/------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | _______ | | | | | | ____ __ __ ____ __ _____ _____ | __| | | / __ \ | \ | | / __ \ | | / _ \ / ___| | |__ | | / __ \ | \| | / __ \ | |__ | |_| || |_---\ |___ \ | | /__| |__\|__|\___|/__| |__\|_____| \_____/ \______| --__| | | | | | | | a n a l o g | | | | \_______/ | | | \------------------------------------------------------------------/ . Issue # 04 . | The Hak.5 | . . : -----|---- |------------ | E - Zine | ------------| ----|--- : |--------------|-- \--------------/ --|------------| -------------------------------------------------------------- Analog.5 is a hacking eZine designed by the Hak5 community, for the Hak5 community. The editors of Analog.5 ask you to create articles to appear in the ezine and help bring technolust to the masses. Articles can be any size, and submited by email. Almost all entries are instantly accepted. This zine is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license. If you don't want your work to be redistributed, do not submit. Analog5@Live.com Famicoman Gameman73 Mubix Famicoman@live.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jd.mubix@gmail.com Editor-In-Chief Executive editor Executive Editor Table Of Contents. Section.0.Analog.5: Update.....................................Famicoman Section.1.Casters Corner: Issue #9...........................Issue9Ethan The Amazing Analog.5 Logo and Ascii Art was Designed by Sprecker |--------------|--------------\______________/--------------|------------| : |-----|----------------/ \-----------------|---| : . Section 0 . |--------------| |--------------| . . Analog.5: Update The Wiki had some major downtime, so the amount of submissions for this issue are slim. I did however manage to get the new "Casters Corner" section up. So anyone with a podcast, netcast, iptv show, etc. can write a bit about it and send it my way to be included. -Famicoman Famicoman@live.com http://hackinacan.siteled.com |--------------|--------------\______________/--------------|------------| : |-----|----------------/ \-----------------|---| : . Section 1 . |--------------| |--------------| . Caster . Caster's Corner: Issue #9 Issue9 is a semi-new vidcast out of Creston/Wadsworth, Ohio. So far we've had 4 releases and we have episode 4 upcomming, Issue9 started out of the remains of my first (failed) vidcast which was called "The Underground" hence my first nickname in irc "Underground5", The Underground never really took off mainly because me and my friend who wanted to start it had a shitty camera,a crappy Verizon web account, and no idea really on what we were doing. When we went to tape the first episode on Augest 15th, 2006 we realized all that we had sucked, but we did release an episode, all that was on it was a tribute to the old Screen Savers from tech tv and an apology explaining why we didn't have a release, (if you really wanted to see it you could probobly find it on google video). We decided that we were just gonna re-attempt the show at a later time. Then later my friend who i originally wanted to do "The Underground" with didn't want to do the show anymore so I just gave up on iptv for a few months. Then in late October of 2006, I was hanging out with my friend Cory and we just decided to make an iptv show. Alot of people have asked me what the name "Issue#9" means and it really just means nothing, other than it sounding cool me and my co-host Cory were rideing our bikes around Creston Ohio and there were all these voteing signs sticking up in people's yards, and to be funny I hit one of them with my bike, and then later on in the day we just kept running the signs over with our bikes. Later on when it was getting dark, we were just looking around for something to call the show and then we rode past a house that had an "Issue#9" sign on the lawn and then we both said "dude,...." from that moment forward the show was called Issue9. I saved up for a Mini Dv cam and boom iptv show, so far we've just been doing random stuff on the show but I can tell you this, as of 9:14pm, May 17th, 2007 episode 4 of Issue9 has stuff that is so good it kills everything that we have ever done before in a second it really is just great and I don't wanna spoil any of it. We're not sure of the release date yet but episode 4 just keeps getting better, both me and Cory are proud of it. You can find the show at www.issue9.us and you can send me or cory an e-mali at issue9fans@gmail.com -Issue9ethan Issue9fans@gmail.com http://issue9.us -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Send your *cast info to Analog5@live.com to be printed | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . -----|---- |--------------| |--------------| ----|--- . |--------------|-- \--------------/ --|------------| --------------------------------------------------------------