Birthdays Suck Maybe I am just a realist, or maybe I am just moping in my own self-created world. Either way I have come to the conclusion that birthdays suck. Not in a bad or depressing way, but in a way that it reminds us that we are all human. It reminds us that we are just like everyone else in a humanity aspect. I mean, one day a year we are pulled back to the real world. Everyone has birthdays. I guess the trick is to gain something out of them, like a realization of one's self and emotions. Overeducatedness can sometimes be just as bad as being not educated at all. It tends to make you more aware of your own feelings and emotions, but scrambles the signal so that your brain goes crazy trying to understand itself. Life is a constant journey, and no matter what we do it is always going to be a challenge :) A set path to follow, but we get to choose the roads. Oh, how's our fault if we mess up. Walking down the halls of my highschool I notice many faces. Some faces of teenagers who have been neglected, and left to raise themselves. I have seen faces of those who have been tortured and harassed, those who know nothing of life other then bouncing a ball up and down a court and wearing Nike's. No matter what your lifestyle, we all still play by the same set of rules, it's the advantages in the game that differ. Intelligence is good and bad. Intelligence lets us weigh all of this and come to our own decisions, but it also drives us crazy because we try to perfect every single detail we come acrossed. Life is all about mood. It's about timing, mood, setting and frame of mind. We create our lives so to speak. We don't always have control over the events that occur in our lives, but for the most part we do choose the emotions that we feel. Tragedy is somehow my we sometimes set ourselves up to be let down. The key to my life is mastering those emotions. Making the events seperate from the emotions and choosing them like paint on a palette. Sometimes we just need to let it flow...let the paint take us wherever it wants to go. We will always end up somewhere, that's a cosmic rule. I sit in history class eighth grade, I was asked to talk about how something in my life relates to that of the Civil War in the U.S. . It was a big deal, counted as 60% of our final grade for the year. I wrote about how our school relates to a civil war. I wrote about how every day I was forced to come out on to the battle field and forced to put on my protective armor. Protective armor to shield myself from the arrows that came shooting at me. Whether the arrows were people, boring assignments, or whatever, I was forced to wear my armor. I wrote about how I am a stronger person then the arrows, how I am stronger then any war that could ever be waged. Because I faced a firing squad of obsticles, and failed to fall. Or maybe I succeeded to stand. Either way. I wrote about how History class is boring, and how if we must learn, then why can't we learn about life? I think that is why we were all put on this abundant plain..because we want to live? Needless to say, the history teacher less then agreed with me. I recieved a C-. I smiled anyway. I had succeeded and accomplished my goal. My paper had not one literary mistake, not one grammar mistake, not one logical mistake. My mistake was that of being human, and wanting to learn of life instead of politics. Let the politicians learn about politics. Until I need a 4 Senators from each corner of my room, I think that I will make out just fine. It's not just politics. I am extensively knowledgable in the area of politics, I just choose to worry about things that are more important to me. How about we concentrate on starving children and how the rainforest is going to garbage, instead of how many millions of dollars John Doe spent on his presidential campaign? Getting up in the morning and walking down the street is an adventure. An adventure of being in the cool breeze and an adventure of seeing people's faces, and seagulls searching for bread. My world exists in my mind I guess, it's probably what keeps me going. The fact that the real world is something that can be controlled by our own minds. Life is great, just gotta learn how to work it to your advantage. Love Truth Honesty Liberty Integrity Compassion Sympathy Information Wisdom Answer this for me. When you are on your death bed, are you going to worry about what you spent your life doing, or are you going to worry about what others spent their lives doing? Are you going to cry over getting a C - on a history report, or are you going to cry over wasting so many years worrying about taxes? Call up random phone numbers and talk to people. Buy a stranger at a pub a drink. Write about your day. Write about how birthdays suck, write about college or friends, just write. Read. Read about life, read about other peoples opinions...form your own opinions from them and write. I left one of the top highschools in NJ to go to a charter school with inner-city "delinquents." I carried a 3.6 grade point average, I got my varisty letters as a freshman, you name it. But I was unhappy. I was unhappy because the system didn't work for me. Instead of changing the system, I changed how I worked for the system. Going to the charter school has been rough. It has been one of those challenges and experiences where you just can't wait to get the hell home at the end of the day. But there is always a lesson....always. I have learned that you can't just do things right, you have to do them for the right reasons. I have learned that smart people screw up too. I have learned that no matter what you do in life, only you can make you happy. Most importantly, I have learned to rise above the chains that hold you down. Strive for something more. So, maybe I am a realist. ::shrug:: It's all about life. The score is 90 to 10, we're still winning. - TheHex - If you want to know what 90:10 up on my next article....I may include it. Or you can always drop me an email.