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file2chan - create file connected to Limbo channel

Rread: type chan of (array of byte, string);
Rwrite: type chan of (int,          string);
FileIO: adt
    read:  chan of (int, int,           int, Rread);
    write: chan of (int, array of byte, int, Rwrite);
file2chan: fn(dir, file: string): ref FileIO;

## returns nil on failure.


The file2chan function provides an interface for creating a Limbo channel and an associated entry (file) in the file namespace. A client communicates with the server using open, read and write. The system transforms the client's file operations into tuples that are delivered to the server on the channel associated with file. When the server responds, the client's file operations complete.

Although file semantics are used, the goal does not have to be the creation of a server to replicate the duties of existing file systems (for example, persistent storage of data). The server can be designed to provide new services.

Note: The interface to the file2chan function has changed since Inferno 1.0. The interface formerly had a third argument, flags, that specified the options for mounting the server device #s. The mount of the #s device must now be performed explicitly, before the file2chan function is called.

#s, the Limbo file channel server device

Before a file2chan operation is performed, the #s device must be bound to the desired directory. For example:

sys->bind("#s", "/chan", sys->MBEFORE);


file2chan: fn(dir, file: string): ref FileIO;
The file2chan function returns a FileIO type holding two channels used by the system to deliver Tread and Twrite Styx messages to the server. See Introduction to Limbo Modules in Chapter 7. The arguments are:
dir The existing directory where the file is to be created.
file The file created by file2chan. It is held in a directory containing just that one file unioned in dir.


When the client invokes the read system call on the file, the server receives a tuple, (offset, count, fid, rc), on the read channel of returned ref FileIO. The server should interpret that request as follows:
offset The offset from the beginning of the file.
count The size of the data request.
fid An unique identifier for managing multiplexed requests on file.
rc The channel for delivery of the requested data.

To allow the client to complete its read request successfully, the server should respond by sending into rc a tuple, (data, nil), where data satisfies the client's request.

To create an unsuccessful read request for the client, the server should respond on rc with a tuple,(nil, errmsg), where errmsg is a string describing the error condition. The errmsg string becomes the system error for the client (See print, fprint, sprint - print formatted output).

The client blocks in its read system call until the server sends its reply.


When the client does a write system call on the file, the server receives a tuple, (offset, data, fid, wc), on the write channel of the returned ref FileIO. That request should be interpreted as follows:
offset The offset from the beginning of the file where the data should be written.
data The data to be written into the file.
fid An unique identifier for managing multiplexed requests on file.
wc A channel for delivery of a write-response message.

The server should respond with a tuple (count, string) on wc, the channel received in the tuple from the write channel. To indicate a successful write operation to the client the server's response should be (count, nil), where count is the number of bytes (for example, len data) received from the client.

To make the client's write request fail, the server's response should be (0, errmsg), where errmsg describes the problem. The errmsg string becomes the system error for the client (See print, fprint, sprint - print formatted output).

The client blocks in its write system call until the server sends its reply.


When file is closed for reading (writing), the server will receive a read (write) message with a nil rc (wc). The server can use these events to determine when to stop processing for a given fid.


The fid received by the server can be used to manage the multiplexing of multiple active clients sharing a single file. See Introduction to Limbo Modules in Chapter 7 for details.


The read and write system calls for the file will not return until the server sends its reply on the appropriate channel. Consequently, the process doing the read or write should not be the one serving, to avoid deadlock.

Examples - file2chan

This code fragment illustrates the use of file2chan to add a database control file to the namespace:

sys->bind("#s", "/chan", sys->MBEFORE);
dbio := file2chan("/chan", "dbctl");
for(;;) alt{
	(off, count, fid, rc) := <-dbio.read =>
		;#someone's reading from my file
		#if they've sent a query, give them
		#the results
	(off, data, fid, wc) := <-dbio.write =>
		;#someone's writing to my file
		#maybe a query, maybe adding data to DB

The following program illustrates the tuples received when a read or write is performed on the file created using file2chan.

implement Fchan;
# On the server:
# 	$ bind '#I' /net
# 	$ fchan /dir file
# 	$ lib/srv
# On the client:
# 	$ bind '#I' /net
# 	$ lib/cs
# 	$ mount net!server_name /path/dir
# 	$ cd /path/dir
# 	$ ls	
#	$ cat file 	# does sys->read on file 
#	$ echo something > file		# does sys->write to file
include "sys.m";
	sys: Sys;
include "draw.m";
	Context: import Draw ;
progname: string;
Fchan: module
	init: fn(nil: ref Context, argv: list of string);
init(nil: ref Context, argv: list of string)
	progname = hd argv;
	argv = tl argv;
	sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
	stderr := sys->fildes(2);
	if(len argv != 2){
		sys->fprint(stderr,"%s: usage: <dirname> <file>\n", 
	dirname := hd argv; argv = tl argv;
	filename := hd argv; argv = tl argv;
#	Note explicit binding of #s for Inferno 2.0 file2chan
	sys->bind("#s", dirname, sys->MBEFORE);
	f2chanio := sys->file2chan(dirname, filename);
#	Inferno1.1 way:
#	f2chanio := sys->file2chan(dirname, filename, 
#					sys->MBEFORE);
	if(f2chanio == nil) {
		sys->fprint(stderr, "%s: f2chanio file2chan: %r\n", 
	spawn waiter(f2chanio, dirname, filename);
waiter(f2chanio: ref sys->FileIO, 					dirname, filename: string) 
	t : string ;
# now wait for read or write on /dirname/filename
	for (;;) {
	    alt {
		(woffset, wdata, wfid, wc) := <-f2chanio.write =>
			if(wc != nil){	# print write data on server
				sys->print("offset      :%d\n", woffset);
				sys->print("data        :%s\n", string wdata);
				sys->print("len (data)  :%d\n", len wdata);
				sys->print("fid         :%d\n", wfid);
				sys->print("wc          :%x\n", wc);
				wc <- = (len wdata, nil);	# report success
				continue ;
		(roffset, rcount, rfid, rc) := <-f2chanio.read =>
			if(rc != nil){	# send read data back to client
				t = sys->sprint("%s\noffset:\t%d\ncount 
:\t%d\nfid   :\t%d\nrc    :\t%x\n",
					"\nFileIO.read:\n------------", roffset, 
rcount, rfid, rc);
				d := array of byte t;	# cast for rc
				n := len d ;
				if(rcount >= n){	# OK to send as is
					rc <-= (d, nil);	# deliver data to client
					n = 0;
				}else{	# truncate and send
					rc <-= (d[0:rcount], nil);
					d = d[rcount:n];
					n -= rcount;
		} # alt
	} # for
} # waiter

See Also

System Module Overview
byte2char, char2byte - conversion functions
open, create - open/create a file for reading or writing
read, write, stream - read, write, or stream file
print, fprint, sprint - print formatted output
Introduction to Limbo Modules in Chapter 7

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