....:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::....
     ..::'''' '                                                  ` ````::..
   .::'      __   .__.__  .__                                            `::.
  .::       |  | _|__|  | |  | _____    _____  ______ ______  ______       ::.
 .::        |  |/ /  |  | |  | \__  \   \__  \ \____ \\____ \/  ___/        ::.                                          
 .:.        |    <|  |  |_|  |__/ __ \_  / __ \|  |_> >  |_> >___ \         .:.                                          
 ::         |__|_ \__|____/____(____  / (____  /   __/|   __/____  >         ::                                         
 ..              \/                 \/       \/|__|   |__|       \/          ..                                         
    Y'all dawgs best ta grab deez phat appz, y0.  Hataz to the BACK!!!!  
    Plaaayazz gett da fukk UP!!  Girrrliez, rub on your tittiez!  That's 
    right, rub on yer tittiezZz!
    Yeah, anyways.  These are our apps-n-projects.
         _   _                                                    _   _
        ((___))                                                  ((___))     
        [ x x ]       _ _/ cDc GRAND IMPERIAL DYNASTY \_ _       [ x x ]
         \   /        _ _        MCMLXXXIV A.D.        _ _        \   /
         (' ')           \  VOLANDO, REPTILIA SPERNO  /           (' ')
          (U) (U)

                              [apps] | [projects]
                                ::::: apps :::::
    2019-11-11 - "Stunt Banana" by DilDog

    2019-06-29 - "Remote Net" by Sir Dystic

    2008-07-16 - "cDc T-File Reader for the Sony PSP & other portable
                 devices" by BlindAssassin

    2008-02-20 - "Goolag Scanner" by Krass Katt

	2007-09-09 - "eCoder Ring" by Flack (Manual)

    2007-08-04 - "xB Machine" by Arrakis

    2007-08-02 - "Saffron Dynamic Instrumentation Code" by Danny Quist
                 (co-released with Offensive Computing)

    2006-11-08 - "batch-0-matic" by Flack (.rar)

    2006-09-19 - "Torpark" by Arrakis

    2006-08-04 - "Sasser FTPD Metasploit Exploit Module"
                 by Valsmith and Chamuco (co-released with Offensive

    2006-08-04 - "VMDetect" by Danny Quist (cpp|exe, co-released with
                 Offensive Computing)

    2006-07-21 - "ScatterChat" by J. Salvatore Testa II

    2003-03-01 - "The Six/Four System" by Mixter

    2002-07-13 - "Camera/Shy" by The Pull

    2001-03-31 - "SMBRelay" by Sir Dystic

    2000-07-15 - "NetE" by Sir Dystic

    2000-07-15 - "NBName" by Sir Dystic

    2000-07-15 - "Whisker v1.4" by Rain Forest Puppy

    2000-06-01 - "RasEnum" by Sir Dystic

    1999-09-01 - "PECrunch" by Sir Dystic

    1999-08-01 - "CowWnd" and "CowHoles" by Sir Dystic

    1999-07-10 - "Back Orifice 2000" by DilDog

    1999-03-01 - "RPCDump" by Sir Dystic

    1998-10-02 - "BUTTSniffer" by DilDog

    1998-08-10 - "BUTTPlugs" by Various Artists

    1998-08-01 - "Back Orifice" by Sir Dystic


                              ::::: projects :::::

    2008-12-19 - "Tao Te Ching for Gameboy" by Jake Edward Kara

    2008-09-05 - "cDc Mobile Content Package" by Hella Kitty

    2006-12-25 - "Wave Bubble" by Lady Ada

    2005-08-15 - "Automated Prayer Project" by Javaman

    1995-11-01 - "Spinning Cowskull of Death" by Reid Fleming and G.A.


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