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logind - login daemon



Started by lib/srv (see srv - start server daemons in Chapter 6) to service request on the inflogin port (6673/tcp) and provide a identity authentication (that is, 'signer') service. Ultimately the client receives authentication information (a certificate) that can be used to establish identity with other hosts who are willing to honor certificates from this signer.

The signer constructs the certificate from:

The protocol involves an exchange of information between the client and server. The client side of this exchange can be managed by the Login module. See Login module - communicate with certificate authority for a description of the module and the protocol.

Client and server communicate over the Secure Socket Layer Device (see ssl - secure sockets layer device).


See Also

changelogin - command to create/update the password file
Login module - communicate with certificate authority
ssl - secure sockets layer device
ssl - secure sockets layer device in Chapter 2
srv - start server daemons in Chapter 6

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