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Channel Operator

After a channel is declared and initialized, it can send and receive data of the type specified in its declaration. Using the channel operator, <-, a channel sends or receives data, depending on which side of the operator the channel identifier is on.

Send Operator

As a postfix operator (channel identifier on the left), the channel operator acts as a send operator. It transmits the result of the expression supplied as its right operand on the channel specified as its left operand. For example:

	c <-= 4;					# send int on 'c'

Receive Operator

As a prefix operator (channel identifier on the right), the channel operator acts as a receive operator. The channel receives the data supplied as the operand. The received value may then be manipulated by other operators. For example, it can be assigned to a variable or used as an operand in an expression:

	i := <-c;					# assign value received on c to i
	func(<-c);					# pass value received on c to func

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