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IPint adt - 'infinite' precision integer utility functions

include "keyring.m"
keyring:= load Keyring Keyring->PATH;
#infinite precision integers
IPint: adt
  x:    int;
  iptob64:   fn(i: self ref IPint): string;
  b64toip:   fn(str: string)  : ref IPint;
  iptobytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte;
  bytestoip:	fn(buf: array of byte): ref IPint;
  inttoip:	fn(i: int): ref IPint;
  iptoint:	fn(i: self ref IPint): int;
  iptostr:	fn(i: self ref IPint, base: int): string;
  strtoip:	fn(str: string, base: int): ref IPint;

  # create a random large integer 
  # using the accelerated generator
  random:    fn(minbits, maxbits: int): ref IPint;

  bits:      fn(i:  self ref IPint): int;
  expmod:    fn(base: self ref IPint, exp, mod: 
                            ref IPint):ref IPint;
  add:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
  sub:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
  neg:  fn(i: self ref IPint): ref IPint;
  mul:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
  div:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): (ref IPint, 
ref IPint);
  eq:   fn(i1:  self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;
  cmp:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;


The IPint adt provides the following integer manipulation functions required for cryptographic support in Limbo:


iptob64:  fn(i: self ref IPint): string;
## returns base 64 string; nil on error.
The iptob64 function converts a large integer to a base 64 string for convenient transmission over a network connection.


b64toip:  fn(str: string): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The b64toip function performs the inverse operation of iptob64.


iptobytes:  fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte;
## returns nil on error.
The iptobytes function converts a large integer to an array of bytes for faster communication to the kernel ssl device.


bytestoip:  fn(buf: array of byte): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The bytestoip function performs the inverse operation of iptobytes.


inttoip:  fn(i: int): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The inttoip function creates a new large integer from an int.


iptoint:  fn(i: self ref IPint): int;
## returns converted integer; 0 on error.
The iptoint function converts a large integer to an int.


iptostr:  fn(i: self ref IPint, base: int): string;
## returns nil on error.
The iptostr function converts a large integer to a string in base base.


strtoip:  fn(str: string, base: int): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The strtoip function converts a string in base base to a large integer.

random (minbits, maxbits)

random:  fn(minbits, maxbits: int): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The random function generates large random numbers with a range of minbits to maxbits. The maximum number allowed in the current implementation is 228192-1. The seed for the generator is obtained by dueling clocks. IPint types are manipulated during security protocols.

bits (i)

bits:  fn(i: self ref IPint): int
The bits function returns the number of bits of precision in IPint.

expmod (base, exp, mod)

expmod:  fn(base: self ref IPint, exp, mod: ref IPint): 
ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The expmod function returns baseexp mod mod.


add:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The add function returns the sum of i1 and i2.


sub:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The sub function returns the difference of i1 and i2.


mul:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
## returns nil on error.
The mul function returns the product of i1 and i2.


div:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): 
(ref IPint, ref IPint);
## returns (nil, nil) on error.
The div function returns a tuple that represents the (quotient, remainder) of i1 divided by i2.

eq (i1, i2)

eq:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;
## returns 1 for equality; 0 otherwise.
The eq function is a simple comparison of two IPints, which returns 1 if the two are equal, 0 otherwise.


cmp:  fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;
The cmp function compares two large integers, returning 1 if i1 is larger and -1 if i2 is larger.

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