Simple and Effective Physical Security Case Mods ------------------------------------------------ Written by P(?)NYB(?)Y Tuesday, 27 December 2005 Privacy and security are important issues for most hackers. Many of us go to great lengths to protect the data on our machines. And, for the most part, we do a fairly good job at it. We know the importance of setting WEP encryption on our wireless networks, and scanning our machines for viruses and holes in security. But, in our struggle to keep people from accessing our information from the outside, many of us seem to forget about the security threats walking around your house every day. In order to have complete protection, you need to be in total control of who has access to your box and when they have it. After all, you don't want your mom getting on your computer to do stupid mom stuff and finding your 80 GBs of porn and MP3s. So, I dreamed up this little mod to keep out such prying eyes. The first concept is really simple, if people can't use the mouse or keyboard, they can't access your machine. You'll need to have a case with a locking door over the drive bays. Just drill two holes in a free space behind the door and put in two SPST switches. Then desolder the keyboard jack from the motherboard and solder in a length of wire to one pole of the first switch and then from the second pole back to the space on the motherboard where the keyboard jack once connected. Do the same for the mouse plug. Now flip both of the switches into the off position and try to type something or move the mouse. You shouldn't be able to do either. This is good, because it means you did everything right. Just close and lock the door to your case. Now you can leave your computer alone without worry. Unless, of course, your mom is some kind of uber-hacker, in which case i'm single. Let's say you were running late for work or school or whatnot, and you forgot to lock your computer case door. The following concept provides an extra layer of security on top of the provisions supplied by the last concept. This concept brings back the locking case. Heck, you might even want to use the same computer we did the previous modifications to. What you will need here is some wire and a key-switch. A key switch is just what it sounds like, a switch that makes use of a key to flip between poles. You can really use any kind of key-switch you want as long as it is single pole. I used one with a cylindrical lock, simply because they are much harder to pick with standard lockpicks than a pin-tumbler lock. The modification itself is very simple. You'll want to open up your case and remove the entire powerswitch. Then just insert the key-switch in its place (you might have to drill a larger hole for the switch) and wire it up to the same places the original power button connected to. This will prevent people from simply being able to turn your computer on whenever they want. Only a person with a key to the lock can turn it on. If you wanted to, you could even leave the original power button in place and add the key-switch into the circuit in a way so that pressing the power button would have no effect until the key-switch was activated. A good friend of mine, when speaking about phyiscal security, told me that the most important part of physical is to know your attacker. You have to know who it is you are trying to keep out of your files, and you have to know what lengths they are willing to go to get access. This article was written with that in mind, so don't expect these mods to keep everyone out. Just to secure your box a littlefurther, you might want to employ the concept described in the article "Building Cheap ID Cards" by barfbag (2600 magazine, issue 21:4) as well as install a hardware keylogger. However,remember that neither of these two added security measures will work until the switch for the keyboard is turned on. Shouts to everyone, especially mesa and all the folks who help make BellCoreRadio great. Keep hacking.