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Reader Responses to Issue Challenges

Issue 1 Challenge: Program that reads its own command line (11 bytes)

        mov     esi,081h
        int     029h    ;Fast char writing!
        xor     al,0dh
        jnz     DoItAgain
...Sexus Sexy

Issue 2 Challenge: Smallest Possible PE program that reads its own command line

include win32api.inc

.model flat,STDCALL

extrn           GetCommandLineA                 :proc
extrn           MessageBoxA                     :proc
extrn            ExitProcess                    :proc

        db      013h

                mov     eax,EndMain-Main-5              ;Real size of program!  
                call    GetCommandLineA
                push    MB_OK
                call    @1
                db      "GetCommandLine",0
                push    eax
                push    NULL
                call    MessageBoxA
                call    ExitProcess
end             Main
...Sexus Sexy
Issue 3 Challenge: Convert an ASCII representation of a hexadecimal digit to binary (6 bytes)

I'm not quite sure what is meant by that, I will guess that it means convert an ASCII byte into its hex equivalent. For '0'-'9' and 'A'-'F' (but not 'a'-'f') the following works, assuming the ASCII byte is AL. This uses undocumented forms of AAM and AAD which may not assemble or run everywhere:

     SUB AL, 30h
     AAM 10h         ; db D4h, 10h
     AAD 09h         ; db D5h, 09h