|____________________________________________________________________| | | | Installing Nmap On A ksh or Korn Shell | | By Cynical of The Datacore (TDC) | |____________________________________________________________________| Intro: Installing nmap on a ksh shell is easy stuff. Some people just need a little extra help on getting there nmap scanner up. If you have no clue what i am talking about (Ex. shells, ksh) Then just close this. You won't find that in this article. Look for "Basic Shell Info" at www.tdcore.com to learn more about them. NMAP: What is nmap? Nmap is a stealth port scanner for network security. In other words scans for open ports etc. (At this moment nmap-2.12.tgz is the most resent version.) SHELL: You probably will need a free shell so go to www.cyberspace.org on your internet browser and register a ksh shell. Put down false info. *Common sense talking* LOGON: I'm not going through the login process at all. Again look for "Basic Shell Info" at www.tdcore.com on how to do this. Type in your user logon and password. Hopefully you got it right. After getting in get to know the commands a little or just jump write to getting nmap downloaded and setup. NMAP DOWNLOAD: Type: lynx www.insecure.org In your telnet window. It will bring you to the insecure.org page. Useing the arrow buttons go down to DOWNLOADS and click enter. If need be use the arrow buttons to get to "nmap-2.12.tgz. (It maybe already highlighted.) Press Enter to download. It will then ask you if you'd lke to download or cancel. Type "D". It will download the program and then ask you where to save the program to. Save it on the disk or hard disk. Move to "Save to disk and hit enter. (Maybe high lighted.) It will ask you want to name the program just hit enter. To get out of Lynx Download Options Hit "q" and then "y" for yes. It will then bring you back to root shell $. THE INSTALL: type "ls" and hit enter if nmap-2.12.tgz is that jump around or do your happy dance but its not over. rename the file by entering the command "mv nmap-2.12.tgz nmap.tgz" this will rename nmap-2.12tgz to nmap.tgz. Duh you tell me. Now enter the command "tar -xvzf nmap.tgz This will install nmap After its done decompressing itself type "ls" and is the new dir (directory) it has made. Enter the command "rm namp.tgz" this will delete nmap.tgz. Now enter the command "cd nmap-2.12" to enter into the nmap dir. Type "ls". It will display files and dirs in the nmap dir. type ./configure nmap. It will go throw checks and setups on your shell. (This may take some time so go play with yourself or something :) ) Next type "ls" to get the files in the nmap dir and then enter "make" and hit enter. It'll make and check more shit. (This will also take some time :) Oh the joys eh?) We are now ready to run nmap-2.12! RUNNING NMAP: We are ready to run the program! type the command "./nmap -sT -v 'ip or www.url.com'" (when in nmap dir) it will then scan the web site! we are now complete have fun. By: Cynical ----This document is property of The Datacore, [www.tdcore.com]. It may be freely distributed as long as it stays---- ----intact and credit is given to the author. This tag may not be removed.----