A small program that I wrote to clear the CMOS, and thus the password. This may come in use if you don't have the backdoors (older BIOS's had backdoor passwords. I don't think its as common now) or you forgot your password. This can also be useful if for some other reason, you can't get into the CMOS. In other words, if you are having a CMOS problem, this might just help you out. I wrote it merely because I needed to get into a CMOS, in order to change some settings so I could repair a few computers after CIH hit it. Once you have ran the program, just reboot. You'll get a CMOS checksum error, or the like, where you can enter the BIOS and do what you need. Of course you'll have to enter HDD configurations but that shouldn't be a problem. If the computer needs a BIOS password in order to boot, this program is useless (unless of course its already booted). You'll have to pull the battery out or cause a short to reset it. I made this program available in two formats for the paranoid. Some people do not trust certain file formats for viable reasons. There is is one .EXE and one .COM. Please do not use this program in the wrong way. This is a simple, common ultility that is freely available, and is certainly not the only like it. For the curious, this was written in x86 Assembly. Have fun, Metgod metgod@hfactorx.org