | | | | | | Applique | +-------+ | (ESS5, GTD5-EAX, etc) | | | | | | | | | | | |+--------+| | | | | | | || modem ||---------+ | | +---:-----X +--------+ | | |+--------+| : | | | | : : | | +----------+ : +-----------+ | | : : | | : | | : : | | +-----------------------+ | : : | | ^Modem POTS Line^ | : : | | | : : | | +-----:-- --------------:----------+ | | | | | +-----------+----------------+--------+ | | | : : | | | Central Office Terminal ---> | [ Channel Unit] [Channel Unit] | | | | : : | | | | +-----+ : : | | | | | | : : | | | | | MUX |---+ : | | | | | :--------------------+ | | | | +--+--+ | | | | : | | | +----:--------------------------------+ | +------------------------------ -------------------:----------------------------------+ * * NOTE: MUX = Multiplexer * * Cable/Satellite ---> * * * * REMOTE TERMINAL *+------------------- --------------------------------------+----------------------+| : || +--------- ----------------+ || | MUX (Multiplexer) | || +------ -------------------+ || : : || [ Channel Unit] [ Channel Unit ] : : || : : : : : : || : : : : : : || : : : : : : || : : : :+------------ --+ : || : : : : || : :+---------:------------------------------ --: || : : || +-----------+-----------+ : <--- POTS Line || | Channel Test Unit | : || +-----------------------+ : || : : : ||POTS Line -> : : : || : : : || : : :...............+ || : : : || : : +-------------------------+ || : : | : Metallic | || : : | +-------+ Access | || : +------------------: | Modem | Unit | || : | +-------+ | || : +-------------------------+ || : |+-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- --+ : : : <- Still a POTS Line : : ( Line Being Tested )The above Diagram taken from the Phone Punx Magazine figuire1.gif; I just converted it for your ASCII art viewing pleasures. Conclusion---------- That's it! I know that this file kind of sucks because of its length, but the diagram pretty much says it all. If there are any comments, complaints, etc; send them to me at Fonez@ca.tc.