$2600 Vol. 26, No. 3 - Staff
Editor-in-Chief:Emmanuel Goldstein
Associate Editor:Redhackt
Layout and Design:Skram
Cover:Dabu Ch'wald
Office Manager:Tampruf
WritersAcidus, Bernie S., BillSF, Bland Inquisitor, Evil Corley, Dragorn, Paul Estev, Mr. French, glutton, Javaman, Joe630, Graverose, Kingpin, Kn1ghtl0rd, Kevin Mitnick, OSIN, The Prophet, David Ruderman, Screamer Chaotix, Silent Switchman, StankDawg, Mr. Upsetter
Network Operations:css
Broadcast Coordinator:Juintz, thal
IRC Admins:beave, mangala, koz, r0d3nt
Forum Admin:Skram
Inspirational Music:Hypernova, Arctic Monkeys, Diana Ross, Los Aterciopelados, Dobie Gray, PSB
Shout Outs:MC Manus, Shelly Stone, Jarlacher, The Rude Dude, Mograf, Apple V, phillyboombotz, MAD, Rob & Peg, Aldert, Koen, Kyle, h1kari, volt4ire, London 2600, the Dublin crew, the staff and attendees of ToorCamp and HAR

"There is no need for any individual to have a computer in their home."

    --- Ken Olson, president, Digital Equipment Corp., 1977